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Data Science Foundations
Session 2: Inferential Statistics

Instructor: Wesley Beckner


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Descriptive statistics describes data (for example, a chart or graph) and inferential statistics allows you to make predictions (“inferences”) from that data. With inferential statistics, you take data from samples and make generalizations about a population


In this session we will explore inferential statistics.

2.0 Preparing Environment and Importing Data

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2.0.1 Import Packages

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# The modules we've seen before
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as px
import seaborn as sns

# our stats modules
import random
import scipy.stats as stats
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
import scipy

2.0.2 Load Dataset

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For this session, we will use the truffletopia dataset

df = pd.read_csv(''\
Base Cake Truffle Type Primary Flavor Secondary Flavor Color Group Customer Date KG EBITDA/KG
0 Butter Candy Outer Butter Pecan Toffee Taupe Slugworth 1/2020 53770.342593 0.500424
1 Butter Candy Outer Ginger Lime Banana Amethyst Slugworth 1/2020 466477.578125 0.220395
2 Butter Candy Outer Ginger Lime Banana Burgundy Perk-a-Cola 1/2020 80801.728070 0.171014
3 Butter Candy Outer Ginger Lime Banana White Fickelgruber 1/2020 18046.111111 0.233025
4 Butter Candy Outer Ginger Lime Rum Amethyst Fickelgruber 1/2020 19147.454268 0.480689
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1663 Tiramisu Chocolate Outer Doughnut Pear Amethyst Fickelgruber 12/2020 38128.802589 0.420111
1664 Tiramisu Chocolate Outer Doughnut Pear Burgundy Zebrabar 12/2020 108.642857 0.248659
1665 Tiramisu Chocolate Outer Doughnut Pear Teal Zebrabar 12/2020 3517.933333 0.378501
1666 Tiramisu Chocolate Outer Doughnut Rock and Rye Amethyst Slugworth 12/2020 10146.898432 0.213149
1667 Tiramisu Chocolate Outer Doughnut Rock and Rye Burgundy Zebrabar 12/2020 1271.904762 0.431813

1668 rows × 9 columns

descriptors = df.columns[:-2]
for col in df.columns[:-2]:
Base Cake
['Butter' 'Cheese' 'Chiffon' 'Pound' 'Sponge' 'Tiramisu']

Truffle Type
['Candy Outer' 'Chocolate Outer' 'Jelly Filled']

Primary Flavor
['Butter Pecan' 'Ginger Lime' 'Margarita' 'Pear' 'Pink Lemonade'
 'Raspberry Ginger Ale' 'Sassafras' 'Spice' 'Wild Cherry Cream'
 'Cream Soda' 'Horchata' 'Kettle Corn' 'Lemon Bar' 'Orange Pineapple\tP'
 'Plum' 'Orange' 'Butter Toffee' 'Lemon' 'Acai Berry' 'Apricot'
 'Birch Beer' 'Cherry Cream Spice' 'Creme de Menthe' 'Fruit Punch'
 'Ginger Ale' 'Grand Mariner' 'Orange Brandy' 'Pecan' 'Toasted Coconut'
 'Watermelon' 'Wintergreen' 'Vanilla' 'Bavarian Cream' 'Black Licorice'
 'Caramel Cream' 'Cheesecake' 'Cherry Cola' 'Coffee' 'Irish Cream'
 'Lemon Custard' 'Mango' 'Sour' 'Amaretto' 'Blueberry' 'Butter Milk'
 'Chocolate Mint' 'Coconut' 'Dill Pickle' 'Gingersnap' 'Chocolate'

Secondary Flavor
['Toffee' 'Banana' 'Rum' 'Tutti Frutti' 'Vanilla' 'Mixed Berry'
 'Whipped Cream' 'Apricot' 'Passion Fruit' 'Peppermint' 'Dill Pickle'
 'Black Cherry' 'Wild Cherry Cream' 'Papaya' 'Mango' 'Cucumber' 'Egg Nog'
 'Pear' 'Rock and Rye' 'Tangerine' 'Apple' 'Black Currant' 'Kiwi' 'Lemon'
 'Hazelnut' 'Butter Rum' 'Fuzzy Navel' 'Mojito' 'Ginger Beer']

Color Group
['Taupe' 'Amethyst' 'Burgundy' 'White' 'Black' 'Opal' 'Citrine' 'Rose'
 'Slate' 'Teal' 'Tiffany' 'Olive']

['Slugworth' 'Perk-a-Cola' 'Fickelgruber' 'Zebrabar' "Dandy's Candies"]

['1/2020' '2/2020' '3/2020' '4/2020' '5/2020' '6/2020' '7/2020' '8/2020'
 '9/2020' '10/2020' '11/2020' '12/2020']

2.1 Navigating the Many Forms of Hypothesis Testing

2.1.1 A Refresher on Data Types

Before we dive in, lets remind ourselves of the different data types. The acronym is NOIR: Nominal, Ordinal, Invterval, Ratio. And as we proceed along the acronym, more information is encapsulated in the data type. For this notebook the important distinction is between discrete (nominal/ordinal) and continuous (interval/ratio) data types. Depending on whether we are discrete or continuous, in either the target or predictor variable, we will proceed with a given set of hypothesis tests.

2.1.2 The Roadmap

Taking the taxonomy of datatypes and considering each of the predictor and outcome variables, we can concieve a roadmap

source: scribbr

The above diagram is imperfect (e.g. ANOVA is a comparison of variances, not of means) and non-comprehensive (e.g. where does moods median fit in this?). It will have to do until I make my own.

There are many modalities of hypothesis testing. We will not cover them all. The goal here, is to cover enough that you can leave this notebook with a basic idea of how the different tests relate to one another as well as their basic ingredients. What you will find is that among all these tests, a sample statistic is produced. The sample statistic itself is comprised typically of some expected value (for instance a mean) divided by a standard error of measure (for instance a standard deviation). In fact, we saw this in the previous notebook when discussing the confidence intervals around linear regression coefficients (and yes linear regression IS a form of hypothesis testing 😉)

In this notebook, we will touch on each of the following:

  • Non-parametric tests
  • Comparison of means
    • T-test
      • Independent
        • Equal Variances (students T-test)
        • Unequal Variances (Welch's T-test)
      • Dependent
  • Comparison of variances
    • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
      • One Way ANOVA
      • Two Way ANOVA
      • MANOVA
      • Factorial ANOVA

When do I use each of these? We will talk about this as we proceed through the examples. Visit this Minitab Post for additional reading.

Finally, before we dive in and in the shadow of my making this hypothesis test decision tree a giant landmark on our journey, I invite you to read an excerpt from Chapter 1 of Statistical Rethinking (McElreath 2016). In this excerpt, McElreath tells a cautionary tale of using such roadmaps. Sorry McElreath. And if videos are more your bag, there you go.

For some, the toolbox of pre-manufactured golems is all they will ever need. Provided they stay within well-tested contexts, using only a few different procedures in appropriate tasks, a lot of good science can be completed. This is similar to how plumbers can do a lot of useful work without knowing much about fluid dynamics. Serious trouble begins when scholars move on to conducting innovative research, pushing the boundaries of their specialties. It's as if we got our hydraulic engineers by promoting plumbers.

Statistical Rethinking, McElreath 2016

2.2 What is Chi-Square?

You can use Chi-Square to test for a goodness of fit (whether a sample of data represents a distribution) or whether two variables are related (using a contingency table, which we will create below!)

Let's take an example. Imagine that you play Pokémon Go, in fact you love Pokémon Go. In your countless hours of study you've read that certain Pokémon will spawn under certain weather conditions. Rain, for instance, increases spawns of Water-, Electric, and Bug-type Pokémon. You decide to test this out. You record Pokémon sigtings in the same locations on days with and without rain and observe the following

types = ['electric', 'psychic', 'dark', 'bug', 'dragon', 'fire',
         'flying', 'ghost', 'grass', 'water']*1000
without_rain = random.sample(types, k=200)
types = ['electric', 'electric', 'electric', 'psychic', 'dark', 'bug', 'bug', 'bug', 'dragon', 'fire',
         'flying', 'ghost', 'grass', 'water', 'water', 'water']*1000
with_rain = random.sample(types, k=200)

given your observation of pokemon with rain (with_rain) and pokemon without rain (without_rain) how can you tell if these observations are statistically significant? i.e. that there actually is a difference in spawn rates for certain pokemon when it is and isn't raining? Enter the \(\chi^2\) test.

The chi-square test statistic:

Where \(O\) is the observed frequency and \(E\) is the expected frequency.

In our case, we are going to use the regular, sunny days as our expected values and the rainy days as our observed. See the data manipulation below:

rain = pd.DataFrame(np.unique(np.array(with_rain), 
rain.columns=['type', 'O']
rain = rain.set_index('type')
sun = pd.DataFrame(np.unique(np.array(without_rain), 
sun.columns=['type', 'E']
sun = sun.set_index('type')
table = rain.join(sun)
bug 42 22
dark 13 22
dragon 15 19
electric 41 26
fire 10 26
flying 12 13
ghost 9 16
grass 12 12
psychic 11 21
water 35 23

Now that we have our observed and expected table we can compute the \(\chi^2\) test statistic

chi2 = ((table['O'] - table['E'])**2 / table['E']).sum()
print(f"the chi2 statistic: {chi2:.2f}")
the chi2 statistic: 55.37

Usually, a test statistic is not enough. We need to translate this into a probability; concretely, what is the probability of observing this test statistic under the null hypothesis? In order to answer this question we need to produce a distribution of test statistics. The steps are as follows:

  1. calculate the degrees of fredom (DoF)
  2. use the DoF to generate a probability distribution (PDF) for this particular test statistic (we will use scipy to do this)
  3. calculate (1 - the cumulative distribution (CDF) up to the test statistic)
    • this value is the 1-sided probability of observing this test statistic or anything greater than it under the PDF
  4. multiply this value by 2 if we are interested in the 2-sided test (we usually are, unless we have a strong reason to believe the alternate hypothesis should appear on the right or left side of the null hypothesis)
    • in our case, we believe that electric, bug, and water pokemon INCREASE with rain, so we will perform a 1-sided test

Our degrees of freedom can be calculated from the contingency table:

Which in our case DoF = 9

model = stats.chi2(df=9)
p = (1-model.cdf(chi2))
print(f"p value: {p:.2e}")
p value: 1.04e-08

We can verify our results with scipy's automagic:

stats.chisquare(f_obs = table['O'], f_exp = table['E'])
Power_divergenceResult(statistic=55.367939030839494, pvalue=1.0362934508722476e-08)

2.3 What is Mood's Median?

A special case of Pearon's Chi-Squared Test: We create a table that counts the observations above and below the global median for two or more groups. We then perform a chi-squared test of significance on this contingency table

Null hypothesis: the Medians are all equal

The chi-square test statistic:

Where \(O\) is the observed frequency and \(E\) is the expected frequency.

Let's take an example, say we have three shifts with the following production rates:

shift_one = [round(i) for i in np.random.normal(16, 3, 10)]
shift_two = [round(i) for i in np.random.normal(21, 3, 10)]
[21, 15, 16, 17, 14, 16, 16, 11, 19, 18]
[19, 20, 23, 20, 20, 17, 23, 21, 22, 16]
stat, p, m, table = scipy.stats.median_test(shift_one, shift_two, correction=False)

what is median_test returning?

print("The pearsons chi-square test statistic: {:.2f}".format(stat))
print("p-value of the test: {:.3f}".format(p))
print("the grand median: {}".format(m))
The pearsons chi-square test statistic: 7.20
p-value of the test: 0.007
the grand median: 18.5

Let's evaluate that test statistic ourselves by taking a look at the contingency table:

array([[2, 8],
       [8, 2]])

This is easier to make sense of if we order the shift times

[11, 14, 15, 16, 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21]

When we look at shift one, we see that 8 values are at or below the grand median.

[16, 17, 19, 20, 20, 20, 21, 22, 23, 23]

For shift two, only two are at or below the grand median.

Since the sample sizes are the same, the expected value for both groups is the same, 5 above and 5 below the grand median. The chi-square is then:

(2-5)**2/5 + (8-5)**2/5 + (8-5)**2/5 + (2-5)**2/5

Our p-value, or the probability of observing the null-hypothsis, is under 0.05 (at 0.007). We can conclude that these shift performances were drawn under seperate distributions.

For comparison, let's do this analysis again with shifts of equal performances

shift_three = [round(i) for i in np.random.normal(16, 3, 10)]
shift_four = [round(i) for i in np.random.normal(16, 3, 10)]
stat, p, m, table = scipy.stats.median_test(shift_three, shift_four,
print("The pearsons chi-square test statistic: {:.2f}".format(stat))
print("p-value of the test: {:.3f}".format(p))
print("the grand median: {}".format(m))
The pearsons chi-square test statistic: 0.00
p-value of the test: 1.000
the grand median: 15.5

and the shift raw values:

[10, 14, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 17, 21]
[11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 19, 19, 21]
array([[5, 5],
       [5, 5]])

2.3.1 When to Use Mood's?

Mood's Median Test is highly flexible but has the following assumptions:

  • Considers only one categorical factor
  • Response variable is continuous (our shift rates)
  • Data does not need to be normally distributed
  • But the distributions are similarly shaped
  • Sample sizes can be unequal and small (less than 20 observations)

Other considerations:

  • Not as powerful as Kruskal-Wallis Test but still useful for small sample sizes or when there are outliers

🏋️ Exercise 1: Use Mood's Median Test

Part A Perform moods median test on Base Cake (Categorical Variable) and EBITDA/KG (Continuous Variable) in Truffle data

We're also going to get some practice with pandas groupby.

# what is returned by this groupby?
gp = df.groupby('Base Cake')

How do we find out? We could iterate through it:

# seems to be a tuple of some sort
for i in gp:
('Butter',      Base Cake     Truffle Type Primary Flavor Secondary Flavor Color Group  \
0       Butter      Candy Outer   Butter Pecan           Toffee       Taupe   
1       Butter      Candy Outer    Ginger Lime           Banana    Amethyst   
2       Butter      Candy Outer    Ginger Lime           Banana    Burgundy   
3       Butter      Candy Outer    Ginger Lime           Banana       White   
4       Butter      Candy Outer    Ginger Lime              Rum    Amethyst   
...        ...              ...            ...              ...         ...   
1562    Butter  Chocolate Outer           Plum     Black Cherry        Opal   
1563    Butter  Chocolate Outer           Plum     Black Cherry       White   
1564    Butter  Chocolate Outer           Plum            Mango       Black   
1565    Butter     Jelly Filled         Orange         Cucumber    Amethyst   
1566    Butter     Jelly Filled         Orange         Cucumber    Burgundy

             Customer     Date             KG  EBITDA/KG  
0           Slugworth   1/2020   53770.342593   0.500424  
1           Slugworth   1/2020  466477.578125   0.220395  
2         Perk-a-Cola   1/2020   80801.728070   0.171014  
3        Fickelgruber   1/2020   18046.111111   0.233025  
4        Fickelgruber   1/2020   19147.454268   0.480689  
...               ...      ...            ...        ...  
1562     Fickelgruber  12/2020    9772.200521   0.158279  
1563      Perk-a-Cola  12/2020   10861.245675  -0.159275  
1564        Slugworth  12/2020    3578.592163   0.431328  
1565        Slugworth  12/2020   21438.187500   0.105097  
1566  Dandy's Candies  12/2020   15617.489115   0.185070

[456 rows x 9 columns])
# the first object appears to be the group

# the second object appears to be the df belonging to that group
     Base Cake     Truffle Type Primary Flavor Secondary Flavor Color Group  \
0       Butter      Candy Outer   Butter Pecan           Toffee       Taupe   
1       Butter      Candy Outer    Ginger Lime           Banana    Amethyst   
2       Butter      Candy Outer    Ginger Lime           Banana    Burgundy   
3       Butter      Candy Outer    Ginger Lime           Banana       White   
4       Butter      Candy Outer    Ginger Lime              Rum    Amethyst   
...        ...              ...            ...              ...         ...   
1562    Butter  Chocolate Outer           Plum     Black Cherry        Opal   
1563    Butter  Chocolate Outer           Plum     Black Cherry       White   
1564    Butter  Chocolate Outer           Plum            Mango       Black   
1565    Butter     Jelly Filled         Orange         Cucumber    Amethyst   
1566    Butter     Jelly Filled         Orange         Cucumber    Burgundy

             Customer     Date             KG  EBITDA/KG  
0           Slugworth   1/2020   53770.342593   0.500424  
1           Slugworth   1/2020  466477.578125   0.220395  
2         Perk-a-Cola   1/2020   80801.728070   0.171014  
3        Fickelgruber   1/2020   18046.111111   0.233025  
4        Fickelgruber   1/2020   19147.454268   0.480689  
...               ...      ...            ...        ...  
1562     Fickelgruber  12/2020    9772.200521   0.158279  
1563      Perk-a-Cola  12/2020   10861.245675  -0.159275  
1564        Slugworth  12/2020    3578.592163   0.431328  
1565        Slugworth  12/2020   21438.187500   0.105097  
1566  Dandy's Candies  12/2020   15617.489115   0.185070

[456 rows x 9 columns]

going back to our diagram from our earlier pandas session. It looks like whenever we split in the groupby method, we create separate dataframes as well as their group label:

Ok, so we know gp is separate dataframes. How do we turn them into arrays to then pass to median_test?

# complete this for loop
for i, j in gp:
  # turn 'EBITDA/KG' of j into an array using the .values attribute
  # print this to the screen

After you've completed the previous step, turn this into a list comprehension and pass the result to a variable called margins

# complete the code below

Remember the list unpacking we did for the tic tac toe project? We're going to do the same thing here. Unpack the margins list for median_test and run the cell below!

# complete the following line
# stat, p, m, table = scipy.stats.median_test(<UNPACK MARGINS HERE>, correction=False)

print("The pearsons chi-square test statistic: {:.2f}".format(stat))
print("p-value of the test: {:.2e}".format(p))
print("the grand median: {:.2e}".format(m))
The pearsons chi-square test statistic: 0.00
p-value of the test: 1.00e+00
the grand median: 1.55e+01

Part B View the distributions of the data using matplotlib and seaborn

What a fantastic statistical result we found! Can we affirm our result with some visualizations? I hope so! Create a boxplot below using pandas. In your call to df.boxplot() the by parameter should be set to Base Cake and the column parameter should be set to EBITDA/KG


For comparison, I've shown the boxplot below using seaborn!

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,7))
ax = sns.boxplot(x='Base Cake', y='EBITDA/KG', data=df, color='#A0cbe8')


Part C Perform Moods Median on all the other groups

# Recall the other descriptors we have
Index(['Base Cake', 'Truffle Type', 'Primary Flavor', 'Secondary Flavor',
       'Color Group', 'Customer', 'Date'],
for desc in descriptors:


  # stat, p, m, table = scipy.stats.median_test(<YOUR UNPACKING METHOD>, correction=False)
  print("The pearsons chi-square test statistic: {:.2f}".format(stat))
  print("p-value of the test: {:e}".format(p))
  print("the grand median: {}".format(m), end='\n\n')
Base Cake
The pearsons chi-square test statistic: 0.00
p-value of the test: 1.000000e+00
the grand median: 15.5

Truffle Type
The pearsons chi-square test statistic: 0.00
p-value of the test: 1.000000e+00
the grand median: 15.5

Primary Flavor
The pearsons chi-square test statistic: 0.00
p-value of the test: 1.000000e+00
the grand median: 15.5

Secondary Flavor
The pearsons chi-square test statistic: 0.00
p-value of the test: 1.000000e+00
the grand median: 15.5

Color Group
The pearsons chi-square test statistic: 0.00
p-value of the test: 1.000000e+00
the grand median: 15.5

The pearsons chi-square test statistic: 0.00
p-value of the test: 1.000000e+00
the grand median: 15.5

The pearsons chi-square test statistic: 0.00
p-value of the test: 1.000000e+00
the grand median: 15.5

Part D Many boxplots

And finally, we will confirm these visually. Complete the Boxplot for each group:

for desc in descriptors:
  fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
  # sns.boxplot(x=<YOUR X VARIABLE HERE>, y='EBITDA/KG', data=df, color='#A0cbe8', ax=ax)








2.4 What is a T-test?

There are 1-sample and 2-sample T-tests

(note: we would use a 1-sample T-test just to determine if the sample mean is equal to a hypothesized population mean)

Within 2-sample T-tests we have independent and dependent T-tests (uncorrelated or correlated samples)

For independent, two-sample T-tests:

  • Equal variance (or pooled) T-test
    • scipy.stats.ttest_ind(equal_var=True)
    • also called Student's T-test
  • Unequal variance T-test
    • scipy.stats.ttest_ind(equal_var=False)
    • also called Welch's T-test

For dependent T-tests:

  • Paired (or correlated) T-test
    • scipy.stats.ttest_rel
    • ex: patient symptoms before and after treatment

A full discussion on T-tests is outside the scope of this session, but we can refer to wikipedia for more information, including formulas on how each statistic is computed:

2.4.1 Demonstration of T-tests

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We'll assume our shifts are of equal variance and proceed with the appropriate independent two-sample T-test...

[11, 14, 15, 16, 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21]
[16, 17, 19, 20, 20, 20, 21, 22, 23, 23]

To calculate the T-test, we follow a slightly different statistical formula:

where \(\mu\) are the means of the two groups, \(n\) are the sample sizes and \(s\) is the pooled standard deviation, also known as the cummulative variance (depending on if you square it or not):

where \(\sigma\) are the standard deviations. What you'll notice here is we are combining the two variances, we can only do this if we assume the variances are somewhat equal, this is known as the equal variances t-test.

mean_shift_one = np.mean(shift_one)
mean_shift_two = np.mean(shift_two)

print(mean_shift_one, mean_shift_two)
16.3 20.1
com_var = ((np.sum([(i - mean_shift_one)**2 for i in shift_one]) + 
            np.sum([(i - mean_shift_two)**2 for i in shift_two])) /
            (len(shift_one) + len(shift_two)-2))
T = (np.abs(mean_shift_one - mean_shift_two) / (
     np.sqrt(com_var/len(shift_one) +

We see that this hand-computed result matches that of the scipy module:

scipy.stats.ttest_ind(shift_two, shift_one, equal_var=True)
Ttest_indResult(statistic=3.3328204733667115, pvalue=0.0037029158660758575)

2.5 What is ANOVA?

2.5.1 But First... What are F-statistics and the F-test?

The F-statistic is simply a ratio of two variances, or the ratio of mean squares

mean squares is the estimate of population variance that accounts for the degrees of freedom to compute that estimate.

We will explore this in the context of ANOVA

2.5.2 What is Analysis of Variance?

ANOVA uses the F-test to determine whether the variability between group means is larger than the variability within the groups. If that statistic is large enough, you can conclude that the means of the groups are not equal.

The caveat is that ANOVA tells us whether there is a difference in means but it does not tell us where the difference is. To find where the difference is between the groups, we have to conduct post-hoc tests.

There are two main types:

  • One-way (one factor) and
  • Two-way (two factor) where factor is an independent variable

Ind A Ind B Dep
X H 10
X I 12
Y I 11
Y H 20

ANOVA Hypotheses
  • Null hypothesis: group means are equal
  • Alternative hypothesis: at least one group mean is different from the other groups
ANOVA Assumptions
  • Residuals (experimental error) are normally distributed (test with Shapiro-Wilk)
  • Homogeneity of variances (variances are equal between groups) (test with Bartlett's)
  • Observations are sampled independently from each other
  • Note: ANOVA assumptions can be checked using test statistics (e.g. Shapiro-Wilk, Bartlett’s, Levene’s test) and the visual approaches such as residual plots (e.g. QQ-plots) and histograms.
Steps for ANOVA
  • Check sample sizes: equal observations must be in each group
  • Calculate Sum of Square between groups and within groups (\(SS_B, SS_E\))
  • Calculate Mean Square between groups and within groups (\(MS_B, MS_E\))
  • Calculate F value (\(MS_B/MS_E\))

This might be easier to see in a table:

Source of Variation degree of freedom (Df) Sum of squares (SS) Mean square (MS) F value
Between Groups Df_b = P-1 SS_B MS_B = SS_B / Df_B MS_B / MS_E
Within Groups Df_E = P(N-1) SS_E MS_E = SS_E / Df_E
total Df_T = PN-1 SS_T


Let's go back to our shift data to take an example:

shifts = pd.DataFrame([shift_one, shift_two, shift_three, shift_four]).T
shifts.columns = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']

png SNS Boxplot

this is another great way to view boxplot data. Notice how sns also shows us the raw data alongside the box and whiskers using a swarmplot.

shift_melt = pd.melt(shifts.reset_index(), id_vars=['index'], 
                     value_vars=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])
shift_melt.columns = ['index', 'shift', 'rate']
ax = sns.boxplot(x='shift', y='rate', data=shift_melt, color='#A0cbe8')
ax = sns.swarmplot(x="shift", y="rate", data=shift_melt, color='#79706e')


Anyway back to ANOVA...

fvalue, pvalue = stats.f_oneway(shifts['A'], 
print(fvalue, pvalue)
5.599173553719008 0.0029473487978665873

We can get this in the format of the table we saw above:

# get ANOVA table 
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols

# Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) model
model = ols('rate ~ C(shift)', data=shift_melt).fit()
anova_table = sm.stats.anova_lm(model, typ=2)
# output (ANOVA F and p value)
sum_sq df F PR(>F)
C(shift) 135.5 3.0 5.599174 0.002947
Residual 290.4 36.0 NaN NaN

The Shapiro-Wilk test can be used to check the normal distribution of residuals. Null hypothesis: data is drawn from normal distribution.

w, pvalue = stats.shapiro(model.resid)
print(w, pvalue)
0.9750654697418213 0.5121709108352661

We can use Bartlett’s test to check the Homogeneity of variances. Null hypothesis: samples from populations have equal variances.

w, pvalue = stats.bartlett(shifts['A'], 
print(w, pvalue)
1.3763632854696672 0.711084540821183 ANOVA Interpretation

The p value form ANOVA analysis is significant (p < 0.05) and we can conclude there are significant difference between the shifts. But we do not know which shift(s) are different. For this we need to perform a post hoc test. There are a multitude of these that are beyond the scope of this discussion (Tukey-kramer is one such test)

🍒 2.6 Enrichment: Evaluate statistical significance of product margin: a snake in the garden

2.6.1 Mood's Median on product descriptors

The first issue we run into with moods is... what?

Since Mood's is nonparametric, we can easily become overconfident in our results. Let's take an example, continuing with the Truffle Type column. Recall that there are 3 unique Truffle Types:

df['Truffle Type'].unique()
array(['Candy Outer', 'Chocolate Outer', 'Jelly Filled'], dtype=object)

We can loop through each group and compute the:

  • Moods test (comparison of medians)
  • Welch's T-test (unequal variances, comparison of means)
  • Shapiro-Wilk test for normality
col = 'Truffle Type'
moodsdf = pd.DataFrame()
confidence_level = 0.01
welch_rej = mood_rej = shapiro_rej = False
for truff in df[col].unique():

  # for each 
  group = df.loc[df[col] == truff]['EBITDA/KG']
  pop = df.loc[~(df[col] == truff)]['EBITDA/KG']
  stat, p, m, table = scipy.stats.median_test(group, pop)
  if p < confidence_level:
        mood_rej = True
  median = np.median(group)
  mean = np.mean(group)
  size = len(group)
  print("{}: N={}".format(truff, size))
  print("Moods Median Test")
  print("\tstatistic={:.2f}, pvalue={:.2e}".format(stat, p), end="\n")
  print(f"\treject: {mood_rej}")
  print("Welch's T-Test")
  print("\tstatistic={:.2f}, pvalue={:.2e}".format(*scipy.stats.ttest_ind(group, pop, equal_var=False)))
  welchp = scipy.stats.ttest_ind(group, pop, equal_var=False).pvalue
  if welchp < confidence_level:
        welch_rej = True
  print(f"\treject: {welch_rej}")
  print("\tstatistic={:.2f}, pvalue={:.2e}".format(*stats.shapiro(group)))
  if stats.shapiro(group).pvalue < confidence_level:
    shapiro_rej = True
  print(f"\treject: {shapiro_rej}")
  moodsdf = pd.concat([moodsdf, 
                                          stat, p, m, mean, median, size,
                                          welchp, table]).T])
moodsdf.columns = [col, 'pearsons_chi_square', 'p_value', 
              'grand_median', 'group_mean', 'group_median', 'size', 'welch p',
Candy Outer: N=288
Moods Median Test
    statistic=1.52, pvalue=2.18e-01
    reject: False
Welch's T-Test
    statistic=-2.76, pvalue=5.91e-03
    reject: True
    statistic=0.96, pvalue=2.74e-07
    reject: True

Chocolate Outer: N=1356
Moods Median Test
    statistic=6.63, pvalue=1.00e-02
    reject: False
Welch's T-Test
    statistic=4.41, pvalue=1.19e-05
    reject: True
    statistic=0.96, pvalue=6.30e-19
    reject: True

Jelly Filled: N=24
Moods Median Test
    statistic=18.64, pvalue=1.58e-05
    reject: True
Welch's T-Test
    statistic=-8.41, pvalue=7.93e-09
    reject: True
    statistic=0.87, pvalue=6.56e-03
    reject: True

🙋‍♀️ Question 1: Moods Results on Truffle Type

What can we say about these results?

Recall that:

  • Shapiro-Wilk Null Hypothesis: the distribution is normal
  • Welch's T-test: requires that the distributions be normal
  • Moods test: does not require normality in distributions

main conclusions: all the groups are non-normal and therefore welch's test is invalid. We saw that the Welch's test had much lower p-values than the Moods median test. This is good news! It means that our Moods test, while allowing for non-normality, is much more conservative in its test-statistic, and therefore was unable to reject the null hypothesis in the cases of the chocolate outer and candy outer groups

We can go ahead and repeat this analysis for all of our product categories:

Index(['Base Cake', 'Truffle Type', 'Primary Flavor', 'Secondary Flavor',
       'Color Group'],
moodsdf = pd.DataFrame()
for col in df.columns[:5]:
  for truff in df[col].unique():
    group = df.loc[df[col] == truff]['EBITDA/KG']
    pop = df.loc[~(df[col] == truff)]['EBITDA/KG']
    stat, p, m, table = scipy.stats.median_test(group, pop)
    median = np.median(group)
    mean = np.mean(group)
    size = len(group)
    welchp = scipy.stats.ttest_ind(group, pop, equal_var=False).pvalue
    moodsdf = pd.concat([moodsdf, 
                              pd.DataFrame([col, truff, 
                                            stat, p, m, mean, median, size,
                                            welchp, table]).T])
moodsdf.columns = ['descriptor', 'group', 'pearsons_chi_square', 'p_value', 
                'grand_median', 'group_mean', 'group_median', 'size', 'welch p',
(101, 10)
moodsdf = moodsdf.loc[(moodsdf['p_value'] < confidence_level)].sort_values('group_median')

moodsdf = moodsdf.sort_values('group_median').reset_index(drop=True)
(57, 10)
descriptor group pearsons_chi_square p_value grand_median group_mean group_median size welch p table
0 Secondary Flavor Wild Cherry Cream 6.798913 0.009121 0.216049 -0.122491 -0.15791 12 0.00001 [[1, 833], [11, 823]]
1 Primary Flavor Lemon Bar 6.798913 0.009121 0.216049 -0.122491 -0.15791 12 0.00001 [[1, 833], [11, 823]]
2 Primary Flavor Orange Pineapple\tP 18.643248 0.000016 0.216049 0.016747 0.002458 24 0.0 [[1, 833], [23, 811]]
3 Secondary Flavor Papaya 18.643248 0.000016 0.216049 0.016747 0.002458 24 0.0 [[1, 833], [23, 811]]
4 Primary Flavor Cherry Cream Spice 10.156401 0.001438 0.216049 0.018702 0.009701 12 0.000001 [[0, 834], [12, 822]]
5 Secondary Flavor Cucumber 18.643248 0.000016 0.216049 0.051382 0.017933 24 0.0 [[1, 833], [23, 811]]
6 Truffle Type Jelly Filled 18.643248 0.000016 0.216049 0.051382 0.017933 24 0.0 [[1, 833], [23, 811]]
7 Primary Flavor Orange 18.643248 0.000016 0.216049 0.051382 0.017933 24 0.0 [[1, 833], [23, 811]]
8 Primary Flavor Toasted Coconut 15.261253 0.000094 0.216049 0.037002 0.028392 24 0.0 [[2, 832], [22, 812]]
9 Primary Flavor Wild Cherry Cream 6.798913 0.009121 0.216049 0.047647 0.028695 12 0.00038 [[1, 833], [11, 823]]
10 Secondary Flavor Apricot 15.261253 0.000094 0.216049 0.060312 0.037422 24 0.0 [[2, 832], [22, 812]]
11 Primary Flavor Kettle Corn 29.062065 0.0 0.216049 0.055452 0.045891 60 0.0 [[9, 825], [51, 783]]
12 Primary Flavor Acai Berry 18.643248 0.000016 0.216049 0.036505 0.049466 24 0.0 [[1, 833], [23, 811]]
13 Primary Flavor Pink Lemonade 10.156401 0.001438 0.216049 0.039862 0.056349 12 0.000011 [[0, 834], [12, 822]]
14 Secondary Flavor Black Cherry 58.900366 0.0 0.216049 0.055975 0.062898 96 0.0 [[11, 823], [85, 749]]
15 Primary Flavor Watermelon 15.261253 0.000094 0.216049 0.04405 0.067896 24 0.0 [[2, 832], [22, 812]]
16 Primary Flavor Sassafras 6.798913 0.009121 0.216049 0.072978 0.074112 12 0.000059 [[1, 833], [11, 823]]
17 Primary Flavor Plum 34.851608 0.0 0.216049 0.084963 0.079993 72 0.0 [[11, 823], [61, 773]]
18 Secondary Flavor Dill Pickle 10.156401 0.001438 0.216049 0.037042 0.082494 12 0.000007 [[0, 834], [12, 822]]
19 Primary Flavor Horchata 10.156401 0.001438 0.216049 0.037042 0.082494 12 0.000007 [[0, 834], [12, 822]]
20 Primary Flavor Lemon Custard 12.217457 0.000473 0.216049 0.079389 0.087969 24 0.000006 [[3, 831], [21, 813]]
21 Primary Flavor Fruit Punch 10.156401 0.001438 0.216049 0.078935 0.090326 12 0.000076 [[0, 834], [12, 822]]
22 Base Cake Chiffon 117.046226 0.0 0.216049 0.127851 0.125775 288 0.0 [[60, 774], [228, 606]]
23 Base Cake Butter 134.36727 0.0 0.216049 0.142082 0.139756 456 0.0 [[122, 712], [334, 500]]
24 Secondary Flavor Banana 10.805348 0.001012 0.216049 0.163442 0.15537 60 0.0 [[17, 817], [43, 791]]
25 Primary Flavor Cream Soda 9.511861 0.002041 0.216049 0.150265 0.163455 24 0.000002 [[4, 830], [20, 814]]
26 Secondary Flavor Peppermint 9.511861 0.002041 0.216049 0.150265 0.163455 24 0.000002 [[4, 830], [20, 814]]
27 Primary Flavor Grand Mariner 10.581767 0.001142 0.216049 0.197463 0.165529 72 0.000829 [[22, 812], [50, 784]]
28 Color Group Amethyst 20.488275 0.000006 0.216049 0.195681 0.167321 300 0.0 [[114, 720], [186, 648]]
29 Color Group Burgundy 10.999677 0.000911 0.216049 0.193048 0.171465 120 0.000406 [[42, 792], [78, 756]]
30 Color Group White 35.76526 0.0 0.216049 0.19 0.177264 432 0.0 [[162, 672], [270, 564]]
31 Primary Flavor Ginger Lime 7.835047 0.005124 0.216049 0.21435 0.183543 84 0.001323 [[29, 805], [55, 779]]
32 Primary Flavor Mango 11.262488 0.000791 0.216049 0.28803 0.245049 132 0.009688 [[85, 749], [47, 787]]
33 Color Group Opal 11.587164 0.000664 0.216049 0.317878 0.259304 324 0.0 [[190, 644], [134, 700]]
34 Secondary Flavor Apple 27.283292 0.0 0.216049 0.326167 0.293876 36 0.001176 [[34, 800], [2, 832]]
35 Secondary Flavor Tangerine 32.626389 0.0 0.216049 0.342314 0.319273 48 0.000113 [[44, 790], [4, 830]]
36 Secondary Flavor Black Currant 34.778391 0.0 0.216049 0.357916 0.332449 36 0.0 [[36, 798], [0, 834]]
37 Secondary Flavor Pear 16.614303 0.000046 0.216049 0.373034 0.33831 60 0.000031 [[46, 788], [14, 820]]
38 Primary Flavor Vanilla 34.778391 0.0 0.216049 0.378053 0.341626 36 0.000001 [[36, 798], [0, 834]]
39 Color Group Citrine 10.156401 0.001438 0.216049 0.390728 0.342512 12 0.001925 [[12, 822], [0, 834]]
40 Color Group Teal 13.539679 0.000234 0.216049 0.323955 0.3446 96 0.00121 [[66, 768], [30, 804]]
41 Base Cake Tiramisu 52.360619 0.0 0.216049 0.388267 0.362102 144 0.0 [[114, 720], [30, 804]]
42 Primary Flavor Doughnut 74.935256 0.0 0.216049 0.439721 0.379361 108 0.0 [[98, 736], [10, 824]]
43 Secondary Flavor Ginger Beer 22.363443 0.000002 0.216049 0.444895 0.382283 24 0.000481 [[24, 810], [0, 834]]
44 Color Group Rose 18.643248 0.000016 0.216049 0.42301 0.407061 24 0.000062 [[23, 811], [1, 833]]
45 Base Cake Cheese 66.804744 0.0 0.216049 0.450934 0.435638 84 0.0 [[79, 755], [5, 829]]
46 Primary Flavor Butter Toffee 60.181468 0.0 0.216049 0.50366 0.456343 60 0.0 [[60, 774], [0, 834]]
47 Color Group Slate 10.156401 0.001438 0.216049 0.540214 0.483138 12 0.000017 [[12, 822], [0, 834]]
48 Primary Flavor Gingersnap 22.363443 0.000002 0.216049 0.643218 0.623627 24 0.0 [[24, 810], [0, 834]]
49 Primary Flavor Dill Pickle 22.363443 0.000002 0.216049 0.642239 0.655779 24 0.0 [[24, 810], [0, 834]]
50 Color Group Olive 44.967537 0.0 0.216049 0.637627 0.670186 60 0.0 [[56, 778], [4, 830]]
51 Primary Flavor Butter Milk 10.156401 0.001438 0.216049 0.699284 0.688601 12 0.0 [[12, 822], [0, 834]]
52 Base Cake Sponge 127.156266 0.0 0.216049 0.698996 0.699355 120 0.0 [[120, 714], [0, 834]]
53 Primary Flavor Chocolate Mint 10.156401 0.001438 0.216049 0.685546 0.699666 12 0.0 [[12, 822], [0, 834]]
54 Primary Flavor Coconut 10.156401 0.001438 0.216049 0.732777 0.717641 12 0.0 [[12, 822], [0, 834]]
55 Primary Flavor Blueberry 22.363443 0.000002 0.216049 0.759643 0.72536 24 0.0 [[24, 810], [0, 834]]
56 Primary Flavor Amaretto 10.156401 0.001438 0.216049 0.782156 0.764845 12 0.0 [[12, 822], [0, 834]]

2.6.2 Broad Analysis of Categories: ANOVA

Recall our "melted" shift data. It will be useful to think of getting our Truffle data in this format:

index shift rate
0 0 A 15
1 1 A 15
2 2 A 15
3 3 A 16
4 4 A 17
df.columns = df.columns.str.replace(' ', '_')
df.columns = df.columns.str.replace('/', '_')
# get ANOVA table 
# Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) model
model = ols('EBITDA_KG ~ C(Truffle_Type)', data=df).fit()
anova_table = sm.stats.anova_lm(model, typ=2)
# output (ANOVA F and p value)
sum_sq df F PR(>F)
C(Truffle_Type) 1.250464 2.0 12.882509 0.000003
Residual 80.808138 1665.0 NaN NaN

Recall the Shapiro-Wilk test can be used to check the normal distribution of residuals. Null hypothesis: data is drawn from normal distribution.

w, pvalue = stats.shapiro(model.resid)
print(w, pvalue)
0.9576056599617004 1.2598073820281984e-21

And the Bartlett’s test to check the Homogeneity of variances. Null hypothesis: samples from populations have equal variances.

gb = df.groupby('Truffle_Type')['EBITDA_KG']
<pandas.core.groupby.generic.SeriesGroupBy object at 0x7fafac7cfd10>
w, pvalue = stats.bartlett(*[gb.get_group(x) for x in gb.groups])
print(w, pvalue)
109.93252546442552 1.344173733366234e-24

Wow it looks like our data is not drawn from a normal distribution! Let's check this for other categories...

We can wrap these in a for loop:

for col in df.columns[:5]:
  model = ols('EBITDA_KG ~ C({})'.format(col), data=df).fit()
  anova_table = sm.stats.anova_lm(model, typ=2)
  w, pvalue = stats.shapiro(model.resid)
  print("Shapiro: ", w, pvalue)
  gb = df.groupby(col)['EBITDA_KG']
  w, pvalue = stats.bartlett(*[gb.get_group(x) for x in gb.groups])
  print("Bartlett: ", w, pvalue)
sum_sq df F PR(>F)
C(Base_Cake) 39.918103 5.0 314.869955 1.889884e-237
Residual 42.140500 1662.0 NaN NaN
Shapiro:  0.9634131193161011 4.1681337029688696e-20
Bartlett:  69.83288886114195 1.1102218566053728e-13

sum_sq df F PR(>F)
C(Truffle_Type) 1.250464 2.0 12.882509 0.000003
Residual 80.808138 1665.0 NaN NaN
Shapiro:  0.9576056599617004 1.2598073820281984e-21
Bartlett:  109.93252546442552 1.344173733366234e-24

sum_sq df F PR(>F)
C(Primary_Flavor) 50.270639 50.0 51.143649 1.153434e-292
Residual 31.787964 1617.0 NaN NaN
Shapiro:  0.948470413684845 9.90281706784179e-24
Bartlett:  210.15130419114894 1.5872504991231547e-21

sum_sq df F PR(>F)
C(Secondary_Flavor) 15.088382 28.0 13.188089 1.929302e-54
Residual 66.970220 1639.0 NaN NaN
Shapiro:  0.9548103213310242 2.649492974953278e-22
Bartlett:  420.6274502894803 1.23730070350945e-71

sum_sq df F PR(>F)
C(Color_Group) 16.079685 11.0 36.689347 6.544980e-71
Residual 65.978918 1656.0 NaN NaN
Shapiro:  0.969061017036438 1.8926407335144587e-18
Bartlett:  136.55525281340468 8.164787784033709e-24

2.6.3 Visual Analysis of Residuals: QQ-Plots

This can be distressing and is often why we want visual methods to see what is going on with our data!

model = ols('EBITDA_KG ~ C(Truffle_Type)', data=df).fit()

#create instance of influence
influence = model.get_influence()

#obtain standardized residuals
standardized_residuals = influence.resid_studentized_internal

# res.anova_std_residuals are standardized residuals obtained from ANOVA (check above)
sm.qqplot(standardized_residuals, line='45')
plt.xlabel("Theoretical Quantiles")
plt.ylabel("Standardized Residuals")

# histogram
plt.hist(model.resid, bins='auto', histtype='bar', ec='k') 



We see that a lot of our data is swayed by extremely high and low values, so what can we conclude?

You need the right test statistic for the right job, in this case, we are littered with unequal variance in our groupings so we use the moods median and welch (unequal variance t-test) to make conclusions about our data
