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Python Foundations

Welcome to Python Foundations, my name is Wesley

Visit the github repo to access all materials and code for this class

This is part I of a multi-part lesson path. Checkout Data Science Foundations for part II and General Applications of Neural Networks for part III

Access the solutions if you get stuck

The recommended schedule for this material:

Day (2.5 hrs/day) Modules
1 Session 1: Python and Jupyter
Lab 1: Practice with Python and Jupyter
2 Session 2: Data Structures and Flow Control
Lab 2: Practice with Flow Control
3 Session 3: Functions and Debugging
Lab 3: Practice with Functions
Project Part 1: Building Tic-tac-toe in Python
4 Session 4: Object Oriented Programming
Project Part 2: Object Oriented Programming in Tic-tac-toe
5 Session 5: Pandas
Lab 4: Practice with Pandas
6 Session 6: Matplotlib
Project Part 3: Random Tic-tac-toe Agents
7 Session 7: NumPy
Lab 5: Practice with NumPy
8 Project Part 4: Debugging Tic-tac-toe Agents

Happy learning 🧑‍🏫