Hello. I'm Wesley Beckner.

I'm a data scientist and chemical engineer from Seattle-Dallas creating models, dashboards, and courses.

Latest Work

I have experience in a number of different areas. Have a look at what I'm working on right now.

Data Science and Microservices

What a data scientist needs to know for modern single page applications

Mint jQuery ApexCharts

General Applications of Neural Networks

Neural networks and python web applications for my course series in data science for engineers at the UW-GIX

Neural-Networks WebApps Flask

Data Science Foundations

Data Science Foundations for my course series in data science for engineers at the UW-GIX

Machine-Learning Data Ensemble-Learners


A model factory for teaching data analytics, machine learning, and dashboards

Plotly Dashboard Forecasting


A simple dashboard for analyzing transasctions from Mint

Mint Finance Analytics

Python Foundations

Python Foundations for my course series in data science for engineers at the UW-GIX

Python Jupyter OOP