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Data Science Foundations
X4: Spotify

Instructor: Wesley Beckner


Prompt: What makes a playlist successful?

Deck: PDF

What makes a playlist successful?


  • Simple metric (dependent variable)
    • mau_previous_month
    • mau_both_months
    • monthly_stream30s
    • stream30s
  • Design metric (dependent variable)
    • 30s listens/tot listens (listen conversions)
    • Users both months/users prev month (user conversions)
    • Best small time performers (less than X total monthly listens + high conversion)
    • Best new user playlist (owner has only 1 popular playlist)
  • Define "top"
    • Top 10%
      • mau_previous_month: 9.0
      • mau_both_months: 2.0
      • mau: 9.0
      • monthly_stream30s: 432.0
      • stream30s: 17.0
    • Top 1%
      • mau_previous_month: 130.0
      • mau_both_months: 19.0
      • mau: 143.0
      • monthly_stream30s: 2843.0
      • stream30s: 113.0
  • Independent variables
    • moods and genres (categorical)
    • number of tracks, albums, artists, and local tracks (continuous)

The analysis will consist of:

  1. understand the distribution characteristics of the dependent and independent variables
  2. quantify the dependency of the dependent/independent variables for each of the simple and design metrics
    1. chi-square test
    2. bootstrap/t-test

Key Conclusions

for the simple metrics, what I define as "popularlity" key genres and moods were Romantic, Latin, Children's, Lively, Traditional, and Jazz. Playlists that included these genres/moods had a positive multiplier effect (usually in the vicinicty of 2x more likely) on the key simple metric (i.e. playlists with latin as a primary genre were 2.5x more likely to be in the top 10% of streams longer than 30 seconds)

for the design metrics, what I define as "trendiness" some of the key genres and moods become flipped in comparison to the relationship with popular playlists. In particular, Dance & House, Indie Rock, and Defiant rise to the top as labels that push a playlist into the trendy category

Column Name Description
playlist_uri The key, Spotify uri of the playlist
owner Playlist owner, Spotify username
streams Number of streams from the playlist today
stream30s Number of streams over 30 seconds from playlist today
dau Number of Daily Active Users, i.e. users with a stream over 30 seconds from playlist today
wau Number of Weekly Active Users, i.e. users with a stream over 30 seconds from playlist in past week
mau Number of Monthly Active Users, i.e. users with a stream over 30 seconds from playlist in the past month
mau_previous_months Number of Monthly Active users in the month prior to this one
mau_both_months Number of users that were active on the playlist both this and the previous month
users Number of users streaming (all streams) from this playlist this month
skippers Number of users who skipped more than 90 percent of their streams today
owner_country Country of the playlist owner
n_tracks Number of tracks in playlist
n_local_tracks Change in number of tracks on playlist since yesterday
n_artists Number of unique artists in playlist
n_albums Number of unique albums in playlist
monthly_stream30s Number of streams over 30 seconds this month
monthly_owner_stream30s Number of streams over 30 seconds by playlist owner this month
tokens List of playlist title tokens, stopwords and punctuation removed
genre_1 No. 1 Genre by weight of playlist tracks, from Gracenote metadata
genre_2 No. 2 Genre by weight of playlist tracks, from Gracenote metadata
genre_3 No. 3 Genre by weight of playlist tracks, from Gracenote metadata
mood_1 No. 1 Mood by weight of playlist tracks, from Gracenote metadata
mood_2 No. 2 Mood by weight of playlist tracks, from Gracenote metadata
mood_3 No. 3 Mood by weight of playlist tracks, from Gracenote metadata


# basic packages
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
import numpy as np
import random
import copy

# visualization packages
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as px
import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
import graphviz 

# stats packages
import scipy.stats as stats
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
from statsmodels.discrete.discrete_model import Logit
from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor

# sklearn preprocessing
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler, PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.utils.class_weight import compute_class_weight

# sklearn modeling
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, RandomForestRegressor, AdaBoostClassifier, GradientBoostingClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, LogisticRegression
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture

# sklearn evaluation
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score, accuracy_score, classification_report, confusion_matrix
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, cross_val_score
df = pd.read_csv("../../data/playlist_summary_external-4.txt", delimiter='\t')
playlist_uri owner streams stream30s dau wau mau mau_previous_month mau_both_months users skippers owner_country n_tracks n_local_tracks n_artists n_albums monthly_stream30s monthly_owner_stream30s tokens genre_1 genre_2 genre_3 mood_1 mood_2 mood_3
0 spotify:user:36069af6af076ccd9e597184a67b68c9:... 36069af6af076ccd9e597184a67b68c9 27 27 1 1 3 3 0 8 0 US 52 0 4 7 30 27 ["ambient", "music", "therapy", "binaural", "b... Dance & House New Age Country & Folk Peaceful Romantic Somber
1 spotify:user:d1144a65b1c31c5f9f56b94f831124d5:... d1144a65b1c31c5f9f56b94f831124d5 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 3 0 US 131 0 112 113 112 94 ["good", "living"] Pop Indie Rock Alternative Excited Yearning Defiant
2 spotify:user:6b7fbed9edd6418ddd3b555bba441536:... 6b7fbed9edd6418ddd3b555bba441536 4 2 1 1 7 5 0 15 0 US 43 0 35 36 63 0 ["norte\u00f1a"] Latin - - Lively Upbeat Romantic
3 spotify:user:580b98725077a94c3c8d01d07390426b:... 580b98725077a94c3c8d01d07390426b 12 12 1 1 4 6 1 10 0 US 27 1 27 26 154 108 [] Dance & House Electronica Pop Excited Aggressive Defiant
4 spotify:user:1305d39070c95d161cc502e15014897d:... 1305d39070c95d161cc502e15014897d 20 4 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 US 52 0 47 51 230 0 ["cheesy", "pants"] Indie Rock Alternative Electronica Excited Defiant Yearning
playlist_uri owner streams stream30s dau wau mau mau_previous_month mau_both_months users skippers owner_country n_tracks n_local_tracks n_artists n_albums monthly_stream30s monthly_owner_stream30s tokens genre_1 genre_2 genre_3 mood_1 mood_2 mood_3
403361 spotify:user:4672952d42bdd93b9215ce9a40394ea6:... 4672952d42bdd93b9215ce9a40394ea6 18 6 2 6 13 12 8 20 1 US 48 0 44 48 464 43 ["discover", "mix"] Indie Rock Alternative Dance & House Excited Yearning Energizing
403362 spotify:user:28c4378e099b4843f5dd42bb848c78ea:... 28c4378e099b4843f5dd42bb848c78ea 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 3 0 US 182 27 114 129 44 14 ["ambient", "study", "music"] Electronica Dance & House Rap Sensual Excited Brooding
403363 spotify:user:1c54302dc7e610a10c51eed81e26a168:... 1c54302dc7e610a10c51eed81e26a168 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 US 36 0 16 15 82 80 ["october"] Rap Indie Rock Alternative Brooding Defiant Sophisticated
403364 spotify:user:adc973443cdf1abecdfb4244e530d451:... adc973443cdf1abecdfb4244e530d451 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 US 50 0 25 25 2 0 [] Rap R&B Latin Defiant Energizing Aggressive
403365 spotify:user:b3752c94e387192b7950b687453bcf45:... b3752c94e387192b7950b687453bcf45 74 16 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 US 348 10 281 290 216 178 ["eclecticism"] Rap Rock Alternative Defiant Energizing Cool
df.sort_values('users', ascending=False).head()
playlist_uri owner streams stream30s dau wau mau mau_previous_month mau_both_months users skippers owner_country n_tracks n_local_tracks n_artists n_albums monthly_stream30s monthly_owner_stream30s tokens genre_1 genre_2 genre_3 mood_1 mood_2 mood_3
152032 spotify:user:spotify:playlist:5FJXhjdILmRA2z5b... spotify 2527075 1461324 152929 669966 1944150 1478684 578391 3455406 86162 US 51 0 51 51 42497334 22 ["top", "hits"] Pop R&B Dance & House Excited Cool Brooding
163726 spotify:user:spotify:playlist:4hOKQuZbraPDIfaG... spotify 2629715 1513237 122005 514627 1453097 970905 364140 2448881 56707 US 100 0 93 86 40722305 0 ["top", "tracks", "currently", "spotify"] Pop Dance & House Indie Rock Excited Defiant Energizing
216752 spotify:user:spotify:playlist:3ZgmfR6lsnCwdffZ... spotify 735281 348391 43498 219817 688999 365968 109688 1233952 34145 US 100 0 100 99 9879201 0 ["top", "pop", "tracks", "spotify"] Pop R&B Rap Excited Defiant Empowering
401060 spotify:user:spotify:playlist:3MlpudZs4HT3i0yG... spotify 505876 245377 33152 121173 430129 339921 79443 973788 23846 US 43 0 41 42 5567649 44 ["teen", "party"] Pop R&B Rap Excited Yearning Urgent
307283 spotify:user:spotify:playlist:04MJzJlzOoy5bTyt... spotify 252309 124903 16480 68518 278966 448102 75371 917174 11888 US 296 0 1 1 4178965 8 ["dance", "mega", "mix"] Dance & House Electronica Pop Excited Aggressive Energizing
Index(['playlist_uri', 'owner', 'streams', 'stream30s', 'dau', 'wau', 'mau',
       'mau_previous_month', 'mau_both_months', 'users', 'skippers',
       'owner_country', 'n_tracks', 'n_local_tracks', 'n_artists', 'n_albums',
       'monthly_stream30s', 'monthly_owner_stream30s', 'tokens', 'genre_1',
       'genre_2', 'genre_3', 'mood_1', 'mood_2', 'mood_3'],
id = [df.columns[0], df.columns[1]]
targets = list(df.columns[2:11]) + ["monthly_stream30s", "monthly_owner_stream30s"]
features = set(df.columns) - set(targets) - set(id)
features = list(features)

print(f"id columns: {id}")
print(f"target columns: {targets}")
print(f"feature columns: {features}")
id columns: ['playlist_uri', 'owner']
target columns: ['streams', 'stream30s', 'dau', 'wau', 'mau', 'mau_previous_month', 'mau_both_months', 'users', 'skippers', 'monthly_stream30s', 'monthly_owner_stream30s']
feature columns: ['n_albums', 'n_artists', 'mood_1', 'n_tracks', 'mood_3', 'genre_1', 'genre_2', 'genre_3', 'tokens', 'owner_country', 'n_local_tracks', 'mood_2']

stream30s, dau, wau, mau, monthly_stream30s, monthly_owner_stream30s, mau_previous_months and mau_both_months are all specifically for users who have streamed the playlist for over 30 seconds

Let's make the north star metric

  • mau_previous_month - tells us how many users have streamed over 30 seconds from the playlist this past month
    • downside: since we don't know when the playlist was created, we may falsely label some playlists as having low rate of success

Let's make a guardrail metric

  • mau_both_months - tells us if the playlist has replay value

    • downside: since we don't know when the playlist was created, we don't know at what stage the playlist is in its lifetime, i.e. do users fall off from months 1-2 or months 10-11
  • stream30s - number of streams over 30 seconds today; tells us demand of playlist unormalized by number of users accessing the stream (i.e. some users will stream multiple times)

    • downside - a few users can dominate the overall number of listens
  • monthly_stream30s - number of streams over 30 seconds for the month; will give us a longer term comparison between streams

    • downside - playlists created at some point in the month will be compared unequally

Secondary metric

  • monthly_owner_stream30s - tells us if the owner or the playlist is significant in making a successful playlist; semi-feature column
sub_targets = ['mau_previous_month', 'mau_both_months',  'mau', 'monthly_stream30s', 'stream30s']

Depenent Variable

it looks like mau may be from an incomplete month (comparing the frequency to mau_previous_months)

streams stream30s dau wau mau mau_previous_month mau_both_months users skippers monthly_stream30s monthly_owner_stream30s
streams 1.000000 0.994380 0.988381 0.967860 0.958000 0.905523 0.957998 0.911023 0.948062 0.984383 -0.001338
stream30s 0.994380 1.000000 0.985062 0.968307 0.957810 0.908967 0.956223 0.912391 0.937712 0.992060 -0.000767
dau 0.988381 0.985062 1.000000 0.986290 0.981306 0.938572 0.975665 0.946317 0.980372 0.980044 -0.003330
wau 0.967860 0.968307 0.986290 1.000000 0.995568 0.957752 0.974101 0.970788 0.976330 0.978300 -0.004150
mau 0.958000 0.957810 0.981306 0.995568 1.000000 0.969613 0.969983 0.983961 0.980052 0.970658 -0.004432
mau_previous_month 0.905523 0.908967 0.938572 0.957752 0.969613 1.000000 0.954992 0.990228 0.943692 0.931162 -0.004802
mau_both_months 0.957998 0.956223 0.975665 0.974101 0.969983 0.954992 1.000000 0.942426 0.951045 0.971727 -0.003219
users 0.911023 0.912391 0.946317 0.970788 0.983961 0.990228 0.942426 1.000000 0.963877 0.931219 -0.005115
skippers 0.948062 0.937712 0.980372 0.976330 0.980052 0.943692 0.951045 0.963877 1.000000 0.935228 -0.004150
monthly_stream30s 0.984383 0.992060 0.980044 0.978300 0.970658 0.931162 0.971727 0.931219 0.935228 1.000000 -0.000519
monthly_owner_stream30s -0.001338 -0.000767 -0.003330 -0.004150 -0.004432 -0.004802 -0.003219 -0.005115 -0.004150 -0.000519 1.000000
df.plot(x='mau', y='mau_previous_month', ls='', marker='.')


df.plot(x='mau', y='dau', ls='', marker='.')


df.plot(x='mau', y='wau', ls='', marker='.')


df.plot(x='mau', y='stream30s', ls='', marker='.')


df.plot(x='stream30s', y='monthly_owner_stream30s', ls='', marker='.')


df.plot(x='stream30s', y='skippers', ls='', marker='.')


quant = 0.99
for target in targets:
    cutoff = np.quantile(df[target], quant)
    y = df.loc[df[target] < cutoff]
    y.plot(kind='hist', y=target, bins=100)












quant = 0.997
for target in sub_targets:
    cutoff = np.quantile(df[target], quant)
    y = df.loc[df[target] < cutoff]
    removed = df.loc[~(df[target] < cutoff)]
    print(f"removed items: {removed.shape[0]}")
    y.plot(kind='hist', y=target, bins=100)
removed items: 1212


removed items: 1216


removed items: 1211


removed items: 1211


mau_previous_month mau_both_months monthly_stream30s stream30s
count 4.033660e+05 403366.000000 4.033660e+05 4.033660e+05
mean 5.819009e+01 12.937065 1.260489e+03 4.283333e+01
std 3.827248e+03 1240.912979 1.062463e+05 3.772412e+03
min 0.000000e+00 0.000000 2.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
25% 1.000000e+00 1.000000 3.100000e+01 0.000000e+00
50% 2.000000e+00 1.000000 7.900000e+01 0.000000e+00
75% 3.000000e+00 2.000000 1.930000e+02 5.000000e+00
max 1.478684e+06 578391.000000 4.249733e+07 1.513237e+06

Independent Variable

n_albums n_artists mood_1 n_tracks mood_3 genre_1 genre_2 genre_3 tokens owner_country n_local_tracks mood_2
0 7 4 Peaceful 52 Somber Dance & House New Age Country & Folk ["ambient", "music", "therapy", "binaural", "b... US 0 Romantic
1 113 112 Excited 131 Defiant Pop Indie Rock Alternative ["good", "living"] US 0 Yearning
2 36 35 Lively 43 Romantic Latin - - ["norte\u00f1a"] US 0 Upbeat
3 26 27 Excited 27 Defiant Dance & House Electronica Pop [] US 1 Aggressive
4 51 47 Excited 52 Yearning Indie Rock Alternative Electronica ["cheesy", "pants"] US 0 Defiant

con_features = list(df[features].select_dtypes('number').columns)
des_features = list(df[features].select_dtypes('object').columns)
['n_albums', 'n_artists', 'n_tracks', 'n_local_tracks']
['mood_1', 'mood_3', 'genre_1', 'genre_2', 'genre_3', 'tokens', 'owner_country', 'mood_2']
mood_1 mood_3 genre_1 genre_2 genre_3 tokens owner_country mood_2
count 403366 403366 403366 403366 403366 403366 403366 403366
unique 27 27 26 26 26 192107 1 27
top Defiant Energizing Indie Rock Alternative Pop [] US Energizing
freq 81079 56450 70571 66252 78758 32568 403366 51643

we will go ahead and remove owner_country (1 unique), owner, and tokens (cardinal) from our feature analysis

id = [df.columns[0]]
targets = list(df.columns[2:11]) + ["monthly_stream30s", "monthly_owner_stream30s"]
features = set(df.columns) - set(targets) - set(id) - set(["owner_country", "owner", "tokens"])
features = list(features)

print(f"id columns: {id}")
print(f"target columns: {targets}")
print(f"feature columns: {features}")

con_features = list(df[features].select_dtypes('number').columns)
des_features = ['mood_1', 'mood_2', 'mood_3', 'genre_1', 'genre_2', 'genre_3']
id columns: ['playlist_uri']
target columns: ['streams', 'stream30s', 'dau', 'wau', 'mau', 'mau_previous_month', 'mau_both_months', 'users', 'skippers', 'monthly_stream30s', 'monthly_owner_stream30s']
feature columns: ['n_albums', 'mood_1', 'n_artists', 'n_tracks', 'mood_3', 'genre_1', 'genre_2', 'genre_3', 'n_local_tracks', 'mood_2']
['n_albums', 'n_artists', 'n_tracks', 'n_local_tracks']
['mood_1', 'mood_2', 'mood_3', 'genre_1', 'genre_2', 'genre_3']

Discrete Features

mood_1 mood_2 mood_3 genre_1 genre_2 genre_3
count 403366 403366 403366 403366 403366 403366
unique 27 27 27 26 26 26
top Defiant Energizing Energizing Indie Rock Alternative Pop
freq 81079 51643 56450 70571 66252 78758
mood_1    mood_2      mood_3      genre_1        genre_2        genre_3
Excited   Aggressive  Energizing  Dance & House  Electronica    Pop        4824
Defiant   Cool        Energizing  Rap            R&B            Pop        4458
          Energizing  Cool        Rap            R&B            Pop        4003
                                                 Pop            R&B        1803
                      Excited     Rap            Pop            R&B        1225
Excited   Aggressive  Urgent      Alternative    Electronica    Metal         1
                                                 Dance & House  Pop           1
                      Upbeat      Pop            Soundtrack     -             1
                                  Indie Rock     Alternative    -             1
Yearning  Urgent      Upbeat      Soundtrack     Pop            Rap           1
Length: 138379, dtype: int64
mood_1    mood_2      mood_3    
Defiant   Cool        Energizing    15125
          Energizing  Cool          12278
Excited   Aggressive  Energizing     7564
Defiant   Energizing  Excited        6672
          Excited     Energizing     6179
Peaceful  Urgent      Yearning          1
          Yearning    Cool              1
                      Excited           1
                      Fiery             1
Other     Urgent      Aggressive        1
Length: 9326, dtype: int64
genre_1        genre_2         genre_3    
Rap            R&B             Pop            15477
Indie Rock     Alternative     Rock           13102
Dance & House  Electronica     Pop            10800
Indie Rock     Alternative     Pop             9981
                               Electronica     7233
New Age        Country & Folk  Rock               1
               Dance & House   R&B                1
                               Rock               1
                               Soundtrack         1
Traditional    Spoken & Audio  Religious          1
Length: 6664, dtype: int64
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10,10))

dff = pd.DataFrame(df[des_features[0]].value_counts()).join(
dff = dff.reset_index().melt(id_vars='index')
dff.columns = ['mood', 'order', 'count']
sns.barplot(data=dff, hue='order', y='mood', x='count', orient='h', ax=ax[0])

dff = pd.DataFrame(df[des_features[3]].value_counts()).join(
dff = dff.reset_index().melt(id_vars='index')
dff.columns = ['genre', 'order', 'count']
sns.barplot(data=dff, hue='order', y='genre', x='count', orient='h', ax=ax[1])



Continuous Features

n_albums n_artists n_tracks n_local_tracks
count 403366.000000 403366.000000 403366.000000 403366.000000
mean 88.224250 83.852050 201.483432 3.084035
std 133.193118 128.152488 584.077765 40.330266
min 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000
25% 19.000000 18.000000 38.000000 0.000000
50% 48.000000 46.000000 84.000000 0.000000
75% 106.000000 100.000000 192.000000 0.000000
max 6397.000000 5226.000000 79984.000000 9117.000000
quant = 0.999
for target in con_features:
    cutoff = np.quantile(df[target], quant)
    y = df.loc[df[target] < cutoff]
    removed = df.loc[~(df[target] < cutoff)]
    print(f"removed items: {removed.shape[0]}")
    y.plot(kind='hist', y=target, bins=100, density=True)
removed items: 404


removed items: 405


removed items: 404


removed items: 406



An example of how we will bootstrap to perform hypothesis tests later on

means = []
ind = con_features[0]
for i in range(100):
    boot = random.sample(
                        (df[ind] > 9) 
                        & (df[ind] < 999)
stuff = plt.hist(means, bins=100, density=True)



Categorical Target

for target in sub_targets:
    print(f"p99 {target}: {np.quantile(df[target], 0.99)}")
p99 mau_previous_month: 130.0
p99 mau_both_months: 19.0
p99 mau: 143.0
p99 monthly_stream30s: 2843.0
p99 stream30s: 113.0
['mood_1', 'mood_2', 'mood_3', 'genre_1', 'genre_2', 'genre_3']

Categorical Feature

chidf = pd.DataFrame()
target = sub_targets[2]
chidf[target] = df[target]
moods = pd.DataFrame()
cutoff = 0.001
pop = chidf[target].values

for ind in des_features:
    # ind = des_features[0]
    chidf[ind] = df[ind]

    for grp_label in df[ind].unique():
        # grp_label = df[ind].unique()[0]
        grp = chidf.loc[chidf[ind] == grp_label][target].values
        chi2, p, m, cTable = stats.median_test(grp, pop, correction=True)
        ratio = cTable[0]/cTable[1]
        pos = ratio[0]/ratio[1] > 1
        moods = pd.concat([moods, pd.DataFrame([[ind, grp_label, chi2, p, cTable, pos, p<cutoff]])])

moods.columns = ['feature', 'group', 'chi', 'p-value', 'cTable', '+', 'reject null']
moods = moods.sort_values('p-value').reset_index(drop=True)
moods.loc[moods['reject null'] == True]
feature group chi p-value cTable + reject null
0 genre_3 - 1725.882036 0.000000e+00 [[16033, 205049], [24090, 198317]] False True
1 genre_2 - 1104.759466 3.051013e-242 [[8216, 203517], [12990, 199849]] False True
2 genre_1 Latin 651.374931 1.122254e-143 [[9000, 199027], [6012, 204339]] True True
3 mood_1 Energizing 611.189037 6.167816e-135 [[10316, 203517], [14071, 199849]] False True
4 genre_1 Rock 315.827189 1.174487e-70 [[12514, 201911], [15563, 201455]] False True
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
93 mood_1 Stirring 12.333846 4.448190e-04 [[877, 200454], [1044, 202912]] False True
94 mood_1 Serious 12.316512 4.489689e-04 [[778, 200454], [935, 202912]] False True
95 mood_2 Lively 12.161071 4.879735e-04 [[2588, 200454], [2882, 202912]] False True
96 mood_2 Somber 11.618507 6.529880e-04 [[792, 200454], [946, 202912]] False True
97 genre_2 Dance & House 10.834697 9.961560e-04 [[12678, 201911], [13196, 201455]] False True

98 rows × 7 columns

chidf = pd.DataFrame()
target = sub_targets[2]
chidf[target] = df[target]
quant_value = 0.90
tar_value = np.quantile(chidf[target], quant_value)
chidf[target] = chidf[target] > tar_value
chisum = pd.DataFrame()
cutoff = 0.0001
pop = chidf[target].values

for ind in des_features:
    # ind = des_features[0]
    chidf[ind] = df[ind]

    for grp_label in df[ind].unique():
    # grp_label = df[ind].unique()[0]
            cTable = chidf.groupby(chidf[ind] == grp_label)[target].value_counts().values.reshape(2,2).T
            chi2, p, dof, ex = stats.chi2_contingency(cTable, correction=True, lambda_=None)
            ratio = cTable[1]/cTable[0]
            pos = ratio[1]/ratio[0]
            chisum = pd.concat([chisum, pd.DataFrame([[ind, grp_label, chi2, p, cTable, pos, p<cutoff]])])

chisum.columns = ['feature', 'group', 'chi', 'p-value', 'cTable', 'multiplier', 'reject null']
chisum = chisum.sort_values('p-value').reset_index(drop=True)
Categorical-Categorical Conclusions

increasing quant_value will render additional features; as the population performance worsens, new feature/group pairs have an opportunity to increase the multiplier

Best Groups

chisum.loc[(chisum['reject null'] == True) & (chisum['multiplier'] > 2)].sort_values('multiplier', ascending=False)
feature group chi p-value cTable multiplier reject null
6 genre_1 Children's 262.624693 4.596280e-59 [[361785, 1286], [39933, 362]] 2.550270 True
11 mood_1 Other 197.598843 6.979647e-45 [[361719, 1352], [39952, 343]] 2.296943 True
19 genre_1 Spoken & Audio 120.508309 4.896128e-28 [[362147, 924], [40068, 227]] 2.220451 True
0 genre_1 Latin 1150.625294 3.280867e-252 [[350782, 12289], [37572, 2723]] 2.068731 True
12 genre_1 New Age 166.484617 4.335181e-38 [[361286, 1785], [39896, 399]] 2.024214 True

Worst Groups

chisum.loc[(chisum['reject null'] == True) & (chisum['multiplier'] < 0.8)].sort_values('multiplier', ascending=False)
feature group chi p-value cTable multiplier reject null
28 mood_2 Sensual 85.309680 2.551113e-20 [[343873, 19198], [38598, 1697]] 0.787516 True
40 genre_1 Electronica 65.249731 6.598320e-16 [[350162, 12909], [39176, 1119]] 0.774794 True
2 genre_1 Indie Rock 366.567076 1.046303e-81 [[298164, 64907], [34631, 5664]] 0.751315 True
13 genre_3 Electronica 163.908151 1.584260e-37 [[337501, 25570], [38143, 2152]] 0.744684 True
21 mood_1 Brooding 109.456909 1.288759e-25 [[346296, 16775], [38893, 1402]] 0.744152 True
48 mood_1 Gritty 49.741710 1.753777e-12 [[355800, 7271], [39695, 600]] 0.739652 True
14 mood_1 Energizing 162.542129 3.149562e-37 [[340541, 22530], [38438, 1857]] 0.730229 True
68 mood_3 Other 27.407286 1.648091e-07 [[361541, 1530], [40196, 99]] 0.581994 True

We would recommend would-be superstar playlist maker construct a playlist with the following attributes:

  • Genre 1: Children's
    • 2.6x more likely to be in the 90th percentile
    • 4.8x more likely to be in the 99th percentile
  • Mood 1: Other
    • 2.3x more likely to be in the 90th percentile
    • 2.4x more likely to be in the 99th percentile

Continuous Feature

['n_albums', 'n_artists', 'n_tracks', 'n_local_tracks']
target = "monthly_stream30s"
chidf[target] = df[target]
quant_value = 0.90
tar_value = np.quantile(chidf[target], quant_value)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
df.loc[df[target] > tar_value].groupby('n_albums')[['wau']].mean().plot(ls='', marker='.', ax=ax)
ax.set_xlim(0, 200)
# ax.set_ylim(0, 100)

(0.0, 200.0)



For t tests we need to deal with the long tails in the distributions along the independent variable

streams stream30s dau wau mau mau_previous_month mau_both_months users skippers monthly_stream30s monthly_owner_stream30s
count 4.033660e+05 4.033660e+05 403366.000000 403366.000000 4.033660e+05 4.033660e+05 403366.000000 4.033660e+05 403366.000000 4.033660e+05 403366.000000
mean 7.101375e+01 4.283333e+01 4.418265 21.784446 6.614290e+01 5.819009e+01 12.937065 1.493085e+02 2.827749 1.260489e+03 93.556621
std 6.492014e+03 3.772412e+03 358.855685 1614.650805 4.732580e+03 3.827248e+03 1240.912979 9.247484e+03 205.059728 1.062463e+05 226.250189
min 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000 2.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 2.000000e+00 0.000000 2.000000e+00 0.000000
25% 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 1.000000 2.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000 2.000000e+00 0.000000 3.100000e+01 6.000000
50% 1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 1.000000 2.000000e+00 2.000000e+00 1.000000 3.000000e+00 0.000000 7.900000e+01 30.000000
75% 8.000000e+00 5.000000e+00 1.000000 2.000000 4.000000e+00 3.000000e+00 2.000000 7.000000e+00 0.000000 1.930000e+02 96.000000
max 2.629715e+06 1.513237e+06 152929.000000 669966.000000 1.944150e+06 1.478684e+06 578391.000000 3.455406e+06 86162.000000 4.249733e+07 25904.000000
df.loc[df['owner'] != 'spotify'][targets].describe()
streams stream30s dau wau mau mau_previous_month mau_both_months users skippers monthly_stream30s monthly_owner_stream30s
count 402967.000000 402967.000000 402967.000000 402967.000000 402967.000000 402967.000000 402967.000000 402967.000000 402967.000000 4.029670e+05 402967.000000
mean 20.968960 11.990945 1.232421 5.275308 14.860487 13.483665 3.029327 32.824100 0.728640 3.543268e+02 93.647783
std 766.262668 404.190477 41.227771 185.706612 504.704081 548.731437 129.629183 1157.601711 27.054367 1.093559e+04 226.343585
min 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.000000 0.000000 2.000000e+00 0.000000
25% 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 2.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.000000 3.100000e+01 6.000000
50% 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 2.000000 2.000000 1.000000 3.000000 0.000000 7.900000e+01 30.000000
75% 8.000000 5.000000 1.000000 2.000000 4.000000 3.000000 2.000000 7.000000 0.000000 1.930000e+02 96.000000
max 293283.000000 173753.000000 18290.000000 71891.000000 206756.000000 190026.000000 59049.000000 439699.000000 11755.000000 5.098585e+06 25904.000000
chidf = pd.DataFrame()
target = "mau"
chidf[target] = df[target]
quant_value = 0.99
tar_value = np.quantile(chidf[target], quant_value)
chidf[target] = chidf[target] > tar_value
welchsum = pd.DataFrame()
cutoff = 0.0001
pop = chidf[target].values

for ind in con_features:
    # ind = con_features[0]
    chidf[ind] = df[ind]

    # for grp_label in df[ind].unique():
    # try:
    a = []
    b = []
    for i in range(100):
        boot1 = random.sample(
                            (chidf[target] == True)
        boot2 = random.sample(
                            (chidf[target] == False)
    testt, p = stats.ttest_ind(a, b, equal_var=False)
    a_avg = np.mean(a)
    b_avg = np.mean(b)
    welchsum = pd.concat([welchsum, pd.DataFrame([[ind, testt, p, a_avg, b_avg, p<cutoff]])])
    sns.histplot(a, color='tab:orange', label=f"{target} > {tar_value:.0f}")
    sns.histplot(b, label=f"{target} <= {tar_value:.0f}")
    # except:
    #     pass

welchsum.columns = ['feature', 'test stat', 'p-value', 'upper q avg', 'lower q avg', 'reject null']
welchsum = welchsum.sort_values('p-value').reset_index(drop=True)





feature test stat p-value upper q avg lower q avg reject null
0 n_tracks 10.277868 4.444906e-20 214.33164 193.07872 True
1 n_artists 5.367785 2.238566e-07 84.92819 81.98974 True
2 n_local_tracks -2.602519 1.006900e-02 2.59716 2.84386 False
3 n_albums -0.827392 4.090126e-01 85.92611 86.46785 False

Let's perform the same test again this time let's say we're only interested in playlists with at least 10 tracks and fewer than 1000 tracks

chidf = pd.DataFrame()
target = sub_targets[2]
chidf[target] = df[target]
chidf['n_tracks'] = df['n_tracks']
quant_value = 0.90
tar_value = np.quantile(chidf[target], quant_value)
chidf[target] = chidf[target] > tar_value
welchsum = pd.DataFrame()
cutoff = 0.0001
pop = chidf[target].values

for ind in con_features:
    # ind = con_features[0]
    chidf[ind] = df[ind]

    # for grp_label in df[ind].unique():
    # try:
    a = []
    b = []
    for i in range(100):
        boot1 = random.sample(
                            (chidf[target] == True)
                            & (chidf['n_tracks'] > 9)
                            & (chidf['n_tracks'] < 999)
        boot2 = random.sample(
                            (chidf[target] == False)
                            & (chidf['n_tracks'] > 9)
                            & (chidf['n_tracks'] < 999)
    testt, p = stats.ttest_ind(a, b, equal_var=False)
    a_avg = np.mean(a)
    b_avg = np.mean(b)
    welchsum = pd.concat([welchsum, pd.DataFrame([[ind, testt, p, a_avg, b_avg, p<cutoff]])])
    sns.histplot(a, color='tab:orange', label=f"{target} > {tar_value:.0f}")
    sns.histplot(b, label=f"{target} <= {tar_value:.0f}")
    # except:
    #     pass

welchsum.columns = ['feature', 'test stat', 'p-value', 'upper q avg', 'lower q avg', 'reject null']
welchsum = welchsum.sort_values('p-value').reset_index(drop=True)





feature test stat p-value upper q avg lower q avg reject null
0 n_tracks 115.613349 3.417496e-174 231.30575 136.10481 True
1 n_artists 97.323391 2.230656e-167 108.74091 70.18516 True
2 n_albums 94.393421 2.063549e-160 114.38747 74.44801 True
3 n_local_tracks 15.122963 4.889333e-34 3.04746 1.99517 True
Categorical-Continuous Conclusions

Our conclusions are the same. There is a clear delineation between number of tracks, albums, and artists for popular and unpopular playlists

Putting it All Together

['mau_previous_month', 'mau_both_months', 'monthly_stream30s', 'stream30s']
['mood_1', 'mood_2', 'mood_3', 'genre_1', 'genre_2', 'genre_3']
master = pd.DataFrame()
for target in sub_targets:
    # target = sub_targets[0]
    for quant_value in [0.9, 0.99]:
        # quant_value = 0.90
        chidf = pd.DataFrame()
        chidf[target] = df[target]
        tar_value = np.quantile(chidf[target], quant_value)
        chidf[target] = chidf[target] > tar_value
        chisum = pd.DataFrame()
        cutoff = 0.0001
        pop = chidf[target].values

        for ind in des_features:
            # ind = des_features[0]
            chidf[ind] = df[ind]

            for grp_label in df[ind].unique():
            # grp_label = df[ind].unique()[0]
                    cTable = chidf.groupby(chidf[ind] == grp_label)[target].value_counts().values.reshape(2,2).T
                    chi2, p, dof, ex = stats.chi2_contingency(cTable, correction=True, lambda_=None)
                    ratio = cTable[1]/cTable[0]
                    pos = ratio[1]/ratio[0]
                    chisum = pd.concat([chisum, pd.DataFrame([[target, quant_value, tar_value, ind, grp_label, chi2, p, cTable, pos, p<cutoff]])])

        chisum.columns = ['target', 'upper q', 'upper q value', 'feature', 'group', 'chi', 'p-value', 'cTable', 'multiplier', 'reject null']
        chisum = chisum.sort_values('p-value').reset_index(drop=True)
        chisum = chisum.loc[(chisum['reject null'] == True) & (chisum['multiplier'] > 2)].sort_values('multiplier', ascending=False)
        master = pd.concat((master, chisum))

target upper q upper q value feature group chi p-value cTable multiplier reject null
2 mau_previous_month 0.90 9.0 genre_1 Latin 5590.525321 0.000000e+00 [[355002, 11016], [33352, 3996]] 3.861095 True
18 mau_previous_month 0.90 9.0 genre_1 Children's 434.974313 1.343518e-96 [[364768, 1250], [36950, 398]] 3.143224 True
1 mau_previous_month 0.90 9.0 mood_1 Lively 2312.708732 0.000000e+00 [[358030, 7988], [34990, 2358]] 3.020517 True
22 mau_previous_month 0.90 9.0 genre_1 Traditional 357.345743 1.065483e-79 [[364829, 1189], [36989, 359]] 2.978032 True
7 mau_previous_month 0.90 9.0 genre_2 Jazz 1046.212802 1.619916e-229 [[362333, 3685], [36262, 1086]] 2.944750 True
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
36 stream30s 0.99 113.0 genre_2 Easy Listening 26.570340 2.541152e-07 [[397291, 2078], [3952, 45]] 2.177002 True
29 stream30s 0.99 113.0 genre_2 Traditional 39.102302 4.021695e-10 [[396243, 3126], [3930, 67]] 2.161001 True
24 stream30s 0.99 113.0 genre_3 Jazz 46.586071 8.768129e-12 [[395431, 3938], [3914, 83]] 2.129376 True
22 stream30s 0.99 113.0 mood_2 Easygoing 48.122685 4.003676e-12 [[394690, 4679], [3902, 95]] 2.053711 True
18 stream30s 0.99 113.0 mood_2 Lively 53.658720 2.385226e-13 [[394007, 5362], [3889, 108]] 2.040624 True

182 rows × 10 columns

-                 22
Romantic          19
Lively            17
Traditional       16
Children's        16
Jazz              14
Latin             12
Serious            8
Easy Listening     8
Soundtrack         8
Other              7
New Age            7
Holiday            6
Peaceful           6
Spoken & Audio     4
Fiery              3
Tender             3
Easygoing          3
Sophisticated      2
Somber             1
Name: group, dtype: int64
master.loc[master['upper q'] == 0.90]['group'].value_counts()
-                 12
Lively             7
Traditional        7
Children's         7
Jazz               7
Latin              7
Romantic           6
Other              5
Serious            5
Holiday            5
Easy Listening     4
Soundtrack         4
Spoken & Audio     3
Fiery              3
Sophisticated      2
New Age            1
Tender             1
Name: group, dtype: int64
sort_key = {i: j for i,j in zip(master['group'].value_counts().index.values, range(master['group'].nunique()))}
master['rank'] = master['group'].apply(lambda x: sort_key[x])
master.sort_values('rank', inplace=True)
# master.drop('rank', axis=1, inplace=True)
master.loc[master['group'] != '-'][:20]
target upper q upper q value feature group chi p-value cTable multiplier reject null rank
7 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_2 Romantic 146.934024 8.112487e-34 [[389339, 9994], [3810, 223]] 2.280176 True 1
6 stream30s 0.99 113.0 mood_2 Romantic 148.026986 4.679851e-34 [[389374, 9995], [3775, 222]] 2.290974 True 1
4 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_1 Romantic 175.072639 5.772239e-40 [[390131, 9202], [3812, 221]] 2.457919 True 1
2 mau 0.99 143.0 mood_1 Romantic 202.823985 5.053546e-46 [[390156, 9193], [3787, 230]] 2.577588 True 1
1 mau 0.90 9.0 mood_2 Romantic 1531.190216 0.000000e+00 [[355299, 8035], [37850, 2182]] 2.549159 True 1
8 mau_previous_month 0.90 9.0 mood_3 Romantic 1013.797108 1.800082e-222 [[357949, 8069], [35525, 1823]] 2.276429 True 1
4 mau_previous_month 0.99 130.0 mood_1 Romantic 156.500834 6.579992e-36 [[390127, 9209], [3816, 214]] 2.375740 True 1
8 mau 0.90 9.0 mood_3 Romantic 1170.355016 1.690629e-256 [[355429, 7905], [38045, 1987]] 2.348287 True 1
6 mau 0.99 143.0 mood_2 Romantic 105.450504 9.729814e-25 [[389336, 10013], [3813, 204]] 2.080289 True 1
5 mau_previous_month 0.99 130.0 mood_3 Romantic 112.605179 2.633191e-26 [[389647, 9689], [3827, 203]] 2.133192 True 1
6 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_3 Romantic 149.750731 1.965370e-34 [[389660, 9673], [3814, 219]] 2.313066 True 1
3 mau_both_months 0.99 19.0 mood_1 Romantic 109.693770 1.143607e-25 [[390177, 9231], [3766, 192]] 2.154933 True 1
6 mau_previous_month 0.90 9.0 mood_1 Romantic 1142.816205 1.633755e-250 [[358408, 7610], [35535, 1813]] 2.402893 True 1
10 stream30s 0.99 113.0 mood_3 Romantic 136.025552 1.969792e-31 [[389689, 9680], [3785, 212]] 2.254825 True 1
5 mau 0.99 143.0 mood_3 Romantic 122.574129 1.728356e-28 [[389664, 9685], [3810, 207]] 2.185929 True 1
6 mau 0.90 9.0 mood_1 Romantic 1328.179994 8.498925e-291 [[355892, 7442], [38051, 1981]] 2.489700 True 1
6 mau_previous_month 0.99 130.0 mood_2 Romantic 104.434543 1.624732e-24 [[389323, 10013], [3826, 204]] 2.073152 True 1
8 stream30s 0.99 113.0 mood_1 Romantic 139.245969 3.891401e-32 [[390152, 9217], [3791, 206]] 2.300158 True 1
5 mau_previous_month 0.90 9.0 mood_2 Romantic 1379.938658 4.806442e-302 [[357822, 8196], [35327, 2021]] 2.497610 True 1
1 mau_both_months 0.90 2.0 mood_1 Lively 750.247385 3.544959e-165 [[361665, 8747], [31355, 1599]] 2.108575 True 2
target upper q upper q value feature group chi p-value cTable multiplier reject null rank
12 stream30s 0.99 113.0 mood_3 - 125.854082 3.309444e-29 [[397434, 1935], [3927, 70]] 3.661181 True 0
11 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_2 - 109.163417 1.494430e-25 [[397529, 1804], [3969, 64]] 3.553294 True 0
67 mau_previous_month 0.90 9.0 genre_1 - 95.863487 1.230846e-22 [[365249, 769], [37173, 175]] 2.236007 True 0
10 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_1 - 112.668942 2.549855e-26 [[397605, 1728], [3970, 63]] 3.651389 True 0
7 stream30s 0.99 113.0 mood_1 - 141.501726 1.249779e-32 [[397646, 1723], [3929, 68]] 3.994277 True 0
master.loc[master['feature'].str.contains('genre')].groupby('group')[['multiplier', 'rank']].mean().sort_values('multiplier', ascending=False)
multiplier rank
Tender 3.033890 16.0
- 2.935235 0.0
Peaceful 2.564297 13.0
Other 2.494292 10.0
Lively 2.364492 2.0
Romantic 2.318001 1.0
Fiery 2.244027 15.0
Somber 2.194114 19.0
Serious 2.190306 7.0
Easygoing 2.088064 17.0
Sophisticated 2.055203 18.0
master['rank'] = master['group'].apply(lambda x: sort_key[x])
master.groupby('group')[['multiplier', 'rank']].mean().sort_values('multiplier', ascending=False)
multiplier rank
- 3.049100 0.0
Tender 3.033890 16.0
Latin 3.001282 6.0
Children's 2.871261 4.0
Holiday 2.836528 12.0
New Age 2.754796 11.0
Spoken & Audio 2.610393 14.0
Peaceful 2.564297 13.0
Other 2.425104 10.0
Easy Listening 2.407295 8.0
Lively 2.364492 2.0
Traditional 2.361342 3.0
Jazz 2.342954 5.0
Romantic 2.318001 1.0
Fiery 2.244027 15.0
Soundtrack 2.209295 9.0
Somber 2.194114 19.0
Serious 2.190306 7.0
Easygoing 2.088064 17.0
Sophisticated 2.055203 18.0
con_master = pd.DataFrame()
for target in sub_targets:
    # target = sub_targets[2]
    for quant_value in [0.90, 0.99]:
        chidf = pd.DataFrame()
        chidf[target] = df[target]
        chidf['n_tracks'] = df['n_tracks']
        # quant_value = 0.90
        tar_value = np.quantile(chidf[target], quant_value)
        chidf[target] = chidf[target] > tar_value
        welchsum = pd.DataFrame()
        cutoff = 0.0001
        pop = chidf[target].values

        for ind in con_features:
            # ind = con_features[0]
            chidf[ind] = df[ind]

            # for grp_label in df[ind].unique():
            # try:
            a = []
            b = []
            for i in range(100):
                boot1 = random.sample(
                                    (chidf[target] == True)
                                    & (chidf['n_tracks'] > 9)
                                    & (chidf['n_tracks'] < 999)
                boot2 = random.sample(
                                    (chidf[target] == False)
                                    & (chidf['n_tracks'] > 9)
                                    & (chidf['n_tracks'] < 999)
            testt, p = stats.ttest_ind(a, b, equal_var=False)
            a_avg = np.mean(a)
            b_avg = np.mean(b)
            welchsum = pd.concat([welchsum, pd.DataFrame([[target, quant_value, ind, testt, p, a_avg, b_avg, p<cutoff]])])
            print(target, quant_value)
            sns.histplot(a, color='tab:orange', label=f"{target} > {tar_value:.0f}")
            sns.histplot(b, label=f"{target} <= {tar_value:.0f}")
            # except:
            #     pass

        welchsum.columns = ['target', 'quantile', 'feature', 'test stat', 'p-value', 'upper q avg', 'lower q avg', 'reject null']
        welchsum = welchsum.sort_values('p-value').reset_index(drop=True)
        con_master = pd.concat((con_master, welchsum))
mau_previous_month 0.9


mau_previous_month 0.9


mau_previous_month 0.9


mau_previous_month 0.9


mau_previous_month 0.99


mau_previous_month 0.99


mau_previous_month 0.99


mau_previous_month 0.99


mau_both_months 0.9


mau_both_months 0.9


mau_both_months 0.9


mau_both_months 0.9


mau_both_months 0.99


mau_both_months 0.99


mau_both_months 0.99


mau_both_months 0.99


mau 0.9


mau 0.9


mau 0.9


mau 0.9


mau 0.99


mau 0.99


mau 0.99


mau 0.99


monthly_stream30s 0.9


monthly_stream30s 0.9


monthly_stream30s 0.9


monthly_stream30s 0.9


monthly_stream30s 0.99


monthly_stream30s 0.99


monthly_stream30s 0.99


monthly_stream30s 0.99


stream30s 0.9


stream30s 0.9


stream30s 0.9


stream30s 0.9


stream30s 0.99


stream30s 0.99


stream30s 0.99


stream30s 0.99


target quantile feature test stat p-value upper q avg lower q avg reject null
0 mau_previous_month 0.90 n_albums -23.264501 1.517148e-58 69.19828 78.75130 True
1 mau_previous_month 0.90 n_artists -19.090166 9.131465e-47 67.78967 74.42581 True
2 mau_previous_month 0.90 n_local_tracks -8.591563 3.210041e-15 1.68487 2.13934 True
3 mau_previous_month 0.90 n_tracks 4.900218 2.017971e-06 149.27223 145.40243 True
0 mau_previous_month 0.99 n_tracks 19.149805 1.101097e-46 157.92259 144.56996 True
1 mau_previous_month 0.99 n_artists 9.668152 4.508161e-18 77.26126 73.71656 True
2 mau_previous_month 0.99 n_local_tracks -4.443426 1.514586e-05 1.89286 2.11507 True
3 mau_previous_month 0.99 n_albums 1.862787 6.399527e-02 78.89529 78.24458 False
0 mau_both_months 0.90 n_tracks 49.521659 1.017659e-108 181.22258 141.77758 True
1 mau_both_months 0.90 n_albums 44.662168 7.684105e-105 96.16066 75.92092 True
2 mau_both_months 0.90 n_artists 44.359056 9.041628e-103 90.79743 72.15272 True
3 mau_both_months 0.90 n_local_tracks 13.737285 1.342361e-30 2.78731 1.97483 True
0 mau_both_months 0.99 n_tracks 43.038413 5.369851e-102 175.40377 145.00116 True
1 mau_both_months 0.99 n_artists 38.561073 1.471847e-93 88.24552 73.26184 True
2 mau_both_months 0.99 n_albums 34.193348 1.157948e-84 91.12947 77.20951 True
3 mau_both_months 0.99 n_local_tracks 6.722576 1.917602e-10 2.56940 2.10191 True
0 mau 0.90 n_albums -28.035344 2.209065e-70 67.80156 79.48186 True
1 mau 0.90 n_artists -23.052205 7.021697e-58 66.03151 74.84314 True
2 mau 0.90 n_local_tracks -9.891800 5.454116e-19 1.57376 2.12208 True
3 mau 0.90 n_tracks 1.804461 7.267873e-02 146.48072 145.09618 False
0 mau 0.99 n_tracks 12.627041 3.513887e-27 155.01260 145.83850 True
1 mau 0.99 n_artists 7.983360 1.264344e-13 76.43482 73.73105 True
2 mau 0.99 n_local_tracks -6.172898 4.276522e-09 1.76129 2.07410 True
3 mau 0.99 n_albums 1.442954 1.506168e-01 78.53564 77.96526 False
0 monthly_stream30s 0.90 n_tracks 116.726338 2.452095e-164 232.32350 136.98027 True
1 monthly_stream30s 0.90 n_artists 92.368904 2.578108e-157 108.07236 70.08310 True
2 monthly_stream30s 0.90 n_albums 86.396836 1.619061e-153 114.85460 74.19437 True
3 monthly_stream30s 0.90 n_local_tracks 17.521798 4.704385e-40 3.01074 1.97501 True
0 monthly_stream30s 0.99 n_tracks 72.651978 1.071572e-144 199.50667 144.19406 True
1 monthly_stream30s 0.99 n_albums 40.530369 8.810322e-98 95.06869 77.58295 True
2 monthly_stream30s 0.99 n_artists 41.165863 1.560381e-97 90.42413 74.19337 True
3 monthly_stream30s 0.99 n_local_tracks 6.120756 5.135842e-09 2.37637 2.04232 True
0 stream30s 0.90 n_tracks 90.846516 2.364112e-160 207.07344 139.38590 True
1 stream30s 0.90 n_albums 68.563722 6.972523e-137 105.31471 75.42986 True
2 stream30s 0.90 n_artists 68.402932 2.057561e-132 99.37767 70.87686 True
3 stream30s 0.90 n_local_tracks 14.588639 6.290309e-32 2.89681 1.93857 True
0 stream30s 0.99 n_tracks 77.043302 2.214047e-149 201.25989 144.76511 True
1 stream30s 0.99 n_artists 47.632996 2.794842e-107 92.60628 73.13416 True
2 stream30s 0.99 n_albums 44.900868 5.246137e-103 98.01367 78.12288 True
3 stream30s 0.99 n_local_tracks 4.520672 1.062456e-05 2.29328 2.05241 True
target quantile feature test stat p-value upper q avg lower q avg reject null
0 mau_previous_month 0.90 n_albums -23.264501 1.517148e-58 69.19828 78.75130 True
1 mau_previous_month 0.90 n_artists -19.090166 9.131465e-47 67.78967 74.42581 True
2 mau_previous_month 0.90 n_local_tracks -8.591563 3.210041e-15 1.68487 2.13934 True
3 mau_previous_month 0.90 n_tracks 4.900218 2.017971e-06 149.27223 145.40243 True
0 mau_previous_month 0.99 n_tracks 19.149805 1.101097e-46 157.92259 144.56996 True
1 mau_previous_month 0.99 n_artists 9.668152 4.508161e-18 77.26126 73.71656 True
2 mau_previous_month 0.99 n_local_tracks -4.443426 1.514586e-05 1.89286 2.11507 True
3 mau_previous_month 0.99 n_albums 1.862787 6.399527e-02 78.89529 78.24458 False
0 mau_both_months 0.90 n_tracks 49.521659 1.017659e-108 181.22258 141.77758 True
1 mau_both_months 0.90 n_albums 44.662168 7.684105e-105 96.16066 75.92092 True
2 mau_both_months 0.90 n_artists 44.359056 9.041628e-103 90.79743 72.15272 True
3 mau_both_months 0.90 n_local_tracks 13.737285 1.342361e-30 2.78731 1.97483 True
0 mau_both_months 0.99 n_tracks 43.038413 5.369851e-102 175.40377 145.00116 True
1 mau_both_months 0.99 n_artists 38.561073 1.471847e-93 88.24552 73.26184 True
2 mau_both_months 0.99 n_albums 34.193348 1.157948e-84 91.12947 77.20951 True
3 mau_both_months 0.99 n_local_tracks 6.722576 1.917602e-10 2.56940 2.10191 True
0 mau 0.90 n_albums -28.035344 2.209065e-70 67.80156 79.48186 True
1 mau 0.90 n_artists -23.052205 7.021697e-58 66.03151 74.84314 True
2 mau 0.90 n_local_tracks -9.891800 5.454116e-19 1.57376 2.12208 True
3 mau 0.90 n_tracks 1.804461 7.267873e-02 146.48072 145.09618 False
0 mau 0.99 n_tracks 12.627041 3.513887e-27 155.01260 145.83850 True
1 mau 0.99 n_artists 7.983360 1.264344e-13 76.43482 73.73105 True
2 mau 0.99 n_local_tracks -6.172898 4.276522e-09 1.76129 2.07410 True
3 mau 0.99 n_albums 1.442954 1.506168e-01 78.53564 77.96526 False
0 monthly_stream30s 0.90 n_tracks 116.726338 2.452095e-164 232.32350 136.98027 True
1 monthly_stream30s 0.90 n_artists 92.368904 2.578108e-157 108.07236 70.08310 True
2 monthly_stream30s 0.90 n_albums 86.396836 1.619061e-153 114.85460 74.19437 True
3 monthly_stream30s 0.90 n_local_tracks 17.521798 4.704385e-40 3.01074 1.97501 True
0 monthly_stream30s 0.99 n_tracks 72.651978 1.071572e-144 199.50667 144.19406 True
1 monthly_stream30s 0.99 n_albums 40.530369 8.810322e-98 95.06869 77.58295 True
2 monthly_stream30s 0.99 n_artists 41.165863 1.560381e-97 90.42413 74.19337 True
3 monthly_stream30s 0.99 n_local_tracks 6.120756 5.135842e-09 2.37637 2.04232 True
0 stream30s 0.90 n_tracks 90.846516 2.364112e-160 207.07344 139.38590 True
1 stream30s 0.90 n_albums 68.563722 6.972523e-137 105.31471 75.42986 True
2 stream30s 0.90 n_artists 68.402932 2.057561e-132 99.37767 70.87686 True
3 stream30s 0.90 n_local_tracks 14.588639 6.290309e-32 2.89681 1.93857 True
0 stream30s 0.99 n_tracks 77.043302 2.214047e-149 201.25989 144.76511 True
1 stream30s 0.99 n_artists 47.632996 2.794842e-107 92.60628 73.13416 True
2 stream30s 0.99 n_albums 44.900868 5.246137e-103 98.01367 78.12288 True
3 stream30s 0.99 n_local_tracks 4.520672 1.062456e-05 2.29328 2.05241 True

Models (Multi-Feature Analysis)

Deciles - Random Forest
target = sub_targets[-2]
y = df[target].values
labels = y.copy()
names = []
for idx, quant in zip(range(11), np.linspace(0, 1, num=11)):
    if idx == 0:
        prev = quant
    if idx == 1:
        labels[labels <= np.quantile(y, quant)] = idx
        names += [f"less than {np.quantile(y, quant):.0f} listens"]
        labels[(labels > np.quantile(y, prev))
              &(labels <= np.quantile(y, quant))] = idx
        names += [f"{np.quantile(y, prev):.0f} < listens <= {np.quantile(y, quant):.0f}"]
    prev = quant
y = labels
['less than 13 listens',
 '13 < listens <= 24',
 '24 < listens <= 38',
 '38 < listens <= 55',
 '55 < listens <= 79',
 '79 < listens <= 111',
 '111 < listens <= 159',
 '159 < listens <= 240',
 '240 < listens <= 432',
 '432 < listens <= 42497334']
X = df[des_features + con_features]
enc = OneHotEncoder()
std = StandardScaler()

X_cat = enc.fit_transform(X[des_features]).toarray()
X_con = std.fit_transform(X[con_features])
X = np.hstack((X_con, X_cat))

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=42, train_size=0.8)
model = RandomForestClassifier(), y_train)
y_hat_test = model.predict(X_test)
print(f"Train Acc: {accuracy_score(y_test, y_hat_test):.2f}")
print(f"Test Acc: {accuracy_score(y_test, y_hat_test):.2f}")
Train Acc: 0.14
Test Acc: 0.14
print(classification_report(y_test, y_hat_test, zero_division=0))
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           1       0.19      0.26      0.22      8363
           2       0.13      0.13      0.13      7866
           3       0.13      0.12      0.13      8173
           4       0.10      0.09      0.10      7773
           5       0.11      0.10      0.10      8252
           6       0.11      0.09      0.10      7976
           7       0.11      0.10      0.10      8018
           8       0.12      0.10      0.11      8185
           9       0.14      0.14      0.14      8009
          10       0.20      0.26      0.23      8059

    accuracy                           0.14     80674
   macro avg       0.13      0.14      0.14     80674
weighted avg       0.13      0.14      0.14     80674
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize = (10, 10))
sns.heatmap(confusion_matrix(y_test, y_hat_test), annot=True, ax=ax, xticklabels=names, yticklabels=names)


# grab feature importances
imp = model.feature_importances_

# their std
std = np.std([tree.feature_importances_ for tree in model.estimators_], axis=0)

# build feature names
feature_names = con_features + list(enc.get_feature_names_out())

# create new dataframe
feat = pd.DataFrame([feature_names, imp, std]).T
feat.columns = ['feature', 'importance', 'std']
feat = feat.sort_values('importance', ascending=False)
feat = feat.reset_index(drop=True)
feature importance std
0 n_tracks 0.152852 0.006907
1 n_albums 0.135581 0.007403
2 n_artists 0.133666 0.007421
3 n_local_tracks 0.038311 0.005365
4 genre_2_Pop 0.011607 0.000991
5 genre_3_Pop 0.01145 0.003792
6 genre_3_Alternative 0.010917 0.002062
7 genre_3_Rock 0.009709 0.002517
8 mood_3_Excited 0.009644 0.000618
9 mood_2_Excited 0.009271 0.000782
10 genre_2_Alternative 0.009073 0.003263
11 mood_3_Yearning 0.00904 0.001758
12 genre_3_Indie Rock 0.00876 0.000795
13 mood_3_Defiant 0.008758 0.000674
14 mood_3_Urgent 0.008581 0.000502
15 mood_2_Defiant 0.008537 0.000787
16 mood_3_Empowering 0.008351 0.001044
17 mood_3_Sensual 0.008343 0.000575
18 mood_2_Yearning 0.008315 0.00197
19 genre_2_Rock 0.008229 0.000827
Quartiles - Random Forest
### Create Categories

y = df[target].values
labels = y.copy()
names = []
lim = 5
for idx, quant in zip(range(lim), np.linspace(0, 1, num=lim)):
    if idx == 0:
        prev = quant
    if idx == 1:
        labels[labels <= np.quantile(y, quant)] = idx
        names += [f"less than {np.quantile(y, quant):.0f} listens"]
        labels[(labels > np.quantile(y, prev))
              &(labels <= np.quantile(y, quant))] = idx
        names += [f"{np.quantile(y, prev):.0f} < listens <= {np.quantile(y, quant):.0f}"]
    prev = quant
y = labels

### Create Training Data

X = df[des_features + con_features]
enc = OneHotEncoder()
std = StandardScaler()

X_cat = enc.fit_transform(X[des_features]).toarray()
X_con = std.fit_transform(X[con_features])
X = np.hstack((X_con, X_cat))

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=42, train_size=0.8)

### Train Model

model = RandomForestClassifier(), y_train)

### Asses Performance

y_hat_test = model.predict(X_test)
y_hat_train = model.predict(X_train)
print(f"Train Acc: {accuracy_score(y_train, y_hat_train):.2f}")
print(f"Test Acc: {accuracy_score(y_test, y_hat_test):.2f}")

print(classification_report(y_test, y_hat_test, zero_division=0))

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize = (8,7))
sns.heatmap(confusion_matrix(y_test, y_hat_test), annot=True, ax=ax)
Train Acc: 0.99
Test Acc: 0.33
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           1       0.37      0.43      0.40     20461
           2       0.27      0.23      0.25     19966
           3       0.27      0.23      0.25     20082
           4       0.39      0.44      0.41     20165

    accuracy                           0.33     80674
   macro avg       0.33      0.33      0.33     80674
weighted avg       0.33      0.33      0.33     80674



Binary, 90th Percentile, Random Forest
### Create Categories

y = df[target].values
labels = y.copy()
names = []
weights = y.copy()
weights.dtype = 'float'
lim = 5
dom_class_weight = 1 / (lim - 1 - 1)
for idx, quant in zip(range(lim), np.linspace(0, 1, num=lim)):
    if idx < lim - 2:
        prev = quant
    elif idx == lim - 2:
        weights[y <= np.quantile(y, quant)] = dom_class_weight
        labels[labels <= np.quantile(y, quant)] = idx
        names += [f"less than {np.quantile(y, quant):.0f} listens"]

        labels[(labels > np.quantile(y, prev))
              &(labels <= np.quantile(y, quant))] = idx
        weights[(y > np.quantile(y, prev))
              &(y <= np.quantile(y, quant))] = 1.0
        names += [f"{np.quantile(y, prev):.0f} < listens <= {np.quantile(y, quant):.0f}"]

    prev = quant
y = labels
### Create Training Data

X = df[des_features + con_features]
enc = OneHotEncoder()
std = StandardScaler()

X_cat = enc.fit_transform(X[des_features]).toarray()
X_con = std.fit_transform(X[con_features])
X = np.hstack((X_con, X_cat))

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, weight_train, weight_test = train_test_split(X, y, weights, random_state=42, train_size=0.8)

### Strateification Code

# strat_y0_idx = np.array(random.sample(list(np.argwhere(y_train==3).reshape(-1)), np.unique(y_train, return_counts=True)[1][1]))
# strat_y1_idx = np.argwhere(y_train==4).reshape(-1)
# strat_idx = np.hstack((strat_y0_idx, strat_y1_idx))
# X_train = X_train[strat_idx]
# y_train = y_train[strat_idx]
### Train Model

model = RandomForestClassifier(), y_train)

### Assess Performance

y_hat_test = model.predict(X_test)
y_hat_train = model.predict(X_train)
print(f"Train Acc: {accuracy_score(y_train, y_hat_train):.2f}")
print(f"Test Acc: {accuracy_score(y_test, y_hat_test):.2f}")

print(classification_report(y_test, y_hat_test, zero_division=0))

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize = (8,7))
sns.heatmap(confusion_matrix(y_test, y_hat_test), annot=True, ax=ax)
/home/wbeckner/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: lbfgs failed to converge (status=1):

Increase the number of iterations (max_iter) or scale the data as shown in:
Please also refer to the documentation for alternative solver options:
  n_iter_i = _check_optimize_result(

Train Acc: 0.76
Test Acc: 0.76
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           3       0.76      0.98      0.86     60509
           4       0.58      0.08      0.13     20165

    accuracy                           0.76     80674
   macro avg       0.67      0.53      0.50     80674
weighted avg       0.72      0.76      0.68     80674



Forward Selection Model
### y
y = df[target].values
labels = y.copy()
names = []
weights = y.copy()
weights.dtype = 'float'
lim = 11
dom_class_weight = 1 / (lim - 1 - 1)
for idx, quant in zip(range(lim), np.linspace(0, 1, num=lim)):
    if idx < lim - 2:
        prev = quant
    elif idx == lim - 2:
        weights[y <= np.quantile(y, quant)] = dom_class_weight
        labels[labels <= np.quantile(y, quant)] = 0
        names += [f"less than {np.quantile(y, quant):.0f} listens"]

        labels[(labels > np.quantile(y, prev))
              & (labels <= np.quantile(y, quant))] = 1
        weights[(y > np.quantile(y, prev))
              & (y <= np.quantile(y, quant))] = 1.0
        names += [f"{np.quantile(y, prev):.0f} < listens <= {np.quantile(y, quant):.0f}"]
    prev = quant
y = labels

#### X

X = df[des_features + con_features]

enc = OneHotEncoder()
std = StandardScaler()

X_cat = enc.fit_transform(X[des_features]).toarray()
X_con = std.fit_transform(X[con_features])
X = np.hstack((np.ones((X_con.shape[0], 1)), X_con, X_cat))
feature_names = ['intercept'] + con_features + list(enc.get_feature_names_out())

data = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=feature_names)
['less than 432 listens', '432 < listens <= 42497334']
def add_feature(feature_names, basemodel, data, y, r2max=0, model='linear', disp=0):
    feature_max = None
    bestsum = None
    newmodel = None
    for feature in feature_names:
        basemodel[feature] = data[feature]
        X2 = basemodel.values
        est = Logit(y, X2)
        est2 =
        summ = est2.summary()
        score = float(str(pd.DataFrame(summ.tables[0]).loc[3, 3]))
        if (score > r2max) and not (est2.pvalues > cutoff).any():
            r2max = score
            feature_max = feature
            bestsum = est2.summary()
            newmodel = basemodel.copy()
            if disp == 1:
                print(f"new r2max, {feature_max}, {r2max}")
        basemodel.drop(labels = feature, axis = 1, inplace = True)
    return r2max, feature_max, bestsum, newmodel
candidates = feature_names.copy()
basemodel = pd.DataFrame()
r2max = 0
with open("canidates.txt", "w+") as f:
    file_data =
    for i in candidates:
with open("canidates.txt", "r") as f:
    # file_data =
    new = []
    for line in f:
        current_place = line[:-1]
new = pd.read_csv("basemodel.csv", index_col=0)
with open("fwd_selection_results.txt", "r+") as f:
    for line in f:
    lastline = line[:-1]
    stuff = lastline.split(", ")
    new = float(stuff[-1])
while True:
    newr2max, feature_max, bestsum, newmodel = add_feature(
    if newr2max > r2max:
        r2max = newr2max
        print(f"new r2max, {feature_max}, {r2max}")
        with open("fwd_selection_results.txt", "a+") as f:
            file_data =
            f.write(f"new r2max, {feature_max}, {r2max}\n")
        with open("canidates.txt", "w+") as f:
            file_data =
            for i in candidates:
        basemodel = newmodel
new r2max, n_albums, 0.02614
new r2max, genre_1_Latin, 0.03093
new r2max, genre_1_Indie Rock, 0.03274
new r2max, genre_1_Rap, 0.03431
new r2max, genre_1_Dance & House, 0.03568
new r2max, genre_1_Rock, 0.03674
new r2max, mood_1_Energizing, 0.03772
new r2max, genre_1_Children's, 0.03863
new r2max, mood_1_Tender, 0.03931
new r2max, mood_1_Other, 0.03995
new r2max, n_tracks, 0.04052


KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)

Input In [675], in <module>
      1 while True:
----> 2     newr2max, feature_max, bestsum, newmodel = add_feature(
      3         feature_names=candidates, 
      4         basemodel=basemodel, 
      5         data=data, 
      6         y=y,
      7         r2max=r2max)    
      8     if newr2max > r2max:
      9         r2max = newr2max

Input In [669], in add_feature(feature_names, basemodel, data, y, r2max, model, disp)
      8 est = Logit(y, X2)
      9 est2 =
---> 10 summ = est2.summary()
     11 score = float(str(pd.DataFrame(summ.tables[0]).loc[3, 3]))
     12 if (score > r2max) and not (est2.pvalues > cutoff).any():

File ~/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/discrete/, in BinaryResults.summary(self, yname, xname, title, alpha, yname_list)
   4012 @Appender(DiscreteResults.summary.__doc__)
   4013 def summary(self, yname=None, xname=None, title=None, alpha=.05,
   4014             yname_list=None):
-> 4015     smry = super(BinaryResults, self).summary(yname, xname, title, alpha,
   4016                                               yname_list)
   4017     fittedvalues = self.model.cdf(self.fittedvalues)
   4018     absprederror = np.abs(self.model.endog - fittedvalues)

File ~/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/discrete/, in DiscreteResults.summary(self, yname, xname, title, alpha, yname_list)
   3731 """
   3732 Summarize the Regression Results.
   3755 statsmodels.iolib.summary.Summary : Class that hold summary results.
   3756 """
   3758 top_left = [('Dep. Variable:', None),
   3759              ('Model:', [self.model.__class__.__name__]),
   3760              ('Method:', ['MLE']),
   3763              ('converged:', ["%s" % self.mle_retvals['converged']]),
   3764             ]
   3766 top_right = [('No. Observations:', None),
   3767              ('Df Residuals:', None),
   3768              ('Df Model:', None),
-> 3769              ('Pseudo R-squ.:', ["%#6.4g" % self.prsquared]),
   3770              ('Log-Likelihood:', None),
   3771              ('LL-Null:', ["%#8.5g" % self.llnull]),
   3772              ('LLR p-value:', ["%#6.4g" % self.llr_pvalue])
   3773              ]
   3775 if hasattr(self, 'cov_type'):
   3776     top_left.append(('Covariance Type:', [self.cov_type]))

File ~/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/_libs/properties.pyx:37, in

File ~/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/discrete/, in DiscreteResults.prsquared(self)
   3506 @cache_readonly
   3507 def prsquared(self):
   3508     """
   3509     McFadden's pseudo-R-squared. `1 - (llf / llnull)`
   3510     """
-> 3511     return 1 - self.llf/self.llnull

File ~/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/_libs/properties.pyx:37, in

File ~/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/discrete/, in DiscreteResults.llnull(self)
   3601     res_null =, **opt_kwds)
   3602 else:
   3603     # this should be a reasonably method case across versions
-> 3604     res_null =, method='nm',
   3605                             warn_convergence=False,
   3606                             maxiter=10000, disp=0)
   3607     res_null =, method='bfgs',
   3608                             warn_convergence=False,
   3609                             maxiter=10000, disp=0)
   3611 if getattr(self, '_attach_nullmodel', False) is not False:

File ~/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/discrete/, in, start_params, method, maxiter, full_output, disp, callback, **kwargs)
   1980 @Appender(
   1981 def fit(self, start_params=None, method='newton', maxiter=35,
   1982         full_output=1, disp=1, callback=None, **kwargs):
-> 1983     bnryfit = super().fit(start_params=start_params,
   1984                           method=method,
   1985                           maxiter=maxiter,
   1986                           full_output=full_output,
   1987                           disp=disp,
   1988                           callback=callback,
   1989                           **kwargs)
   1991     discretefit = LogitResults(self, bnryfit)
   1992     return BinaryResultsWrapper(discretefit)

File ~/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/discrete/, in, start_params, method, maxiter, full_output, disp, callback, **kwargs)
    227 else:
    228     pass  # TODO: make a function factory to have multiple call-backs
--> 230 mlefit = super().fit(start_params=start_params,
    231                      method=method,
    232                      maxiter=maxiter,
    233                      full_output=full_output,
    234                      disp=disp,
    235                      callback=callback,
    236                      **kwargs)
    238 return mlefit

File ~/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/base/, in, start_params, method, maxiter, full_output, disp, fargs, callback, retall, skip_hessian, **kwargs)
    560     del kwargs["use_t"]
    562 optimizer = Optimizer()
--> 563 xopt, retvals, optim_settings = optimizer._fit(f, score, start_params,
    564                                                fargs, kwargs,
    565                                                hessian=hess,
    566                                                method=method,
    567                                                disp=disp,
    568                                                maxiter=maxiter,
    569                                                callback=callback,
    570                                                retall=retall,
    571                                                full_output=full_output)
    572 # Restore cov_type, cov_kwds and use_t
    573 optim_settings.update(kwds)

File ~/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/base/, in Optimizer._fit(self, objective, gradient, start_params, fargs, kwargs, hessian, method, maxiter, full_output, disp, callback, retall)
    238     fit_funcs.update(extra_fit_funcs)
    240 func = fit_funcs[method]
--> 241 xopt, retvals = func(objective, gradient, start_params, fargs, kwargs,
    242                      disp=disp, maxiter=maxiter, callback=callback,
    243                      retall=retall, full_output=full_output,
    244                      hess=hessian)
    246 optim_settings = {'optimizer': method, 'start_params': start_params,
    247                   'maxiter': maxiter, 'full_output': full_output,
    248                   'disp': disp, 'fargs': fargs, 'callback': callback,
    249                   'retall': retall, "extra_fit_funcs": extra_fit_funcs}
    250 optim_settings.update(kwargs)

File ~/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/base/, in _fit_nm(f, score, start_params, fargs, kwargs, disp, maxiter, callback, retall, full_output, hess)
    726 ftol = kwargs.setdefault('ftol', 0.0001)
    727 maxfun = kwargs.setdefault('maxfun', None)
--> 728 retvals = optimize.fmin(f, start_params, args=fargs, xtol=xtol,
    729                         ftol=ftol, maxiter=maxiter, maxfun=maxfun,
    730                         full_output=full_output, disp=disp, retall=retall,
    731                         callback=callback)
    732 if full_output:
    733     if not retall:

File ~/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scipy/optimize/, in fmin(func, x0, args, xtol, ftol, maxiter, maxfun, full_output, disp, retall, callback, initial_simplex)
    471 """
    472 Minimize a function using the downhill simplex algorithm.
    571 """
    572 opts = {'xatol': xtol,
    573         'fatol': ftol,
    574         'maxiter': maxiter,
    577         'return_all': retall,
    578         'initial_simplex': initial_simplex}
--> 580 res = _minimize_neldermead(func, x0, args, callback=callback, **opts)
    581 if full_output:
    582     retlist = res['x'], res['fun'], res['nit'], res['nfev'], res['status']

File ~/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scipy/optimize/, in _minimize_neldermead(func, x0, args, callback, maxiter, maxfev, disp, return_all, initial_simplex, xatol, fatol, adaptive, bounds, **unknown_options)
    766 if bounds is not None:
    767     xr = np.clip(xr, lower_bound, upper_bound)
--> 768 fxr = func(xr)
    769 doshrink = 0
    771 if fxr < fsim[0]:

File ~/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scipy/optimize/, in _wrap_function.<locals>.function_wrapper(x, *wrapper_args)
    462 def function_wrapper(x, *wrapper_args):
    463     ncalls[0] += 1
--> 464     return function(np.copy(x), *(wrapper_args + args))

File ~/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/base/, in<locals>.f(params, *args)
    530 def f(params, *args):
--> 531     return -self.loglike(params, *args) / nobs

File ~/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/discrete/, in Logit.loglike(self, params)
   1870 q = 2*self.endog - 1
   1871 X = self.exog
-> 1872 return np.sum(np.log(self.cdf(q*,params))))

File <__array_function__ internals>:5, in dot(*args, **kwargs)

 'genre_1_Country & Folk',
 'genre_1_Easy Listening',
 'genre_1_New Age',
 'genre_1_Spoken & Audio',
 'genre_2_Country & Folk',
 'genre_2_Dance & House',
 'genre_2_Easy Listening',
 'genre_2_Indie Rock',
 'genre_2_New Age',
 'genre_2_Spoken & Audio',
 'genre_3_Country & Folk',
 'genre_3_Dance & House',
 'genre_3_Easy Listening',
 'genre_3_Indie Rock',
 'genre_3_New Age',
 'genre_3_Spoken & Audio',
X2 = basemodel.values
est = Logit(y, X2)
est2 =
summ = est2.summary()

res_table = summ.tables[1]
res_df = pd.DataFrame(
cols = res_df.iloc[0]
cols = [str(i) for i in cols]
res_df.drop(0, axis=0, inplace=True)
res_df.set_index(0, inplace=True)
res_df.columns = cols[1:]
res_df.index = basemodel.columns
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
intercept -2.0979 0.008 -273.128 0.000 -2.113 -2.083
n_albums 0.3430 0.006 61.214 0.000 0.332 0.354
genre_1_Latin 0.6929 0.023 30.536 0.000 0.648 0.737
genre_1_Indie Rock -0.4654 0.016 -28.755 0.000 -0.497 -0.434
genre_1_Rap -0.3804 0.016 -23.163 0.000 -0.413 -0.348
genre_1_Dance & House -0.3978 0.022 -18.022 0.000 -0.441 -0.355
genre_1_Rock -0.3562 0.023 -15.423 0.000 -0.402 -0.311
mood_1_Energizing -0.3623 0.025 -14.323 0.000 -0.412 -0.313
genre_1_Children's 0.9479 0.061 15.652 0.000 0.829 1.067
mood_1_Tender 0.6629 0.047 14.006 0.000 0.570 0.756
mood_1_Other 0.8465 0.062 13.611 0.000 0.725 0.968
n_tracks 0.0688 0.006 11.549 0.000 0.057 0.080
mood_2_Serious 0.0046 0.080 0.058 0.954 -0.151 0.161
Binary, 99th Percentile
### Create Categories

y = df[target].values
labels = y.copy()
names = []
weights = y.copy()
weights.dtype = 'float'
lim = 11
dom_class_weight = 1 / (lim - 1 - 1)
for idx, quant in zip(range(lim), np.linspace(0, 1, num=lim)):
    if idx < lim - 2:
        prev = quant
    elif idx == lim - 2:
        weights[y <= np.quantile(y, quant)] = dom_class_weight
        labels[labels <= np.quantile(y, quant)] = idx
        names += [f"less than {np.quantile(y, quant):.0f} listens"]

        labels[(labels > np.quantile(y, prev))
              &(labels <= np.quantile(y, quant))] = idx
        weights[(y > np.quantile(y, prev))
              &(y <= np.quantile(y, quant))] = 1.0
        names += [f"{np.quantile(y, prev):.0f} < listens <= {np.quantile(y, quant):.0f}"]

    prev = quant
y = labels

### Create Training Data

X = df[des_features + con_features]
enc = OneHotEncoder()
std = StandardScaler()

X_cat = enc.fit_transform(X[des_features]).toarray()
X_con = std.fit_transform(X[con_features])
X = np.hstack((X_con, X_cat))

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, weight_train, weight_test = train_test_split(X, y, weights, random_state=42, train_size=0.8)

### Train Model

model = RandomForestClassifier(), y_train, weight_train)

### Asses Performance

y_hat_test = model.predict(X_test)
y_hat_train = model.predict(X_train)
print(f"Train Acc: {accuracy_score(y_train, y_hat_train):.2f}")
print(f"Test Acc: {accuracy_score(y_test, y_hat_test):.2f}")

print(classification_report(y_test, y_hat_test, zero_division=0))

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize = (8,7))
sns.heatmap(confusion_matrix(y_test, y_hat_test), annot=True, ax=ax)
Train Acc: 1.00
Test Acc: 0.90
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           9       0.90      0.99      0.94     72615
          10       0.27      0.03      0.05      8059

    accuracy                           0.90     80674
   macro avg       0.59      0.51      0.50     80674
weighted avg       0.84      0.90      0.86     80674



Other Metrics

  • 30s listens/tot listens (listen conversions) also like a bounce rate
  • Users both months/users prev month (user conversions)
    • combine with mau > mau_previous_month
  • Best small time performers (less than X total monthly listens + high conversion)
  • Best new user playlist (owner has only 1 popular playlist)

Listen and User Conversions, MAU Growing

df['listen_conversions'] = df['stream30s'] / df['streams']
df['listen_conversions'].fillna(value=0, inplace=True)

df['user_retention'] = df['mau_both_months'] / df['mau_previous_month']
df['user_retention'].fillna(value=0, inplace=True)

df['user_conversions'] = df['mau'] / df['users']
df['user_conversions'].fillna(value=0, inplace=True)

df['mau_growing'] = df['mau'] > df['mau_previous_month']
df['mau_growth'] = df['mau'] / df['mau_previous_month']
df['mau_growth'].fillna(value=0, inplace=True)
df['mau_growth'].replace([np.inf, -np.inf], 1, inplace=True)
new_metrics = ['listen_conversions', 'user_conversions', 'user_retention', 'mau_growth']
listen_conversions user_conversions user_retention mau_growth
count 403366.000000 403366.000000 403366.000000 403366.000000
mean 0.334701 0.724072 0.571070 1.513218
std 0.399968 0.261708 0.392073 17.459669
min 0.000000 0.020348 0.000000 0.031250
25% 0.000000 0.500000 0.200000 1.000000
50% 0.000000 0.666667 0.500000 1.066667
75% 0.730769 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000
max 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 7859.000000
df['listen_conversions'].plot(kind='hist', bins=10)


df['user_conversions'].plot(kind='hist', bins=10)


df['user_retention'].plot(kind='hist', bins=10)


df.loc[df['mau_growth'] < 10]['mau_growth'].plot(kind='hist', bins=20)




df['new_success'] = df[new_metrics].apply(lambda x: (x > 0.5) if (max(x) == 1) else (x > 1)).all(axis=1)
False    362869
True      40497
Name: new_success, dtype: int64
df.loc[df['new_success'] == True]
playlist_uri owner streams stream30s dau wau mau mau_previous_month mau_both_months users skippers owner_country n_tracks n_local_tracks n_artists n_albums monthly_stream30s monthly_owner_stream30s tokens genre_1 genre_2 genre_3 mood_1 mood_2 mood_3 success listen_conversions user_retention user_conversions mau_growing mau_growth new_success
14 spotify:user:9a3580868994077be27d244788d494cd:... 9a3580868994077be27d244788d494cd 28 15 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 US 321 0 170 205 83 77 ["sunny", "daze"] Alternative Indie Rock Electronica Brooding Excited Sensual False 0.535714 1.0 1.000000 True 2.000000 True
18 spotify:user:7abbdbd3119687473b8f2986e73e2ad6:... 7abbdbd3119687473b8f2986e73e2ad6 9 5 1 2 2 1 1 2 0 US 373 8 1 1 18 11 [] Pop Alternative Indie Rock Empowering Excited Urgent False 0.555556 1.0 1.000000 True 2.000000 True
20 spotify:user:838141e861005b6a955cb389c19671a5:... 838141e861005b6a955cb389c19671a5 32 25 2 3 4 3 3 5 1 US 904 0 81 125 327 253 ["metalcore", "forever"] Punk Metal Rock Defiant Urgent Aggressive False 0.781250 1.0 0.800000 True 1.333333 True
36 spotify:user:2217942070bcaa5f1e651e27744b4402:... 2217942070bcaa5f1e651e27744b4402 18 17 1 2 4 3 3 5 1 US 141 1 122 131 567 0 ["chill"] Rap Dance & House Alternative Excited Defiant Energizing False 0.944444 1.0 0.800000 True 1.333333 True
59 spotify:user:dfde15dd16b4ad87a75036276b4c9f66:... dfde15dd16b4ad87a75036276b4c9f66 5 5 1 1 2 1 1 3 0 US 84 0 73 78 254 239 ["vegas"] Rock Pop R&B Upbeat Excited Empowering False 1.000000 1.0 0.666667 True 2.000000 True
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
403329 spotify:user:358b83239c6a2557fbfb053330d49a41:... 358b83239c6a2557fbfb053330d49a41 4 4 1 1 3 1 1 3 0 US 33 0 28 31 271 32 ["one", "dirt", "road"] Country & Folk Rock - Yearning Empowering Gritty False 1.000000 1.0 1.000000 True 3.000000 True
403336 spotify:user:a0781a2de47beb8bd693f3022f316327:... a0781a2de47beb8bd693f3022f316327 856 855 3 10 10 5 5 10 0 US 168 0 6 9 33747 1391 ["evning", "song"] - - - - - - True 0.998832 1.0 1.000000 True 2.000000 True
403338 spotify:user:06f6dd666f1bbf9148c792b87ed4d22f:... 06f6dd666f1bbf9148c792b87ed4d22f 5 4 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 US 59 0 34 46 21 9 ["rhc"] Religious Pop Alternative Empowering Upbeat Brooding False 0.800000 1.0 1.000000 True 2.000000 True
403348 spotify:user:c6af258245d55221cebedb1175f08d83:... c6af258245d55221cebedb1175f08d83 13 11 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 US 31 0 30 29 208 206 ["zumba", "val", "silva", "playlist"] Latin Pop Dance & House Aggressive Excited Defiant False 0.846154 1.0 1.000000 True 2.000000 True
403353 spotify:user:5461b6b460dd512d7b4fd4fb488f3520:... 5461b6b460dd512d7b4fd4fb488f3520 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 US 146 0 115 123 405 321 ["myfavorites"] Indie Rock Electronica Alternative Yearning Energizing Brooding False 1.000000 1.0 1.000000 True 2.000000 True

40497 rows × 32 columns

chidf = pd.DataFrame()
target = 'new_success'
chidf[target] = df[target]
# quant_value = 0.90
# tar_value = np.quantile(chidf[target], quant_value)
# chidf[target] = chidf[target] > tar_value
chisum = pd.DataFrame()
cutoff = 0.0001
pop = chidf[target].values

for ind in des_features:
    # ind = des_features[0]
    chidf[ind] = df[ind]

    for grp_label in df[ind].unique():
    # grp_label = df[ind].unique()[0]
            cTable = chidf.groupby(chidf[ind] == grp_label)[target].value_counts().values.reshape(2,2).T
            chi2, p, dof, ex = stats.chi2_contingency(cTable, correction=True, lambda_=None)
            ratio = cTable[1]/cTable[0]
            pos = ratio[1]/ratio[0]
            chisum = pd.concat([chisum, pd.DataFrame([[ind, grp_label, chi2, p, cTable, pos, p<cutoff]])])

chisum.columns = ['feature', 'group', 'chi', 'p-value', 'cTable', 'multiplier', 'reject null']
chisum = chisum.sort_values('p-value').reset_index(drop=True)
chisum.loc[chisum['reject null'] == True].sort_values('multiplier', ascending=False)
feature group chi p-value cTable multiplier reject null
6 genre_1 Dance & House 231.225731 3.221322e-52 [[334768, 28101], [36487, 4010]] 1.309267 True
2 genre_1 Indie Rock 386.328998 5.212769e-86 [[300809, 62060], [31986, 8511]] 1.289733 True
3 mood_1 Excited 289.821405 5.438394e-65 [[306376, 56493], [32871, 7626]] 1.258184 True
4 mood_1 Defiant 285.014998 6.064223e-64 [[291222, 71647], [31065, 9432]] 1.234123 True
16 genre_2 Electronica 124.733558 5.820843e-29 [[335186, 27683], [36772, 3725]] 1.226540 True
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
70 mood_1 Somber 30.852148 2.784538e-08 [[361994, 875], [40456, 41]] 0.419270 True
0 genre_3 - 1404.327669 2.410008e-307 [[324633, 38236], [38610, 1887]] 0.414947 True
1 genre_2 - 861.809401 1.968786e-189 [[342541, 20328], [39619, 878]] 0.373430 True
24 mood_1 Other 81.806778 1.500630e-19 [[361232, 1637], [40439, 58]] 0.316494 True
42 genre_1 Spoken & Audio 58.779116 1.764037e-14 [[361755, 1114], [40460, 37]] 0.296965 True

101 rows × 7 columns

chisum.loc[chisum['reject null'] == True].sort_values('multiplier', ascending=True)[:20]
feature group chi p-value cTable multiplier reject null
42 genre_1 Spoken & Audio 58.779116 1.764037e-14 [[361755, 1114], [40460, 37]] 0.296965 True
24 mood_1 Other 81.806778 1.500630e-19 [[361232, 1637], [40439, 58]] 0.316494 True
1 genre_2 - 861.809401 1.968786e-189 [[342541, 20328], [39619, 878]] 0.373430 True
0 genre_3 - 1404.327669 2.410008e-307 [[324633, 38236], [38610, 1887]] 0.414947 True
70 mood_1 Somber 30.852148 2.784538e-08 [[361994, 875], [40456, 41]] 0.419270 True
73 genre_1 Easy Listening 30.613123 3.149562e-08 [[361984, 885], [40455, 42]] 0.424642 True
40 mood_2 - 60.796108 6.330294e-15 [[361087, 1782], [40411, 86]] 0.431224 True
43 mood_1 - 57.600397 3.211607e-14 [[361161, 1708], [40414, 83]] 0.434269 True
37 mood_3 - 64.489845 9.703118e-16 [[360957, 1912], [40404, 93]] 0.434536 True
48 genre_1 Children's 52.188042 5.043231e-13 [[361298, 1571], [40420, 77]] 0.438111 True
32 mood_1 Easygoing 72.784800 1.445861e-17 [[360451, 2418], [40371, 126]] 0.465255 True
56 mood_3 Serious 43.083601 5.245004e-11 [[361404, 1465], [40420, 77]] 0.469948 True
59 genre_2 Other 41.614387 1.111721e-10 [[361446, 1423], [40422, 75]] 0.471283 True
82 mood_2 Other 25.423296 4.603257e-07 [[361970, 899], [40449, 48]] 0.477800 True
60 genre_1 Traditional 39.228043 3.770852e-10 [[361402, 1467], [40416, 81]] 0.493733 True
39 genre_3 Easy Listening 61.357952 4.758655e-15 [[360552, 2317], [40368, 129]] 0.497272 True
47 genre_2 Easy Listening 53.106215 3.159911e-13 [[360858, 2011], [40385, 112]] 0.497648 True
65 mood_2 Stirring 34.226638 4.905289e-09 [[361548, 1321], [40423, 74]] 0.501033 True
57 mood_1 Serious 42.044137 8.923632e-11 [[361247, 1622], [40406, 91]] 0.501590 True
10 genre_1 Soundtrack 169.038371 1.200050e-38 [[356345, 6524], [40127, 370]] 0.503642 True
chidf = pd.DataFrame()
target = "success"
chidf[target] = df[target]
# chidf.iloc[:int(chidf.shape[0]/2),:] = True
# chidf.iloc[int(chidf.shape[0]/2):,:] = False
# quant_value = 0.99
# tar_value = np.quantile(chidf[target], quant_value)
# chidf[target] = chidf[target] > tar_value
welchsum = pd.DataFrame()
cutoff = 0.0001
pop = chidf[target].values

for ind in con_features:
    # ind = con_features[0]
    chidf[ind] = df[ind]

    # for grp_label in df[ind].unique():
    # try:
    a = []
    b = []
    for i in range(100):
        boot1 = random.sample(
                            (chidf[target] == True)
        boot2 = random.sample(
                            (chidf[target] == False)
    testt, p = stats.ttest_ind(a, b, equal_var=False)
    a_avg = np.mean(a)
    b_avg = np.mean(b)
    welchsum = pd.concat([welchsum, pd.DataFrame([[ind, testt, p, a_avg, b_avg, p<cutoff]])])
    sns.histplot(a, color='tab:orange', label=f"{target} == True")
    sns.histplot(b, label=f"{target} == False")
    # except:
    #     pass

welchsum.columns = ['feature', 'test stat', 'p-value', 'upper q avg', 'lower q avg', 'reject null']
welchsum = welchsum.sort_values('p-value').reset_index(drop=True)





sns.histplot(df, x='listen_conversions', hue='mau_growing', bins=10)
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='listen_conversions', ylabel='Count'>


sns.histplot(df, x='user_conversions', hue='mau_growing', bins=10)
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='user_conversions', ylabel='Count'>


sns.histplot(df, x='user_conversions', hue=df['dau'] > 1, bins=10)
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='user_conversions', ylabel='Count'>


(df['mau'] > 5).describe()
count     403366
unique         2
top        False
freq      338256
Name: mau, dtype: object
np.quantile(df['mau'], 0.9)

Considering outliers

df = df.loc[df[targets].apply(lambda x: (x < 3*x.std()) if (x.dtype == int or x.dtype == float) else x).all(axis=1)]
df = df.loc[df['owner'] != 'spotify']

Multiple Criteria for Success

df['success'] = df[sub_targets].apply(lambda x: x > np.quantile(x, 0.75)).all(axis=1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
df.loc[df['success'] == True].groupby('n_tracks')[['wau']].mean().plot(ls='', marker='.', ax=ax)
ax.set_xlim(0, 200)
ax.set_ylim(0, 5000)
(0.0, 5000.0)


chidf = pd.DataFrame()
target = 'success'
chidf[target] = df[target]
# quant_value = 0.90
# tar_value = np.quantile(chidf[target], quant_value)
# chidf[target] = chidf[target] > tar_value
chisum = pd.DataFrame()
cutoff = 0.0001
pop = chidf[target].values

for ind in des_features:
    # ind = des_features[0]
    chidf[ind] = df[ind]

    for grp_label in df[ind].unique():
    # grp_label = df[ind].unique()[0]
            cTable = chidf.groupby(chidf[ind] == grp_label)[target].value_counts().values.reshape(2,2).T
            chi2, p, dof, ex = stats.chi2_contingency(cTable, correction=True, lambda_=None)
            ratio = cTable[1]/cTable[0]
            pos = ratio[1]/ratio[0]
            chisum = pd.concat([chisum, pd.DataFrame([[ind, grp_label, chi2, p, cTable, pos, p<cutoff]])])

chisum.columns = ['feature', 'group', 'chi', 'p-value', 'cTable', 'multiplier', 'reject null']
chisum = chisum.sort_values('p-value').reset_index(drop=True)
chisum.loc[chisum['reject null'] == True].sort_values('multiplier', ascending=False)
feature group chi p-value cTable multiplier reject null
0 genre_1 Latin 3516.528142 0.000000e+00 [[371720, 12806], [16634, 2206]] 3.849561 True
4 genre_2 Jazz 708.535543 4.164954e-156 [[380364, 4162], [18231, 609]] 3.052841 True
1 mood_1 Lively 1287.773814 5.130420e-282 [[375424, 9102], [17596, 1244]] 2.916028 True
14 genre_1 Children's 208.802667 2.506648e-47 [[383079, 1447], [18639, 201]] 2.854916 True
20 genre_1 Traditional 149.152847 2.655403e-34 [[383152, 1374], [18666, 174]] 2.599455 True
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
22 genre_2 Indie Rock 137.000630 1.205469e-31 [[353648, 30878], [17772, 1068]] 0.688267 True
34 mood_1 Brooding 84.460032 3.920608e-20 [[366942, 17584], [18247, 593]] 0.678177 True
9 genre_2 Alternative 331.424544 4.704591e-74 [[320464, 64062], [16650, 2190]] 0.657974 True
11 mood_1 Yearning 223.850708 1.307610e-50 [[347224, 37302], [17631, 1209]] 0.638303 True
2 genre_1 Indie Rock 866.348545 2.029540e-190 [[315752, 68774], [17043, 1797]] 0.484087 True

92 rows × 7 columns

ind = 'n_tracks'
target = 'wau'
mean_wau_vs_track = []
for track in range(1, 201):
    means = [] 
    for i in range(10):
        boot = random.sample(
                            (df['success'] == True) 
                            & (df[ind] == track)
                            (df['success'] == True) 
                            & (df[ind] == track)
                        ][target].values)), 1000))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
plt.plot(range(len(mean_wau_vs_track)), mean_wau_vs_track, ls='', marker='.')
# ax.set_ylim(0,5)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f838e3d99a0>]


                            (df['success'] == True) 
                            & (df[ind] == track)


master = pd.DataFrame()
for target in new_metrics:
    # target = sub_targets[0]
    chidf = pd.DataFrame()
    chidf[target] = df[target]
    quant_value = 0.90
    tar_value = np.quantile(chidf[target], quant_value)
    tar_value = 0.8
    chidf[target] = chidf[target] >= tar_value
    chisum = pd.DataFrame()
    cutoff = 0.0001
    pop = chidf[target].values

    for ind in des_features:
        # ind = des_features[0]
        chidf[ind] = df[ind]

        for grp_label in df[ind].unique():
        # grp_label = df[ind].unique()[0]
                cTable = chidf.groupby(chidf[ind] == grp_label)[target].value_counts().values.reshape(2,2).T
                chi2, p, dof, ex = stats.chi2_contingency(cTable, correction=True, lambda_=None)
                ratio = cTable[1]/cTable[0]
                pos = ratio[1]/ratio[0]
                chisum = pd.concat([chisum, pd.DataFrame([[target, ind, grp_label, chi2, p, cTable, pos, p<cutoff]])])

    chisum.columns = ['target', 'feature', 'group', 'chi', 'p-value', 'cTable', 'multiplier', 'reject null']
    chisum = chisum.sort_values('p-value').reset_index(drop=True)
    # chisum = chisum.loc[(chisum['reject null'] == True) & (chisum['multiplier'] > 2)].sort_values('multiplier', ascending=False)
    master = pd.concat((master, chisum))

target feature group chi p-value cTable multiplier reject null
0 listen_conversions genre_1 Rap 399.045079 8.888113e-89 [[263266, 51481], [76577, 12042]] 0.804170 True
1 listen_conversions genre_1 Latin 340.400638 5.219381e-76 [[303952, 10795], [84402, 4217]] 1.406803 True
2 listen_conversions mood_1 Defiant 324.874553 1.256443e-72 [[249581, 65166], [72706, 15913]] 0.838248 True
3 listen_conversions genre_3 - 282.376331 2.279083e-63 [[284762, 29985], [78481, 10138]] 1.226777 True
4 listen_conversions genre_2 - 259.043360 2.773590e-58 [[299145, 15602], [83015, 5604]] 1.294324 True
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
154 user_conversions mood_1 Gritty 0.255320 6.133538e-01 [[235846, 4671], [159649, 3200]] 1.012051 False
155 user_conversions mood_1 Melancholy 0.183720 6.681957e-01 [[237216, 3301], [160587, 2262]] 1.012233 False
156 user_conversions mood_3 Gritty 0.091581 7.621766e-01 [[233926, 6591], [158413, 4436]] 0.993866 False
157 user_conversions mood_2 Urgent 0.026083 8.716985e-01 [[227220, 13297], [153866, 8983]] 0.997635 False
158 user_conversions genre_2 Spoken & Audio 0.006088 9.378078e-01 [[239335, 1182], [162045, 804]] 1.004637 False

318 rows × 8 columns

master.loc[(master['reject null'] == True) & (master['multiplier'] > 1.5)]
target feature group chi p-value cTable multiplier reject null
7 listen_conversions genre_1 New Age 136.770883 1.353331e-31 [[313269, 1478], [87913, 706]] 1.702137 True
9 listen_conversions mood_1 Tender 115.194233 7.135481e-27 [[312449, 2298], [87647, 972]] 1.507851 True
18 listen_conversions genre_2 New Age 71.594191 2.643338e-17 [[313509, 1238], [88081, 538]] 1.546783 True
23 listen_conversions genre_1 Children's 60.468486 7.476593e-15 [[313592, 1155], [88126, 493]] 1.518888 True
master.loc[(master['reject null'] == True) & (master['multiplier'] < .5)]
target feature group chi p-value cTable multiplier reject null
0 user_conversions genre_2 - 3922.996570 0.000000e+00 [[223516, 17001], [158644, 4205]] 0.348479 True
1 user_conversions genre_1 Latin 1976.239449 0.000000e+00 [[228943, 11574], [159411, 3438]] 0.426610 True
3 user_conversions genre_3 - 6170.632022 0.000000e+00 [[209266, 31251], [153977, 8872]] 0.385834 True
4 user_conversions mood_1 Lively 1155.365166 3.060886e-253 [[232673, 7844], [160347, 2502]] 0.462844 True
11 user_conversions genre_2 Jazz 534.239051 3.378526e-118 [[236893, 3624], [161702, 1147]] 0.463673 True
16 user_conversions mood_3 - 436.706320 5.640063e-97 [[238863, 1654], [162498, 351]] 0.311941 True
18 user_conversions mood_2 - 395.335894 5.705144e-88 [[238982, 1535], [162516, 333]] 0.319010 True
21 user_conversions mood_1 - 379.442742 1.645452e-84 [[239045, 1472], [162530, 319]] 0.318734 True
23 user_conversions mood_1 Other 340.234697 5.672282e-76 [[239134, 1383], [162537, 312]] 0.331911 True
26 user_conversions mood_1 Tender 313.405005 3.958040e-70 [[238072, 2445], [162024, 825]] 0.495797 True
30 user_conversions genre_1 Spoken & Audio 282.114763 2.598715e-63 [[239551, 966], [162664, 185]] 0.282034 True
32 user_conversions genre_1 Children's 267.069910 4.937672e-60 [[239209, 1308], [162509, 340]] 0.382623 True
41 user_conversions genre_1 New Age 239.970389 3.991738e-54 [[238860, 1657], [162322, 527]] 0.468009 True
45 user_conversions genre_2 Easy Listening 225.530477 5.624862e-51 [[238912, 1605], [162331, 518]] 0.474997 True
48 user_conversions genre_1 Traditional 214.931791 1.153312e-48 [[239311, 1206], [162507, 342]] 0.417609 True
52 user_conversions genre_1 - 175.754457 4.096893e-40 [[239754, 763], [162668, 181]] 0.349637 True
54 user_conversions mood_1 Serious 162.207641 3.726709e-37 [[239237, 1280], [162416, 433]] 0.498285 True
64 user_conversions genre_1 Easy Listening 146.743632 8.928423e-34 [[239783, 734], [162656, 193]] 0.387623 True
77 user_conversions mood_1 Somber 112.482411 2.801392e-26 [[239813, 704], [162637, 212]] 0.444034 True
95 user_conversions genre_1 Blues 64.312880 1.061495e-15 [[240162, 355], [162750, 99]] 0.411519 True
96 user_conversions genre_3 Holiday 62.618863 2.508395e-15 [[240238, 279], [162782, 67]] 0.354410 True
99 user_conversions genre_2 Holiday 55.198819 1.089342e-13 [[240302, 215], [162803, 46]] 0.315802 True
117 user_conversions genre_1 Other 24.171106 8.814482e-07 [[240383, 134], [162812, 37]] 0.407675 True
new_master = pd.DataFrame()
for target in new_metrics:
    # target = sub_targets[2]
    chidf = pd.DataFrame()
    chidf[target] = df[target]
    chidf['n_tracks'] = df['n_tracks']
    quant_value = 0.90
    tar_value = np.quantile(chidf[target], quant_value)
    tar_value = 0.8
    chidf[target] = chidf[target] >= tar_value
    welchsum = pd.DataFrame()
    cutoff = 0.0001
    pop = chidf[target].values

    for ind in con_features:
        # ind = con_features[0]
        chidf[ind] = df[ind]

        # for grp_label in df[ind].unique():
        # try:
        a = []
        b = []
        for i in range(100):
            boot1 = random.sample(
                                (chidf[target] == True)
                                & (chidf['n_tracks'] > 9)
                                & (chidf['n_tracks'] < 999)
            boot2 = random.sample(
                                (chidf[target] == False)
                                & (chidf['n_tracks'] > 9)
                                & (chidf['n_tracks'] < 999)
        testt, p = stats.ttest_ind(a, b, equal_var=False)
        a_avg = np.mean(a)
        b_avg = np.mean(b)
        welchsum = pd.concat([welchsum, pd.DataFrame([[target, ind, testt, p, a_avg, b_avg, p<cutoff]])])
        sns.histplot(a, color='tab:orange', label=f"{target} >= {tar_value:.0f}")
        sns.histplot(b, label=f"{target} < {tar_value:.0f}")
        plt.title(f"{target}, {ind}")
        # except:
        #     pass

    welchsum.columns = ['target', 'feature', 'test stat', 'p-value', 'upper q avg', 'lower q avg', 'reject null']
    welchsum = welchsum.sort_values('p-value').reset_index(drop=True)
    new_master = pd.concat((new_master, welchsum))









target feature test stat p-value upper q avg lower q avg reject null
0 listen_conversions n_tracks 10.791139 1.289400e-21 151.33751 143.74398 True
1 listen_conversions n_albums 2.441572 1.550563e-02 78.52885 77.60380 False
2 listen_conversions n_local_tracks -1.514198 1.315704e-01 2.04345 2.13447 False
3 listen_conversions n_artists 1.186743 2.367580e-01 73.94089 73.48707 False
0 user_conversions n_artists 29.009043 3.528897e-73 80.09057 69.51769 True
1 user_conversions n_albums 27.865311 5.520382e-70 84.69724 73.45058 True
2 user_conversions n_tracks 12.465380 1.108146e-26 150.70376 140.85719 True
3 user_conversions n_local_tracks 3.208929 1.563093e-03 2.20957 2.02793 False


Discrete, Independent Variables

We note that there is class imbalance in the discrete independent variables:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10,10))

dff = pd.DataFrame(df[des_features[0]].value_counts()).join(
dff = dff.reset_index().melt(id_vars='index')
dff.columns = ['mood', 'order', 'count']
sns.barplot(data=dff, hue='order', y='mood', x='count', orient='h', ax=ax[0])

dff = pd.DataFrame(df[des_features[3]].value_counts()).join(
dff = dff.reset_index().melt(id_vars='index')
dff.columns = ['genre', 'order', 'count']
sns.barplot(data=dff, hue='order', y='genre', x='count', orient='h', ax=ax[1])



This class imbalance can have a variety of effects (and might be derived from a variety of sources).

For example, users will have more choice when listening to popular genres likeIndie Rock and Rap, and less choice with genres like Blues and Easy listening. As it so happens, when we look to the relationship between genre/mood and the dependent variables, many of the genre/moods with smaller class sizes will have a positive multiplier effect on the dependent variable

Continuous, Independent Variables

The four continuous variables of focus in this dataset are highly tailed. Due to this, our statistical tests will require bootstrapping.

quant = 0.999
con_features = ['n_albums', 'n_artists', 'n_tracks', 'n_local_tracks']
for target in con_features:
    cutoff = np.quantile(df[target], quant)
    y = df.loc[df[target] < cutoff]
    removed = df.loc[~(df[target] < cutoff)]
    print(f"removed items: {removed.shape[0]}")
    y.plot(kind='hist', y=target, bins=100, density=True)
removed items: 404


removed items: 405


removed items: 404


removed items: 406


an example of bootstrapping n_albums

means = []
ind = con_features[0]
for i in range(100):
    boot = random.sample(
                        (df[ind] > 9) 
                        & (df[ind] < 999)
stuff = plt.hist(means, bins=100, density=True)


Discrete, Dependent Variables

For the purposes of investigating a "successful" playlist, there are 5 primary metrics:


and "top" performers in each of these metrics were based on top 10% and top 1% quantiles:

print('p99 targets')
for target in sub_targets:
    space = ' '* (20 - len(str(target)))
    print(f"{target}: {space} {np.quantile(df[target], 0.99)}")
print('p90 targets')
for target in sub_targets:
    space = ' '* (20 - len(str(target)))
    print(f"{target}: {space} {np.quantile(df[target], 0.90)}")
p99 targets
mau_previous_month:    130.0
mau_both_months:       19.0
mau:                   143.0
monthly_stream30s:     2843.0
stream30s:             113.0

p90 targets
mau_previous_month:    9.0
mau_both_months:       2.0
mau:                   9.0
monthly_stream30s:     432.0
stream30s:             17.0

You can imagine with these metrics, some concerns are:

  • what if a playlist was made in the current month, or even current day?
    • playlist is not properly represented by the data
  • how do we normalize by playlists that already have a high visibility? i.e. what if a playlist is "good" but just isn't getting noticed?
    • can compute conversion metrics:
      • 30 second listens / total listens
      • mau both months / mau previous month

While noting these shortcomings, to keep the analysis focused I singled out the previously mentioned targets, with a focus on monthly_stream30s as the north star metric. monthly_stream30s is advantageous as a nort star metric since it contains data from the entire month (reducing variance) only contains relevant listens (greater than 30 seconds long). Some disadvantages of this metric are that it doesn't account for just a few listeners who may be providing the majority of listens, and playlists that were made in the current month will be undervalued.


Chi Square

In the chi-square test, the contigency table was used to calculate a multiplier effect. This is a ratio of ratios: the count of upper quantile over bottom quantile for the given group over the count of upper quantile over bottom quantile for non-group. In other words, it articulates how much more likely a sample in the given group is likely to be in the upper quantile vs a sample not in the given group

chisq_results = pd.read_csv("chi_square_results.csv", index_col=0)
target upper q upper q value feature group chi p-value cTable multiplier reject null rank
12 stream30s 0.99 113.0 mood_3 - 125.854082 3.309444e-29 [[397434 1935]\n [ 3927 70]] 3.661181 True 0
11 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_2 - 109.163417 1.494430e-25 [[397529 1804]\n [ 3969 64]] 3.553294 True 0
67 mau_previous_month 0.90 9.0 genre_1 - 95.863487 1.230846e-22 [[365249 769]\n [ 37173 175]] 2.236007 True 0
10 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_1 - 112.668942 2.549855e-26 [[397605 1728]\n [ 3970 63]] 3.651389 True 0
7 stream30s 0.99 113.0 mood_1 - 141.501726 1.249779e-32 [[397646 1723]\n [ 3929 68]] 3.994277 True 0
array(['stream30s', 'monthly_stream30s', 'mau_previous_month', 'mau',
       'mau_both_months'], dtype=object)
chisq_results['upper q'].unique()
array([0.99, 0.9 ])

Taking together the five targets, the two upper quantiles, and the six categorical independent variables, we can identify which group occured the most frequently as a variable of influence:

                & (chisq_results['group'] != '-')]['group'].value_counts()
Traditional       16
Children's        16
Jazz              14
Latin             12
Easy Listening     8
Soundtrack         8
New Age            7
Holiday            6
Spoken & Audio     4
Other              2
Name: group, dtype: int64

Using these value counts as a "rank" we can then groupby this rank and see how each group is influencing the propensity to be in the upper quadrant

Taking "Romantic" as an example, we see that it's multiplier effect is relatively consistent across the five targets and two quantiles:

sort_key = {i: j for i,j in zip(chisq_results['group'].value_counts().index.values, range(chisq_results['group'].nunique()))}
chisq_results['rank'] = chisq_results['group'].apply(lambda x: sort_key[x])
chisq_results.sort_values('rank', inplace=True)
# chisq_results.drop('rank', axis=1, inplace=True)
chisq_results.loc[chisq_results['group'] != '-'][:20]
target upper q upper q value feature group chi p-value cTable multiplier reject null rank
3 mau_both_months 0.99 19.0 mood_1 Romantic 109.693770 1.143607e-25 [[390177 9231]\n [ 3766 192]] 2.154933 True 1
5 mau_previous_month 0.90 9.0 mood_2 Romantic 1379.938658 4.806442e-302 [[357822 8196]\n [ 35327 2021]] 2.497610 True 1
8 stream30s 0.99 113.0 mood_1 Romantic 139.245969 3.891401e-32 [[390152 9217]\n [ 3791 206]] 2.300158 True 1
6 mau_previous_month 0.99 130.0 mood_2 Romantic 104.434543 1.624732e-24 [[389323 10013]\n [ 3826 204]] 2.073152 True 1
6 mau 0.90 9.0 mood_1 Romantic 1328.179994 8.498925e-291 [[355892 7442]\n [ 38051 1981]] 2.489700 True 1
5 mau 0.99 143.0 mood_3 Romantic 122.574129 1.728356e-28 [[389664 9685]\n [ 3810 207]] 2.185929 True 1
10 stream30s 0.99 113.0 mood_3 Romantic 136.025552 1.969792e-31 [[389689 9680]\n [ 3785 212]] 2.254825 True 1
6 mau_previous_month 0.90 9.0 mood_1 Romantic 1142.816205 1.633755e-250 [[358408 7610]\n [ 35535 1813]] 2.402893 True 1
6 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_3 Romantic 149.750731 1.965370e-34 [[389660 9673]\n [ 3814 219]] 2.313066 True 1
4 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_1 Romantic 175.072639 5.772239e-40 [[390131 9202]\n [ 3812 221]] 2.457919 True 1
6 mau 0.99 143.0 mood_2 Romantic 105.450504 9.729814e-25 [[389336 10013]\n [ 3813 204]] 2.080289 True 1
5 mau_previous_month 0.99 130.0 mood_3 Romantic 112.605179 2.633191e-26 [[389647 9689]\n [ 3827 203]] 2.133192 True 1
6 stream30s 0.99 113.0 mood_2 Romantic 148.026986 4.679851e-34 [[389374 9995]\n [ 3775 222]] 2.290974 True 1
2 mau 0.99 143.0 mood_1 Romantic 202.823985 5.053546e-46 [[390156 9193]\n [ 3787 230]] 2.577588 True 1
7 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_2 Romantic 146.934024 8.112487e-34 [[389339 9994]\n [ 3810 223]] 2.280176 True 1
8 mau_previous_month 0.90 9.0 mood_3 Romantic 1013.797108 1.800082e-222 [[357949 8069]\n [ 35525 1823]] 2.276429 True 1
4 mau_previous_month 0.99 130.0 mood_1 Romantic 156.500834 6.579992e-36 [[390127 9209]\n [ 3816 214]] 2.375740 True 1
8 mau 0.90 9.0 mood_3 Romantic 1170.355016 1.690629e-256 [[355429 7905]\n [ 38045 1987]] 2.348287 True 1
1 mau 0.90 9.0 mood_2 Romantic 1531.190216 0.000000e+00 [[355299 8035]\n [ 37850 2182]] 2.549159 True 1
2 mau 0.90 9.0 mood_1 Lively 2423.134070 0.000000e+00 [[355493 7841]\n [ 37527 2505]] 3.026380 True 2
chisq_results.loc[(chisq_results['group'] == 'Traditional')
                 & (chisq_results['target'] == 'monthly_stream30s')]
target upper q upper q value feature group chi p-value cTable multiplier reject null rank
36 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_3 Traditional 29.032918 7.115879e-08 [[396376 2957]\n [ 3973 60]] 2.024364 True 3
27 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_2 Traditional 47.457479 5.621008e-12 [[396211 3122]\n [ 3962 71]] 2.274246 True 3

Let's use this idea of average multiplier effect, and average chi-square statistic to summarize by group.

Sorting by the test statistic, we see the top 5 most influential groups:

chisq_results.groupby('group')[['chi', 'multiplier', 'rank']].mean().sort_values('chi', ascending=False)[:10]
chi multiplier rank
Latin 1686.610898 3.001282 6.0
- 766.884882 3.049100 0.0
Sophisticated 581.181538 2.055203 18.0
Lively 523.373076 2.364492 2.0
Romantic 493.442950 2.318001 1.0
Soundtrack 345.506268 2.209295 9.0
Jazz 323.657066 2.342954 5.0
Fiery 261.957158 2.244027 15.0
Tender 212.399270 3.033890 16.0
Traditional 176.194741 2.361342 3.0

Sorting instead by the multiplier, we can see which group has the heaviest influence

chisq_results.groupby('group')[['chi', 'multiplier', 'rank']].mean().sort_values('multiplier', ascending=False)[:10]
chi multiplier rank
- 766.884882 3.049100 0.0
Tender 212.399270 3.033890 16.0
Latin 1686.610898 3.001282 6.0
Children's 165.058604 2.871261 4.0
Holiday 41.741338 2.836528 12.0
New Age 75.783147 2.754796 10.0
Spoken & Audio 163.859264 2.610393 14.0
Peaceful 61.046237 2.564297 13.0
Other 166.299708 2.425104 11.0
Easy Listening 99.533804 2.407295 8.0

Sorting instead by rank, we see which groups show up most frequently

chisq_results.groupby('group')[['chi', 'multiplier', 'rank']].mean().sort_values('rank', ascending=True)[:10]
chi multiplier rank
- 766.884882 3.049100 0.0
Romantic 493.442950 2.318001 1.0
Lively 523.373076 2.364492 2.0
Traditional 176.194741 2.361342 3.0
Children's 165.058604 2.871261 4.0
Jazz 323.657066 2.342954 5.0
Latin 1686.610898 3.001282 6.0
Serious 103.700606 2.190306 7.0
Easy Listening 99.533804 2.407295 8.0
Soundtrack 345.506268 2.209295 9.0
chisq_results.loc[chisq_results['target'] == 'monthly_stream30s']
target upper q upper q value feature group chi p-value cTable multiplier reject null rank
14 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_3 - 95.615882 1.394829e-22 [[397392 1941]\n [ 3969 64]] 3.301357 True 0
3 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_1 - 198.911522 3.608821e-45 [[398442 891]\n [ 3980 53]] 5.954979 True 0
10 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_1 - 112.668942 2.549855e-26 [[397605 1728]\n [ 3970 63]] 3.651389 True 0
11 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_2 - 109.163417 1.494430e-25 [[397529 1804]\n [ 3969 64]] 3.553294 True 0
6 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_3 Romantic 149.750731 1.965370e-34 [[389660 9673]\n [ 3814 219]] 2.313066 True 1
4 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_1 Romantic 175.072639 5.772239e-40 [[390131 9202]\n [ 3812 221]] 2.457919 True 1
7 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_2 Romantic 146.934024 8.112487e-34 [[389339 9994]\n [ 3810 223]] 2.280176 True 1
22 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_2 Lively 62.570224 2.571115e-15 [[393976 5357]\n [ 3920 113]] 2.120023 True 2
5 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_1 Lively 172.134248 2.529542e-39 [[389222 10111]\n [ 3798 235]] 2.381860 True 2
36 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_3 Traditional 29.032918 7.115879e-08 [[396376 2957]\n [ 3973 60]] 2.024364 True 3
27 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_2 Traditional 47.457479 5.621008e-12 [[396211 3122]\n [ 3962 71]] 2.274246 True 3
37 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_2 Children's 28.313598 1.031687e-07 [[397689 1644]\n [ 3994 39]] 2.362100 True 4
2 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_1 Children's 207.229586 5.524721e-47 [[397760 1573]\n [ 3958 75]] 4.791570 True 4
6 monthly_stream30s 0.90 432.0 genre_1 Children's 262.624693 4.596280e-59 [[361785 1286]\n [ 39933 362]] 2.550270 True 4
16 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_2 Jazz 79.207991 5.590349e-19 [[394671 4662]\n [ 3924 109]] 2.351584 True 5
30 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_3 Jazz 39.188768 3.847472e-10 [[395392 3941]\n [ 3953 80]] 2.030414 True 5
0 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_1 Latin 537.892273 5.419582e-119 [[384749 14584]\n [ 3605 428]] 3.132127 True 6
0 monthly_stream30s 0.90 432.0 genre_1 Latin 1150.625294 3.280867e-252 [[350782 12289]\n [ 37572 2723]] 2.068731 True 6
50 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_2 Serious 20.339173 6.485903e-06 [[397730 1603]\n [ 3998 35]] 2.172101 True 7
38 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_2 Easy Listening 28.186480 1.101715e-07 [[397256 2077]\n [ 3987 46]] 2.206712 True 8
29 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_1 Easy Listening 40.400033 2.069376e-10 [[398435 898]\n [ 4004 29]] 3.213550 True 8
20 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_1 Soundtrack 66.073066 4.345131e-16 [[392575 6758]\n [ 3897 136]] 2.027276 True 9
28 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_1 New Age 43.730647 3.768245e-11 [[397202 2131]\n [ 3980 53]] 2.482109 True 10
12 monthly_stream30s 0.90 432.0 genre_1 New Age 166.484617 4.335181e-38 [[361286 1785]\n [ 39896 399]] 2.024214 True 10
21 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_3 New Age 63.004025 2.062846e-15 [[397632 1701]\n [ 3982 51]] 2.993960 True 10
15 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_2 New Age 85.761620 2.029879e-20 [[397614 1719]\n [ 3976 57]] 3.315998 True 10
33 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_1 Other 30.443472 3.437382e-08 [[397678 1655]\n [ 3993 40]] 2.407101 True 11
11 monthly_stream30s 0.90 432.0 mood_1 Other 197.598843 6.979647e-45 [[361719 1352]\n [ 39952 343]] 2.296943 True 11
26 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_1 Peaceful 47.834009 4.638752e-12 [[397055 2278]\n [ 3976 57]] 2.498765 True 13
17 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_3 Peaceful 69.964512 6.038104e-17 [[396736 2597]\n [ 3963 70]] 2.698383 True 13
12 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_2 Peaceful 99.188851 2.295356e-23 [[396395 2938]\n [ 3948 85]] 2.904813 True 13
52 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_1 Spoken & Audio 19.783961 8.670724e-06 [[398209 1124]\n [ 4006 27]] 2.387798 True 14
19 monthly_stream30s 0.90 432.0 genre_1 Spoken & Audio 120.508309 4.896128e-28 [[362147 924]\n [ 40068 227]] 2.220451 True 14
1 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_1 Tender 218.759022 1.686848e-49 [[396180 3153]\n [ 3916 117]] 3.754151 True 16
23 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_2 Easygoing 61.911050 3.593275e-15 [[394661 4672]\n [ 3931 102]] 2.191889 True 17
25 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_3 Easygoing 49.108110 2.422366e-12 [[394265 5068]\n [ 3931 102]] 2.018593 True 17
34 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_3 Somber 29.620347 5.255040e-08 [[397107 2226]\n [ 3984 49]] 2.194114 True 19

It creates some fog to jumble together mood/genres this way. We can instead separate them and ask questions like:

What is the most influential primary genre on monthly streams over 30 seconds?

Answer: Children's followed by Latin

Reason: both genre's appear as influential in other guardrail metrics (high rank), have high test statistics, and are influential in both p99 and p90 with multiplier effects of [4.8, 2.6] and [3.1, 2.1], respectively.

chisq_results.loc[(chisq_results['feature'] == 'genre_1')
                 & (chisq_results['target'] == 'monthly_stream30s')]
target upper q upper q value feature group chi p-value cTable multiplier reject null rank
3 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_1 - 198.911522 3.608821e-45 [[398442 891]\n [ 3980 53]] 5.954979 True 0
2 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_1 Children's 207.229586 5.524721e-47 [[397760 1573]\n [ 3958 75]] 4.791570 True 4
6 monthly_stream30s 0.90 432.0 genre_1 Children's 262.624693 4.596280e-59 [[361785 1286]\n [ 39933 362]] 2.550270 True 4
0 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_1 Latin 537.892273 5.419582e-119 [[384749 14584]\n [ 3605 428]] 3.132127 True 6
0 monthly_stream30s 0.90 432.0 genre_1 Latin 1150.625294 3.280867e-252 [[350782 12289]\n [ 37572 2723]] 2.068731 True 6
29 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_1 Easy Listening 40.400033 2.069376e-10 [[398435 898]\n [ 4004 29]] 3.213550 True 8
20 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_1 Soundtrack 66.073066 4.345131e-16 [[392575 6758]\n [ 3897 136]] 2.027276 True 9
28 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_1 New Age 43.730647 3.768245e-11 [[397202 2131]\n [ 3980 53]] 2.482109 True 10
12 monthly_stream30s 0.90 432.0 genre_1 New Age 166.484617 4.335181e-38 [[361286 1785]\n [ 39896 399]] 2.024214 True 10
52 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 genre_1 Spoken & Audio 19.783961 8.670724e-06 [[398209 1124]\n [ 4006 27]] 2.387798 True 14
19 monthly_stream30s 0.90 432.0 genre_1 Spoken & Audio 120.508309 4.896128e-28 [[362147 924]\n [ 40068 227]] 2.220451 True 14
What is the most influential primary mood on monthly streams over 30 seconds?

Answer: Romantic and Lively

Reason: Romantic and Lively moods appear multiple times as highly influential (high rank) they have high multipliers. A contendent may be Tender, as it has a high multiplier effect as well at 3.75

chisq_results.loc[(chisq_results['feature'] == 'mood_1')
                 & (chisq_results['target'] == 'monthly_stream30s')]
target upper q upper q value feature group chi p-value cTable multiplier reject null rank
10 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_1 - 112.668942 2.549855e-26 [[397605 1728]\n [ 3970 63]] 3.651389 True 0
4 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_1 Romantic 175.072639 5.772239e-40 [[390131 9202]\n [ 3812 221]] 2.457919 True 1
5 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_1 Lively 172.134248 2.529542e-39 [[389222 10111]\n [ 3798 235]] 2.381860 True 2
33 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_1 Other 30.443472 3.437382e-08 [[397678 1655]\n [ 3993 40]] 2.407101 True 11
11 monthly_stream30s 0.90 432.0 mood_1 Other 197.598843 6.979647e-45 [[361719 1352]\n [ 39952 343]] 2.296943 True 11
26 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_1 Peaceful 47.834009 4.638752e-12 [[397055 2278]\n [ 3976 57]] 2.498765 True 13
1 monthly_stream30s 0.99 2843.0 mood_1 Tender 218.759022 1.686848e-49 [[396180 3153]\n [ 3916 117]] 3.754151 True 16
Which Categorical Feature is most influential overall?

Answer: genre_1, followed by genre_2 and mood_1

Reason: we see that these features appear multiple times across the 5 different targets and 2 different quantiles

genre_1    48
genre_2    39
mood_1     34
mood_2     28
mood_3     17
genre_3    16
Name: feature, dtype: int64
What are the shortcomings of this analysis?

We haven't taken into account confounding variables. For example, perhaps Latin genre is typically associated with Lively mood. Then which variable is it that actually contributes to a highly performing playlist? We have strategies for dealing with this. We can stratify the confounding variables by over or under sampling. We can also consider them together in a forward selection logistic model. We will take the latter approach later on in the analysis.

We haven't considered the categorical variables alongside the continuous variables, so we don't know how they fit overall in terms of relative improtance. We will approach this the same way as the confounding variables issue, and incorporate all variables in a logistic regression.


ttest_results = pd.read_csv("t_test_results.csv", index_col=0)
target feature test stat p-value upper q avg lower q avg reject null
0 mau_previous_month n_albums -25.318099 4.772854e-63 69.77939 78.70629 True
1 mau_previous_month n_artists -15.418330 9.408966e-36 68.08641 73.90254 True
2 mau_previous_month n_local_tracks -9.550137 7.728853e-18 1.60489 2.07692 True
3 mau_previous_month n_tracks 6.086774 5.913654e-09 149.50371 145.10534 True
0 mau_both_months n_artists 52.402365 2.845239e-114 91.41907 71.97618 True


log_results = pd.read_csv("../../scripts/fwd_selection_results.txt", header=None, index_col=0)
log_results.columns = ['feature', 'pseudo r2']
log_results.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
log_results.drop(0, axis=0, inplace=True)
feature pseudo r2
1 intercept 2.197000e-12
2 n_albums 2.614000e-02
3 genre_1_Latin 3.093000e-02
4 genre_1_Indie Rock 3.274000e-02
5 genre_1_Rap 3.431000e-02
6 genre_1_Dance & House 3.568000e-02
7 genre_1_Rock 3.674000e-02
8 mood_1_Energizing 3.772000e-02
9 genre_1_Children's 3.863000e-02
10 mood_1_Tender 3.931000e-02
11 mood_1_Other 3.995000e-02
12 n_tracks 4.052000e-02
13 mood_1_Peaceful 4.106000e-02
14 mood_1_Romantic 4.161000e-02
15 genre_1_Electronica 4.208000e-02
16 genre_2_Indie Rock 4.248000e-02
17 mood_2_Energizing 4.287000e-02
18 genre_1_R&B 4.319000e-02
19 genre_3_Indie Rock 4.353000e-02
20 genre_1_Classical 4.379000e-02
21 genre_2_Alternative 4.403000e-02
22 genre_2_Metal 4.427000e-02
23 mood_2_Peaceful 4.449000e-02
24 mood_2_Romantic 4.472000e-02
25 mood_3_Romantic 4.498000e-02
26 genre_3_Alternative 4.522000e-02
target = "monthly_stream30s"
y = df[target].values
labels = y.copy()
names = []
weights = y.copy()
weights.dtype = 'float'
lim = 11
dom_class_weight = 1 / (lim - 1 - 1)
for idx, quant in zip(range(lim), np.linspace(0, 1, num=lim)):
    if idx < lim - 2:
        prev = quant
    elif idx == lim - 2:
        weights[y <= np.quantile(y, quant)] = dom_class_weight
        labels[labels <= np.quantile(y, quant)] = 0
        names += [f"less than {np.quantile(y, quant):.0f} listens"]

        labels[(labels > np.quantile(y, prev))
              & (labels <= np.quantile(y, quant))] = 1
        weights[(y > np.quantile(y, prev))
              & (y <= np.quantile(y, quant))] = 1.0
        names += [f"{np.quantile(y, prev):.0f} < listens <= {np.quantile(y, quant):.0f}"]
    prev = quant
y = labels

basemodel = pd.read_csv("../../scripts/basemodel.csv", index_col = 0)
X2 = basemodel.values
est = Logit(y, X2)
est2 =
summ = est2.summary()

res_table = summ.tables[1]
res_df = pd.DataFrame(
cols = res_df.iloc[0]
cols = [str(i) for i in cols]
res_df.drop(0, axis=0, inplace=True)
res_df.set_index(0, inplace=True)
res_df.columns = cols[1:]
res_df.index = basemodel.columns
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
intercept -2.0919 0.012 -180.211 0.000 -2.115 -2.069
n_albums 0.2659 0.012 21.370 0.000 0.241 0.290
genre_1_Latin 0.5389 0.025 21.354 0.000 0.489 0.588
genre_1_Indie Rock -0.5919 0.020 -30.130 0.000 -0.630 -0.553
genre_1_Rap -0.3552 0.018 -19.651 0.000 -0.391 -0.320
genre_1_Dance & House -0.3364 0.023 -14.444 0.000 -0.382 -0.291
genre_1_Rock -0.4325 0.024 -18.072 0.000 -0.479 -0.386
mood_1_Energizing -0.3012 0.026 -11.592 0.000 -0.352 -0.250
genre_1_Children's 0.7694 0.061 12.545 0.000 0.649 0.890
mood_1_Tender 0.6086 0.053 11.496 0.000 0.505 0.712
mood_1_Other 0.8435 0.062 13.497 0.000 0.721 0.966
n_tracks 0.0465 0.006 7.665 0.000 0.035 0.058
mood_1_Peaceful 0.7355 0.057 12.849 0.000 0.623 0.848
mood_1_Romantic 0.3608 0.032 11.187 0.000 0.298 0.424
genre_1_Electronica -0.2585 0.033 -7.726 0.000 -0.324 -0.193
genre_2_Indie Rock -0.2338 0.022 -10.617 0.000 -0.277 -0.191
mood_2_Energizing -0.1235 0.018 -6.837 0.000 -0.159 -0.088
genre_1_R&B -0.2373 0.030 -7.999 0.000 -0.295 -0.179
genre_3_Indie Rock -0.1994 0.022 -8.880 0.000 -0.243 -0.155
genre_1_Classical -0.5369 0.059 -9.114 0.000 -0.652 -0.421
genre_2_Alternative 0.1578 0.018 8.915 0.000 0.123 0.192
genre_2_Metal 0.3654 0.039 9.356 0.000 0.289 0.442
mood_2_Peaceful 0.4354 0.053 8.150 0.000 0.331 0.540
mood_2_Romantic 0.2643 0.031 8.628 0.000 0.204 0.324
mood_3_Romantic 0.2600 0.031 8.363 0.000 0.199 0.321
genre_3_Alternative 0.1152 0.018 6.548 0.000 0.081 0.150
n_artists 0.0968 0.013 7.587 0.000 0.072 0.122
genre_1_Metal 0.3371 0.041 8.282 0.000 0.257 0.417
mood_1_Aggressive -0.2743 0.041 -6.671 0.000 -0.355 -0.194
mood_3_Peaceful 0.3313 0.057 5.778 0.000 0.219 0.444
mood_1_Empowering 0.1344 0.020 6.801 0.000 0.096 0.173
genre_1_Religious -0.1832 0.032 -5.799 0.000 -0.245 -0.121
genre_3_Metal 0.2308 0.043 5.361 0.000 0.146 0.315
genre_3_R&B -0.1163 0.022 -5.238 0.000 -0.160 -0.073

Final Figures and Tables

df = pd.read_csv("../../data/playlist_summary_external-4.txt", delimiter='\t')


sub_targets = ['mau_previous_month', 'mau_both_months', 'monthly_stream30s', 'stream30s']
# sub_targets = ['mau', 'dau', 'monthly_stream30s', 'stream30s']

des_features = ['mood_1', 'mood_2', 'mood_3', 'genre_1', 'genre_2', 'genre_3']
con_features = ['n_albums', 'n_artists', 'n_tracks', 'n_local_tracks']
df['success'] = df[sub_targets].apply(lambda x: x > np.quantile(x, 0.75)).all(axis=1)

df['listen_conversions'] = df['stream30s'] / df['streams']
df['listen_conversions'].fillna(value=0, inplace=True)

df['user_retention'] = df['mau_both_months'] / df['mau_previous_month']
df['user_retention'].fillna(value=0, inplace=True)

df['user_conversions'] = df['mau'] / df['users']
df['user_conversions'].fillna(value=0, inplace=True)

df['mau_growing'] = df['mau'] > df['mau_previous_month']
df['mau_growth'] = df['mau'] / df['mau_previous_month']
df['mau_growth'].fillna(value=0, inplace=True)
df['mau_growth'].replace([np.inf, -np.inf], 1, inplace=True)

new_metrics = ['listen_conversions', 'user_conversions', 'user_retention', 'mau_growth']

df['new_success'] = df[new_metrics].apply(lambda x: (x > 0.5) if (max(x) == 1) else (x > 1)).all(axis=1)


fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10,10))

dff = pd.DataFrame(df[des_features[0]].value_counts()).join(
dff = dff.reset_index().melt(id_vars='index')
dff.columns = ['mood', 'order', 'count']
sns.barplot(data=dff, hue='order', y='mood', x='count', orient='h', ax=ax[0])

dff = pd.DataFrame(df[des_features[3]].value_counts()).join(
dff = dff.reset_index().melt(id_vars='index')
dff.columns = ['genre', 'order', 'count']
sns.barplot(data=dff, hue='order', y='genre', x='count', orient='h', ax=ax[1])



def make_chisum(target='success'):

    chidf = pd.DataFrame()
    chidf[target] = df[target]
    chisum = pd.DataFrame()
    cutoff = 0.01
    pop = chidf[target].values

    for ind in des_features:
        chidf[ind] = df[ind]

        for grp_label in df[ind].unique():
                cTable = chidf.groupby(chidf[ind] == grp_label)[target].value_counts().values.reshape(2,2).T
                chi2, p, dof, ex = stats.chi2_contingency(cTable, correction=True, lambda_=None)
                ratio = cTable[1]/cTable[0]
                pos = ratio[1]/ratio[0]
                chisum = pd.concat([chisum, pd.DataFrame([[ind, grp_label, chi2, p, cTable, pos, p<cutoff]])])

    chisum.columns = ['feature', 'group', 'chi', 'p-value', 'cTable', 'multiplier', 'reject null']
    chisum = chisum.sort_values('p-value').reset_index(drop=True)

    return chisum

def make_cat_plots(target='success', ind_feature='genre_1'):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10,10), sharex='col', sharey='row')

    genre_list = chisum.loc[(chisum['feature'] == ind_feature)
                           & (chisum['reject null'] == True)].sort_values('multiplier', ascending=False)['group'].values

    dff = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby([ind_feature])[target].value_counts(sort=False))
    dff.columns = ['percent']
    dff = dff.reset_index()
    dff.loc[dff[target] == True, 'percent'] = dff.loc[dff[target] == True, 'percent'] / dff.loc[dff[target] == True, 'percent'].sum() 
    dff.loc[dff[target] == False, 'percent'] = dff.loc[dff[target] == False, 'percent'] / dff.loc[dff[target] == False, 'percent'].sum() 
    dff = dff.set_index(ind_feature).loc[genre_list,:]
    dff = dff.reset_index()

    sns.barplot(data=dff.iloc[:10,:], hue=target, y=ind_feature, x='percent', ax=ax[0,0])
    ax[0,0].set_title('Best  and Worst Genres, Percent')
    sns.barplot(data=dff.iloc[-10:,:], hue=target, y=ind_feature, x='percent', ax=ax[1,0])

    dff = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby([ind_feature])[target].value_counts(sort=False))
    dff.columns = ['count']
    dff = dff.reset_index()
    dff = dff.set_index(ind_feature).loc[genre_list,:]
    dff = dff.reset_index()

    sns.barplot(data=dff.iloc[:10,:], hue=target, y=ind_feature, x='count', ax=ax[0,1])
    ax[0,1].set_title('Best and Worst Genres, Count')
    sns.barplot(data=dff.iloc[-10:,:], hue=target, y=ind_feature, x='count', ax=ax[1,1])

    ax[0,1].legend(framealpha=1, facecolor='white', title="Success")

    return fig
ind_feature = 'genre_1'
target = 'success'

chisum = make_chisum(target)
fig = make_cat_plots(target, ind_feature)

chisum.loc[(chisum['feature'] == ind_feature)
        & (chisum['reject null'] == True)].sort_values('multiplier', 



ind_feature = 'mood_1'
target = 'success'

chisum = make_chisum(target)
fig = make_cat_plots(target, ind_feature)

chisum.loc[(chisum['feature'] == ind_feature)
        & (chisum['reject null'] == True)].sort_values('multiplier', 




def make_con_plots(target, con_features):
    fig, ((ax1, ax2),(ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(10,10))
    chidf = pd.DataFrame()
    chidf[target] = df[target]
    welchsum = pd.DataFrame()
    cutoff = 0.01
    pop = chidf[target].values

    for ind, ax in zip(con_features, [ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4]):
        chidf[ind] = df[ind]
        a = []
        b = []
        for i in range(100):
            boot1 = random.sample(
                                (chidf[target] == True)
            boot2 = random.sample(
                                (chidf[target] == False)
        testt, p = stats.ttest_ind(a, b, equal_var=False)
        a_avg = np.mean(a)
        b_avg = np.mean(b)
        welchsum = pd.concat([welchsum, pd.DataFrame([[ind, testt, p, a_avg, b_avg, p<cutoff]])])
        sns.histplot(a, color='tab:orange', label=f"{target} == True", ax=ax)
        sns.histplot(b, label=f"{target} == False", ax=ax)

    welchsum.columns = ['feature', 'test stat', 'p-value', 'upper q avg', 'lower q avg', 'reject null']
    welchsum = welchsum.sort_values('p-value').reset_index(drop=True)

    return fig, welchsum
target = 'new_success'

fig, welchsum = make_con_plots(target, con_features)




Logistic Regression

### y
target = "success"
y = df[target].values

#### X
X = df[des_features + con_features]
enc = OneHotEncoder()
std = StandardScaler()
X_cat = enc.fit_transform(X[des_features]).toarray()
X_con = std.fit_transform(X[con_features])
X = np.hstack((np.ones((X_con.shape[0], 1)), X_con, X_cat))
feature_names = ['intercept'] + con_features + list(enc.get_feature_names_out())

data = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=feature_names)
def add_feature(feature_names, basemodel, data, y, r2max=0, model='linear', disp=0):
    feature_max = None
    bestsum = None
    newmodel = None
    for feature in feature_names:
        basemodel[feature] = data[feature]
        X2 = basemodel.values
        est = Logit(y, X2)
        est2 =
        summ = est2.summary()
        score = float(str(pd.DataFrame(summ.tables[0]).loc[3, 3]))
        if (score > r2max) and not (est2.pvalues > cutoff).any():
            r2max = score
            feature_max = feature
            bestsum = est2.summary()
            newmodel = basemodel.copy()
            if disp == 1:
                print(f"new r2max, {feature_max}, {r2max}")
        basemodel.drop(labels = feature, axis = 1, inplace = True)
    return r2max, feature_max, bestsum, newmodel
candidates = feature_names.copy()
basemodel = pd.DataFrame()
r2max = 0
while True:
    newr2max, feature_max, bestsum, newmodel = add_feature(
    if newr2max > r2max:
        r2max = newr2max
        print(f"new r2max, {feature_max}, {r2max}")
        with open("success_fwd_selection_results.txt", "a+") as f:
            file_data =
            f.write(f"new r2max, {feature_max}, {r2max}\n")
        with open("success_canidates.txt", "w+") as f:
            file_data =
            for i in candidates:
        basemodel = newmodel
basemodel = pd.read_csv("success_basemodel.csv", index_col = 0)
X2 = basemodel.values
est = Logit(y, X2)
est2 =
summ = est2.summary()

res_table = summ.tables[1]
res_df = pd.DataFrame(
cols = res_df.iloc[0]
cols = [str(i) for i in cols]
res_df.drop(0, axis=0, inplace=True)
res_df.set_index(0, inplace=True)
res_df.columns = cols[1:]
res_df.index = basemodel.columns
### y
target = "monthly_stream30s"
y = df[target].values
labels = y.copy()
names = []
weights = y.copy()
weights.dtype = 'float'
lim = 11
dom_class_weight = 1 / (lim - 1 - 1)
for idx, quant in zip(range(lim), np.linspace(0, 1, num=lim)):
    if idx < lim - 2:
        prev = quant
    elif idx == lim - 2:
        weights[y <= np.quantile(y, quant)] = dom_class_weight
        labels[labels <= np.quantile(y, quant)] = 0
        names += [f"less than {np.quantile(y, quant):.0f} listens"]

        labels[(labels > np.quantile(y, prev))
              & (labels <= np.quantile(y, quant))] = 1
        weights[(y > np.quantile(y, prev))
              & (y <= np.quantile(y, quant))] = 1.0
        names += [f"{np.quantile(y, prev):.0f} < listens <= {np.quantile(y, quant):.0f}"]
    prev = quant
y = labels

basemodel = pd.read_csv("../../scripts/basemodel.csv", index_col = 0)
X2 = basemodel.values
est = Logit(y, X2)
est2 =
summ = est2.summary()

res_table = summ.tables[1]
res_df = pd.DataFrame(
cols = res_df.iloc[0]
cols = [str(i) for i in cols]
res_df.drop(0, axis=0, inplace=True)
res_df.set_index(0, inplace=True)
res_df.columns = cols[1:]
res_df.index = basemodel.columns
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
intercept -2.0737 0.016 -133.150 0.000 -2.104 -2.043
n_albums 0.2656 0.012 21.287 0.000 0.241 0.290
genre_1_Latin 0.5408 0.027 19.906 0.000 0.488 0.594
genre_1_Indie Rock -0.5832 0.020 -28.964 0.000 -0.623 -0.544
genre_1_Rap -0.3259 0.020 -16.697 0.000 -0.364 -0.288
genre_1_Dance & House -0.3034 0.027 -11.069 0.000 -0.357 -0.250
genre_1_Rock -0.4226 0.025 -16.996 0.000 -0.471 -0.374
mood_1_Energizing -0.2844 0.027 -10.670 0.000 -0.337 -0.232
genre_1_Children's 0.7845 0.062 12.608 0.000 0.663 0.906
mood_1_Tender 0.4943 0.055 9.032 0.000 0.387 0.602
mood_1_Other 0.6206 0.074 8.413 0.000 0.476 0.765
n_tracks 0.0462 0.006 7.613 0.000 0.034 0.058
mood_1_Peaceful 0.6294 0.060 10.426 0.000 0.511 0.748
mood_1_Romantic 0.2981 0.033 9.038 0.000 0.233 0.363
genre_1_Electronica -0.2326 0.034 -6.792 0.000 -0.300 -0.165
genre_2_Indie Rock -0.2050 0.023 -8.998 0.000 -0.250 -0.160
mood_2_Energizing -0.1384 0.019 -7.421 0.000 -0.175 -0.102
genre_1_R&B -0.2335 0.030 -7.696 0.000 -0.293 -0.174
genre_3_Indie Rock -0.2540 0.024 -10.792 0.000 -0.300 -0.208
genre_1_Classical -0.5126 0.060 -8.609 0.000 -0.629 -0.396
genre_2_Alternative 0.1769 0.019 9.542 0.000 0.141 0.213
genre_2_Metal 0.4257 0.040 10.738 0.000 0.348 0.503
mood_2_Peaceful 0.3761 0.055 6.856 0.000 0.269 0.484
mood_2_Romantic 0.2300 0.031 7.414 0.000 0.169 0.291
mood_3_Romantic 0.2597 0.031 8.252 0.000 0.198 0.321
genre_3_Alternative 0.0482 0.019 2.529 0.011 0.011 0.086
n_artists 0.0954 0.013 7.464 0.000 0.070 0.120
genre_1_Metal 0.4049 0.042 9.680 0.000 0.323 0.487
mood_1_Aggressive -0.2660 0.042 -6.275 0.000 -0.349 -0.183
mood_3_Peaceful 0.2912 0.058 4.983 0.000 0.177 0.406
mood_1_Empowering 0.1197 0.021 5.789 0.000 0.079 0.160
genre_1_Religious -0.2328 0.033 -7.154 0.000 -0.297 -0.169
genre_3_Metal 0.1978 0.044 4.527 0.000 0.112 0.283
genre_3_R&B -0.1897 0.024 -8.057 0.000 -0.236 -0.144
mood_3_Yearning 0.1176 0.019 6.096 0.000 0.080 0.155
mood_2_- 0.4272 0.074 5.772 0.000 0.282 0.572
genre_3_Electronica -0.1893 0.026 -7.408 0.000 -0.239 -0.139
genre_2_Latin 0.3700 0.062 5.959 0.000 0.248 0.492
mood_3_Empowering 0.0909 0.021 4.386 0.000 0.050 0.132
genre_3_- -0.1084 0.021 -5.104 0.000 -0.150 -0.067
genre_1_Spoken & Audio 0.4897 0.089 5.489 0.000 0.315 0.665
genre_2_New Age 0.3718 0.067 5.546 0.000 0.240 0.503
genre_3_New Age 0.3384 0.067 5.053 0.000 0.207 0.470
genre_3_Rap -0.1484 0.026 -5.791 0.000 -0.199 -0.098
mood_1_Rowdy -0.2223 0.051 -4.373 0.000 -0.322 -0.123
mood_2_Rowdy -0.1655 0.039 -4.267 0.000 -0.242 -0.089
mood_2_Aggressive -0.1323 0.030 -4.345 0.000 -0.192 -0.073
genre_2_Spoken & Audio 0.3211 0.068 4.717 0.000 0.188 0.455
genre_1_New Age 0.2391 0.062 3.863 0.000 0.118 0.360
genre_2_Jazz 0.1958 0.043 4.533 0.000 0.111 0.280
genre_2_Pop 0.0819 0.016 4.999 0.000 0.050 0.114
genre_3_Rock -0.0849 0.020 -4.290 0.000 -0.124 -0.046
mood_1_Cool -0.1212 0.035 -3.464 0.001 -0.190 -0.053
mood_1_Gritty -0.1494 0.044 -3.386 0.001 -0.236 -0.063
mood_1_Easygoing -0.2261 0.074 -3.056 0.002 -0.371 -0.081
genre_3_Dance & House -0.0910 0.025 -3.595 0.000 -0.141 -0.041
mood_1_Excited 0.0583 0.018 3.248 0.001 0.023 0.093
Logit Regression Results
Dep. Variable: y No. Observations: 403366
Model: Logit Df Residuals: 403309
Method: MLE Df Model: 56
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2022 Pseudo R-squ.: 0.04795
Time: 18:07:32 Log-Likelihood: -1.2475e+05
converged: True LL-Null: -1.3104e+05
Covariance Type: nonrobust LLR p-value: 0.000
basemodel = pd.read_csv("../../scripts/new_basemodel.csv", index_col = 0)
y = df['new_success']
X2 = basemodel.values
est = Logit(y, X2)
est2 =
summ = est2.summary()

res_table = summ.tables[1]
res_df = pd.DataFrame(
cols = res_df.iloc[0]
cols = [str(i) for i in cols]
res_df.drop(0, axis=0, inplace=True)
res_df.set_index(0, inplace=True)
res_df.columns = cols[1:]
res_df.index = basemodel.columns
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
intercept -2.4336 0.012 -201.725 0.000 -2.457 -2.410
genre_3_- -0.6766 0.025 -27.158 0.000 -0.725 -0.628
n_albums 0.1399 0.015 9.597 0.000 0.111 0.169
genre_1_Indie Rock 0.2702 0.016 17.240 0.000 0.240 0.301
mood_1_Defiant 0.2505 0.018 14.035 0.000 0.215 0.285
genre_1_Dance & House 0.3042 0.021 14.388 0.000 0.263 0.346
mood_1_Excited 0.1917 0.017 11.607 0.000 0.159 0.224
mood_1_Upbeat 0.2698 0.028 9.713 0.000 0.215 0.324
genre_2_Indie Rock 0.1527 0.019 7.854 0.000 0.115 0.191
genre_1_Rap 0.1876 0.019 9.843 0.000 0.150 0.225
genre_1_Religious 0.2676 0.030 8.877 0.000 0.209 0.327
mood_2_Romantic -0.2858 0.044 -6.533 0.000 -0.372 -0.200
mood_1_Yearning 0.1965 0.020 9.809 0.000 0.157 0.236
mood_1_Romantic -0.2540 0.045 -5.620 0.000 -0.343 -0.165
mood_3_Romantic -0.2249 0.042 -5.304 0.000 -0.308 -0.142
mood_1_Other -0.6658 0.134 -4.954 0.000 -0.929 -0.402
mood_2_Yearning 0.1714 0.019 9.044 0.000 0.134 0.209
mood_3_Yearning 0.1290 0.019 6.682 0.000 0.091 0.167
mood_2_Defiant 0.1263 0.019 6.645 0.000 0.089 0.164
mood_2_Excited 0.1043 0.018 5.871 0.000 0.069 0.139
genre_1_Electronica 0.1490 0.030 5.018 0.000 0.091 0.207
n_artists -0.0723 0.015 -4.776 0.000 -0.102 -0.043
mood_3_Urgent -0.1036 0.022 -4.766 0.000 -0.146 -0.061