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Data Science Foundations

Welcome to Data Science Foundations, my name is Wesley

Visit the github repo to access all materials and code for this class

This is part II of a multi-part lesson path. Checkout Python Foundations for part I and General Applications of Neural Networks for part III

Access the solutions if you get stuck

The recommended schedule for this material:

Day (2.5 hrs/day) Modules
1 Session 1: Regression and Analysis
Lab 1: Descriptive Statistics Data Hunt
2 Session 2: Inferential Statistics
Lab 2: Inferential Statistics Data Hunt
3 Session 3: Model Selection and Validation
Project Part 1: Statistical Analysis of Tic-Tac-Toe
4 Session 4: Feature Engineering
Lab 3: Practice with Feature Engineering
5 Session 5: Unsupervised Learning
Project Part 2: Heuristical Tic-Tac-Toe Agents
6 Session 6: Bagging
Lab 4: Practice with Supervised Learners
7 Session 7: Boosting
Lab 5: Practice with Writing Unit Tests
Project Part 3: 1-Step Look Ahead Agents
8 Project Part 4: N-Step Look Ahead Agents

Happy learning 🧑‍🏫