Data Science Foundations
Project Part 3: 1-Step Look Ahead¶
Instructor: Wesley Beckner
Today we're working on a more advanced AI structure: 1-step lookahead.
3.0 Preparing Environment and Importing Data¶
3.0.1 Import Packages¶
import random
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class TicTacToe:
# can preset winner and starting player
def __init__(self, winner='', start_player=''):
self.winner = winner
self.start_player = start_player
self.board = {1: ' ',
2: ' ',
3: ' ',
4: ' ',
5: ' ',
6: ' ',
7: ' ',
8: ' ',
9: ' ',}
self.win_patterns = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9],
[1,4,7], [2,5,8], [3,6,9],
[1,5,9], [7,5,3]]
# the other functions are now passed self
def visualize_board(self):
def check_winning(self):
for pattern in self.win_patterns:
values = [self.board[i] for i in pattern]
if values == ['X', 'X', 'X']:
self.winner = 'X' # we update the winner status
return "'X' Won!"
elif values == ['O', 'O', 'O']:
self.winner = 'O'
return "'O' Won!"
return ''
def check_stalemate(self):
if (' ' not in self.board.values()) and (self.check_winning() == ''):
self.winner = 'Stalemate'
return "It's a stalemate!"
class GameEngine(TicTacToe):
def __init__(self, setup='auto'):
self.setup = setup
def heuristic_ai(self, player_label):
opponent = ['X', 'O']
opponent = opponent[0]
avail_moves = [i for i in self.board.keys() if self.board[i] == ' ']
temp_board = self.board.copy()
middle = 5
corner = [1,3,7,9]
side = [2,4,6,8]
# first check for a winning move
move_found = False
for move in avail_moves:
temp_board[move] = player_label
for pattern in self.win_patterns:
values = [temp_board[i] for i in pattern]
if values == [player_label, player_label, player_label]:
move_found = True
if move_found:
temp_board[move] = ' '
# check if the opponent has a winning move
if move_found == False:
for move in avail_moves:
temp_board[move] = opponent
for pattern in self.win_patterns:
values = [temp_board[i] for i in pattern]
if values == [opponent, opponent, opponent]:
move_found = True
if move_found:
temp_board[move] = ' '
# check corners
if move_found == False:
move_corner = [val for val in avail_moves if val in corner]
if len(move_corner) > 0:
move = random.choice(move_corner)
move_found = True
# check if middle avail
if move_found == False:
if middle in avail_moves:
move_found = True
move = middle
# check side
if move_found == False:
move_side = [val for val in avail_moves if val in side]
if len(move_side) > 0:
move = random.choice(move_side)
move_found = True
return move
def random_ai(self):
while True:
move = random.randint(1,9)
if self.board[move] != ' ':
return move
def setup_game(self):
if self.setup == 'user':
players = int(input("How many Players? (type 0, 1, or 2)"))
self.player_meta = {'first': {'label': 'X',
'type': 'ai'},
'second': {'label': 'O',
'type': 'human'}}
if players != 2:
# Allow the user to set the ai level
level = int(input("select AI level (1, 2)"))
if level == 1:
self.ai_level = 1
elif level == 2:
self.ai_level = 2
print("Unknown AI level entered, this will cause problems")
if players == 1:
first = input("who will go first? (X, (AI), or O (Player))")
if first == 'O':
self.player_meta = {'second': {'label': 'X',
'type': 'ai'},
'first': {'label': 'O',
'type': 'human'}}
elif players == 0:
first = random.choice(['X', 'O'])
if first == 'O':
self.player_meta = {'second': {'label': 'X',
'type': 'ai'},
'first': {'label': 'O',
'type': 'ai'}}
self.player_meta = {'first': {'label': 'X',
'type': 'ai'},
'second': {'label': 'O',
'type': 'ai'}}
elif self.setup == 'auto':
first = random.choice(['X', 'O'])
if first == 'O':
self.start_player = 'O'
self.player_meta = {'second': {'label': 'X',
'type': 'ai'},
'first': {'label': 'O',
'type': 'ai'}}
self.start_player = 'X'
self.player_meta = {'first': {'label': 'X',
'type': 'ai'},
'second': {'label': 'O',
'type': 'ai'}}
# and automatically set the ai level otherwise
self.ai_level = 2
def play_game(self):
while True:
for player in ['first', 'second']:
player_label = self.player_meta[player]['label']
player_type = self.player_meta[player]['type']
if player_type == 'human':
move = input("{}, what's your move?".format(player_label))
# we're going to allow the user to quit the game from the input line
if move in ['q', 'quit']:
self.winner = 'F'
print('quiting the game')
move = int(move)
if self.board[move] != ' ':
while True:
move = input("{}, that position is already taken! "\
"What's your move?".format(player_label))
move = int(move)
if self.board[move] != ' ':
# Our level 1 ai agent (random)
if self.ai_level == 1:
move = self.random_ai()
# Our level 2 ai agent (heuristic)
elif self.ai_level == 2:
move = self.heuristic_ai(player_label)
self.board[move] = player_label
# the winner varaible will now be check within the board object
if self.winner == '':
elif self.winner == 'Stalemate':
if self.winner != '':
return self
3.0.2 Load Dataset¶
3.1 Rethinking gameplay¶
To implement the broader strategies used in game theory and machine learning, we need to rebroadcast our approach to creating our AI agent. In the heurstical agent model, we thought in terms of checking for specific move types, defined by what kind of advantage they give us during game play, i.e. see if a winning move is available, a blocking move, if a corner place is free, etc. Rather than thinking with this look and check mindset that is centered around specific strategies and our own prior knowledge about the game (we know that a center piece is statistically likely to give us a higher chance of winning) we will evaluate every available move to the AI, and rate them quantitatively.
switching from ordinal to interval Notice the datatype change when we move from giving simple preferences of moves to actual scores of moves. Catalog this in your mind for future reference when considering datatypes!
3.1.1 One-Step Look Ahead¶
For now, when we rate our boards, we will only look 1-step ahead in gameplay. Hence the name we give this AI strategy, 1-step lookahead
The beginning portion of our code will look about the same as the heuristic AI model. Recall:
def heuristic_ai(self, player_label):
opponent = ['X', 'O']
opponent = opponent[0]
avail_moves = [i for i in self.board.keys() if self.board[i] == ' ']
temp_board = self.board.copy()
but now, instead of searching progressively through our preferred move-types (winning, middle, etc.) . We are going to give every available move (1, 3, 7, etc.) a score. Our score regimen will look like the following:
- 100 pts: winning move
- 10 pts: blocks an opponents winning move
- 1 pt: every other move
Q1 Rewrite avail_moves¶
define avail_moves as a dictionary of available moves with scores for each move as empty strings. We will update this dictionary with numerical scores in the next step
# we're going to steal the parameter names to
# prototype our new function
self = TicTacToe()
player_label = 'X'
opponent = ['X', 'O']
opponent = opponent[0]
# instead of a list, we want avail_moves to now be a dictionary that will
# contain the move and its score
# avail_moves = # YOUR CODE HERE
temp_board = self.board.copy()
Q2 Score each move in avail_moves
Now let's fold this into our new one_step_ai
function. Remember:
- 100 pts: winning move
- 10 pts: blocks an opponents winning move
- 1 pt: every other move
# the beginning portion of our code will look about the same
# as the heuristic AI model
def one_step_ai(self, player_label):
opponent = ['X', 'O']
opponent = opponent[0]
############################# DEFINE avail_moves #############################
# avail_moves = #
temp_board = self.board.copy()
# first check for a winning move
# we're now looping through the keys of our dictionary
for move in avail_moves.keys():
temp_board[move] = player_label
for pattern in self.win_patterns:
values = [temp_board[i] for i in pattern]
if values == [player_label, player_label, player_label]:
# if we found a winning move we want to update the move with a score #
# your code to update avail_moves with a score
temp_board[move] = ' '
################## Check if the opponent has a winning move ##################
################### All remaining moves receive a score of 1
return avail_moves
one_step_ai(self, 'X')
{3: 100, 4: 1, 5: 1, 6: 1, 7: 1, 8: 1, 9: 1}
Q3 Test one_step_ai
That's great, but how do we check that our code will work when a winning move is available, or a losing move is just around the corner? let's create a unit test for these!
# just defining a new game
self = TicTacToe()
player_label = 'X'
# seeding the board with some X's
self.board[1] = 'X'
self.board[2] = 'X'
{1: 'X', 2: 'X', 3: ' ', 4: ' ', 5: ' ', 6: ' ', 7: ' ', 8: ' ', 9: ' '}
Now test the winning move. Your code should return 100
at move 3
and 1 everywhere else
one_step_ai(self, player_label)
{3: 100, 4: 1, 5: 1, 6: 1, 7: 1, 8: 1, 9: 1}
We can test the losing move by reversing the players
player_label = 'O'
one_step_ai(self, player_label)
{3: 10, 4: 1, 5: 1, 6: 1, 7: 1, 8: 1, 9: 1}
great! Let's keep these shorthand codes in mind when we go to write actual unit tests with the one_step_ai
function embedded in the GameEngine
We're not done yet, recall that our other ai agents returned the actual selected move, not a dictionary of the moves with scores. We need to create a move from this dictionary and return it.
Here's what the general procedure will look like:
- Grab the maximum score (after assigning scores to all of avail_moves)
- Select all moves that have this maximum score
- Return a random selection of the moves with the max score
and then in code format:
avail_moves = one_step_ai(self, player_label)
# 1. grab the maximum score
max_score = max(avail_moves.values())
# 2. select all moves that have this maximum score
valid = []
for key, value in avail_moves.items():
if value == max_score:
# 3. return a random selection of the moves with the max score
move = random.choice(valid)
3.2 Putting it all together¶
Q4 Finish one_step_ai
to return a move¶
Let's see if we can rewrite our game engine to take new AI models in as a passable parameter. This way our base module will be much cleaner, and allow us to continue to write new functions for the base engine as long as they pass along the same variables.
# the beginning portion of our code will look about the same
# as the heuristic AI model
def one_step_ai(board, win_patterns, player_label):
opponent = ['X', 'O']
opponent = opponent[0]
temp_board = board.copy()
# define avail_moves
# avail_moves =
# your code for giving scores for avail_moves
# first grab max score
# then select all moves that have this max score
# return a random selection of the moves with the max score
return move
3.2.1 Allow GameEngine
to take an ai agent as a passable parameter¶
Let's rewrite our GameEngine
to take an ai agent as a passable parameter under user_ai
. The default value will be None
Additional user_ai
criteria will be that user_ai
receives board
, win_patterns
and player_label
and returns move
class GameEngine(TicTacToe):
def __init__(self, setup='auto', user_ai=None):
self.setup = setup
self.user_ai = user_ai
def heuristic_ai(self, player_label):
opponent = ['X', 'O']
opponent = opponent[0]
avail_moves = [i for i in self.board.keys() if self.board[i] == ' ']
temp_board = self.board.copy()
middle = 5
corner = [1,3,7,9]
side = [2,4,6,8]
# first check for a winning move
move_found = False
for move in avail_moves:
temp_board[move] = player_label
for pattern in self.win_patterns:
values = [temp_board[i] for i in pattern]
if values == [player_label, player_label, player_label]:
move_found = True
if move_found:
temp_board[move] = ' '
# check if the opponent has a winning move
if move_found == False:
for move in avail_moves:
temp_board[move] = opponent
for pattern in self.win_patterns:
values = [temp_board[i] for i in pattern]
if values == [opponent, opponent, opponent]:
move_found = True
if move_found:
temp_board[move] = ' '
# check corners
if move_found == False:
move_corner = [val for val in avail_moves if val in corner]
if len(move_corner) > 0:
move = random.choice(move_corner)
move_found = True
# check if middle avail
if move_found == False:
if middle in avail_moves:
move_found = True
move = middle
# check side
if move_found == False:
move_side = [val for val in avail_moves if val in side]
if len(move_side) > 0:
move = random.choice(move_side)
move_found = True
return move
def random_ai(self):
while True:
move = random.randint(1,9)
if self.board[move] != ' ':
return move
def setup_game(self):
if self.setup == 'user':
players = int(input("How many Players? (type 0, 1, or 2)"))
self.player_meta = {'first': {'label': 'X',
'type': 'ai'},
'second': {'label': 'O',
'type': 'human'}}
if players != 2:
# Allow the user to set the ai level
### if they have not provided an ai_agent
if self.user_ai == None:
level = int(input("select AI level (1, 2)"))
if level == 1:
self.ai_level = 1
elif level == 2:
self.ai_level = 2
print("Unknown AI level entered, this will cause problems")
self.ai_level = 3
if players == 1:
first = input("who will go first? (X, (AI), or O (Player))")
if first == 'O':
self.player_meta = {'second': {'label': 'X',
'type': 'ai'},
'first': {'label': 'O',
'type': 'human'}}
elif players == 0:
first = random.choice(['X', 'O'])
if first == 'O':
self.player_meta = {'second': {'label': 'X',
'type': 'ai'},
'first': {'label': 'O',
'type': 'ai'}}
self.player_meta = {'first': {'label': 'X',
'type': 'ai'},
'second': {'label': 'O',
'type': 'ai'}}
elif self.setup == 'auto':
first = random.choice(['X', 'O'])
if first == 'O':
self.start_player = 'O'
self.player_meta = {'second': {'label': 'X',
'type': 'ai'},
'first': {'label': 'O',
'type': 'ai'}}
self.start_player = 'X'
self.player_meta = {'first': {'label': 'X',
'type': 'ai'},
'second': {'label': 'O',
'type': 'ai'}}
# and automatically set the ai level otherwise
if self.user_ai == None:
self.ai_level = 2
self.ai_level = 3
def play_game(self):
while True:
for player in ['first', 'second']:
player_label = self.player_meta[player]['label']
player_type = self.player_meta[player]['type']
if player_type == 'human':
move = input("{}, what's your move?".format(player_label))
# we're going to allow the user to quit the game from the input line
if move in ['q', 'quit']:
self.winner = 'F'
print('quiting the game')
move = int(move)
if self.board[move] != ' ':
while True:
move = input("{}, that position is already taken! "\
"What's your move?".format(player_label))
move = int(move)
if self.board[move] != ' ':
# Our level 1 ai agent (random)
if self.ai_level == 1:
move = self.random_ai()
# Our level 2 ai agent (heuristic)
elif self.ai_level == 2:
move = self.heuristic_ai(player_label)
# Our user-defined AI agent
elif self.ai_level == 3:
move = self.user_ai(self.board, self.win_patterns, player_label)
self.board[move] = player_label
# the winner varaible will now be check within the board object
if self.winner == '':
elif self.winner == 'Stalemate':
if self.winner != '':
return self
Test the auto
and user
game = GameEngine(setup='user', user_ai=one_step_ai)
How many Players? (type 0, 1, or 2)1
who will go first? (X, (AI), or O (Player))X
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |X| |
O, what's your move?5
| | | |
| |O| |
| |X| |
| | |X|
| |O| |
| |X| |
O, what's your move?4
| | |X|
|O|O| |
| |X| |
| | |X|
| |X| |
O, what's your move?1
|O| |X|
| |X| |
'X' Won!
|O| |X|
| |X|X|
<__main__.GameEngine at 0x7f1f812e7d50>
3.3 Write Unit Tests for the New Code¶
def test_user_ai():
game = GameEngine(setup='auto', user_ai=one_step_ai)
outcome = game.play_game()
assert outcome.winner == 'X', 'X should have won!'
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
|X| | |
| | | |
| | | |
|X| | |
| | |O|
| | | |
|X| |X|
| | |O|
| | | |
| | |O|
| | | |
| |X|O|
| | | |
| |X|O|
|O| | |
'X' Won!
| |X|O|
|O| |X|