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Data Science Foundations
Project Part 4: N-Step Look Ahead

Instructor: Wesley Beckner


For this lesson, we will be adding N-step Look Ahead algorithm to our ensemble of AI agents!

4.0 Preparing Environment and Importing Data

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4.0.1 Import Packages

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import random
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def one_step_ai(board, win_patterns, player_label):
  opponent = ['X', 'O']
  opponent = opponent[0]

  avail_moves = {i: 1 for i in board.keys() if board[i] == ' '}
  temp_board = board.copy()
  # we're going to change the following lines, instead of caring
  # whether we've found the best move, we want to update the move
  # with a score

  # check if the opponent has a winning move first, we will overwrite
  # the score for this move if it is also a winning move for the current 
  # player
  for move in avail_moves.keys():
    temp_board[move] = opponent
    for pattern in win_patterns:
        values = [temp_board[i] for i in pattern] 
        if values == [opponent, opponent, opponent]:
          avail_moves[move] = 10
    temp_board[move] = ' '

  for move in avail_moves.keys():
    temp_board[move] = player_label
    for pattern in win_patterns:
        values = [temp_board[i] for i in pattern] 
        if values == [player_label, player_label, player_label]:
          avail_moves[move] = 100
    temp_board[move] = ' '

  # first grab max score
  max_score = max(avail_moves.values())

  # then select all moves that have this max score
  valid = []
  for key, value in avail_moves.items():
    if value == max_score:

  # return a random selection of the moves with the max score
  move = random.choice(valid)

  return move

class TicTacToe:
  # can preset winner and starting player
  def __init__(self, winner='', start_player=''): 
    self.winner = winner
    self.start_player = start_player
    self.board = {1: ' ',
         2: ' ',
         3: ' ',
         4: ' ',
         5: ' ',
         6: ' ',
         7: ' ',
         8: ' ',
         9: ' ',}
    self.win_patterns = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9],
                [1,4,7], [2,5,8], [3,6,9],
                [1,5,9], [7,5,3]]

  # the other functions are now passed self
  def visualize_board(self):

  def check_winning(self):
    for pattern in self.win_patterns:
      values = [self.board[i] for i in pattern] 
      if values == ['X', 'X', 'X']:
        self.winner = 'X' # we update the winner status
        return "'X' Won!"
      elif values == ['O', 'O', 'O']:
        self.winner = 'O'
        return "'O' Won!"
    return ''

  def check_stalemate(self):
    if (' ' not in self.board.values()) and (self.check_winning() == ''):
      self.winner = 'Stalemate'
      return "It's a stalemate!"

class GameEngine(TicTacToe):
  def __init__(self, setup='auto', user_ai=None):
    self.setup = setup
    self.user_ai = user_ai

  def heuristic_ai(self, player_label):
    opponent = ['X', 'O']
    opponent = opponent[0]

    avail_moves = [i for i in self.board.keys() if self.board[i] == ' ']
    temp_board = self.board.copy()
    middle = 5
    corner = [1,3,7,9]
    side = [2,4,6,8]

    # first check for a winning move
    move_found = False
    for move in avail_moves:
      temp_board[move] = player_label
      for pattern in self.win_patterns:
          values = [temp_board[i] for i in pattern] 
          if values == [player_label, player_label, player_label]:
            move_found = True       
      if move_found:   
        temp_board[move] = ' '

    # check if the opponent has a winning move
    if move_found == False:
      for move in avail_moves:
        temp_board[move] = opponent
        for pattern in self.win_patterns:
            values = [temp_board[i] for i in pattern] 
            if values == [opponent, opponent, opponent]:
              move_found = True       
        if move_found:   
          temp_board[move] = ' '

    # check if middle avail
    if move_found == False:
      if middle in avail_moves:
        move_found = True
        move = middle

    # check corners
    if move_found == False:
      move_corner = [val for val in avail_moves if val in corner]
      if len(move_corner) > 0:
        move = random.choice(move_corner)
        move_found = True

    # check side
    if move_found == False:
      move_side = [val for val in avail_moves if val in side]
      if len(move_side) > 0:
        move = random.choice(move_side)
        move_found = True

    return move

  def random_ai(self):
    while True:
      move = random.randint(1,9)
      if self.board[move] != ' ':
    return move

  def setup_game(self):

    if self.setup == 'user':
      players = int(input("How many Players? (type 0, 1, or 2)"))
      self.player_meta = {'first': {'label': 'X',
                                    'type': 'ai'}, 
                    'second': {'label': 'O',
                                    'type': 'human'}}
      if players != 2:
        # Allow the user to set the ai level

        ### if they have not provided an ai_agent
        if self.user_ai == None:
          level = int(input("select AI level (1, 2)"))
          if level == 1:
            self.ai_level = 1
          elif level == 2:
            self.ai_level = 2
            print("Unknown AI level entered, this will cause problems")
          self.ai_level = 3

      if players == 1:
        first = input("who will go first? (X, (AI), or O (Player))")
        if first == 'O':
          self.player_meta = {'second': {'label': 'X',
                                    'type': 'ai'}, 
                        'first': {'label': 'O',
                                    'type': 'human'}}

      elif players == 0:
        first = random.choice(['X', 'O'])
        if first == 'O':
          self.player_meta = {'second': {'label': 'X',
                                    'type': 'ai'}, 
                        'first': {'label': 'O',
                                    'type': 'ai'}}                                
          self.player_meta = {'first': {'label': 'X',
                                    'type': 'ai'}, 
                        'second': {'label': 'O',
                                    'type': 'ai'}}

    elif self.setup == 'auto':
      first = random.choice(['X', 'O'])
      if first == 'O':
        self.start_player = 'O'
        self.player_meta = {'second': {'label': 'X',
                                  'type': 'ai'}, 
                      'first': {'label': 'O',
                                  'type': 'ai'}}                                
        self.start_player = 'X'
        self.player_meta = {'first': {'label': 'X',
                                  'type': 'ai'}, 
                      'second': {'label': 'O',
                                  'type': 'ai'}}
      # and automatically set the ai level otherwise
      if self.user_ai == None:                           
        self.ai_level = 2
        self.ai_level = 3

  def play_game(self):
    while True:
      for player in ['first', 'second']:  
        player_label = self.player_meta[player]['label']
        player_type = self.player_meta[player]['type']

        if player_type == 'human':
          move = input("{}, what's your move?".format(player_label))
          # we're going to allow the user to quit the game from the input line
          if move in ['q', 'quit']:
            self.winner = 'F'
            print('quiting the game')

          move = int(move)
          if self.board[move] != ' ':
            while True:
              move = input("{}, that position is already taken! "\
                          "What's your move?".format(player_label))  
              move = int(move)            
              if self.board[move] != ' ':

          # Our level 1 ai agent (random)
          if self.ai_level == 1:
            move = self.random_ai()

          # Our level 2 ai agent (heuristic)
          elif self.ai_level == 2:
            move = self.heuristic_ai(player_label)

          # Our user-defined AI agent
          elif self.ai_level == 3:
            move = self.user_ai(self.board, self.win_patterns, player_label)

        self.board[move] = player_label

        # the winner varaible will now be check within the board object

        if self.winner == '':

        elif self.winner == 'Stalemate':

      if self.winner != '':
        return self

4.1 N-Step Look Ahead and Minimax

In the previous tic tac toe module, our AI only looked 1 step ahead, and we can probably see how this has disadvantages. When we play strategy games ourselves, we often do better by looking a number of steps into the future. One new idea that this requires, is how we will anticipate our opponents move. This gets us into game theory. We're not going to borrow a whole lot from here, just the following:

  • we will assume our opponent will work to minimize our score

This switching from us wanting to maximize our score to the opponent wanting to minimize our score is called the minimax algorithm.

As well look ahead into the future possibility of moves, we will use minimax to set our hypothetical behavior as well as our opponents

You can investigate the pseudocode for minmax on wiki.

# we're going to pull out and reformat some of our helper functions in the
# TicTacToe class

win_patterns = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9],
                [1,4,7], [2,5,8], [3,6,9],
                [1,5,9], [7,5,3]]

def check_winning(board, win_patterns):
  for pattern in win_patterns:
    values = [board[i] for i in pattern] 
    if values == ['X', 'X', 'X'] or values == ['O', 'O', 'O']:
      return True
  return False

def check_stalemate(board, win_patterns):
  if (' ' not in board.values()) and (check_winning(board, win_patterns) == ''):
    return True
  return False
def minimax(depth, board, maximizing_player, player_label, verbiose=False):
  # infer the opponent
  opponent = ['X', 'O']
  opponent = opponent[0]

  # set the available moves
  avail_moves = [i for i in board.keys() if board[i] == ' ']

  # check if the depth is 0, or stalemate/winner has been reached
  # if so this is the basecase and we want to return get_score()
  terminal_move = is_terminal_node(board, avail_moves)

  if terminal_move or depth == 0:
    score = get_score(board, player_label, win_patterns)
    if verbiose:
      print('{} score: {}. depth: {}'.format(board, score, depth))
    return score

  ### in the following we want to search through every possible board at the 
  ### current level (the possible moves for the current player, given that the
  ### player is either the one whose turn it is or the imagined opponent)

  # call minimax where it is the current players turn and so we want to 
  # maximize the score
  if maximizing_player:
    score = -np.Inf
    for move in avail_moves:
      new_board = board.copy()
      new_board[move] = player_label
      score = max(score, minimax(depth-1, new_board, False, player_label, verbiose))
    if verbiose:
      print('{} max. score: {}. depth: {}'.format(board, score, depth))
    return score

  # call minimax where it is the opponent players turn and so we want to
  # minimize the score
  elif not maximizing_player:
    score = np.Inf
    for move in avail_moves:
      new_board = board.copy()
      new_board[move] = opponent
      score = min(score, minimax(depth-1, new_board, True, player_label, verbiose))
    if verbiose:
      print('{} min. score: {}. depth: {}'.format(board, score, depth))
    return score

def is_terminal_node(board, avail_moves):
  if check_winning(board, win_patterns):
    return True
  elif check_stalemate(board, win_patterns):
    return True
    return False

def get_score(board, player_label, win_patterns):
  # this will look somewhat similar to our 1-step lookahead algorithm
  opponent = ['X', 'O']
  opponent = opponent[0]
  score = 0
  for pattern in win_patterns:
      values = [board[i] for i in pattern] 
      # if the opponent wins, the score is -100
      if values == [opponent, opponent, opponent]:
        score = -100
      elif values == [player_label, player_label, player_label]:
        score = 100
  return score
board = TicTacToe().board
{1: ' ', 2: ' ', 3: ' ', 4: ' ', 5: ' ', 6: ' ', 7: ' ', 8: ' ', 9: ' '}
minimax(depth=1, board=board, maximizing_player=True, player_label='O')

Finally, we need a couple wrapper functions to handle this. The first is a handler for the top level of the game tree (we want to see the minmax result for every possible move at the current place in the game)

verbiose = True
def get_minimax(depth, board, player_label, verbiose=False):
  score = minimax(depth-1, board, False, player_label, verbiose=verbiose)
  return score

def n_step_ai_temp(board, win_patterns, player_label, n_steps, verbiose=False):
  opponent = ['X', 'O']
  opponent = opponent[0]

  avail_moves = {i: 1 for i in board.keys() if board[i] == ' '}

  for move in avail_moves.keys():
    temp_board = board.copy()
    temp_board[move] = player_label
    score = get_minimax(n_steps, temp_board, player_label, verbiose=verbiose)
    avail_moves[move] = score
  return avail_moves

Let's test our n_step_ai while we're still returning the dictionary of available moves. Does this make sense?

board = TicTacToe().board
board[1] = 'X'
board[5] = 'O'
board[2] = 'X'
# with this setup we should see that a good move will be to play 3

# be sure to vary the number of lookahead steps
n_step_ai_temp(board=board, win_patterns=win_patterns, player_label='X', n_steps=2)
{3: 100, 4: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0}

Looks like it's making sense. Let's also try when the opponent looks like they've got a winning move to be made

board = TicTacToe().board
board[1] = 'X'
board[5] = 'O'
board[2] = 'X'
board[4] = 'O'
# with this setup we should see that a good move will be to play 6 or 3

# be sure to vary the number of lookahead steps
n_step_ai_temp(board=board, win_patterns=win_patterns, player_label='X', n_steps=3)

Let's look at the following as well. This should be an interesting game situation to you. It is "X's" move. What do you notice? Does this outcome make sense?

X cannot win this game

board = TicTacToe().board
board[1] = 'O'
board[5] = 'O'
board[2] = 'X'
board[8] = 'X'

# be sure to vary the number of lookahead steps
n_step_ai_temp(board=board, win_patterns=win_patterns, player_label='X', n_steps=4, verbiose=False)

# as a side note, sometimes it helps to interpret the outcome if you discount
# the results from looking further down the game tree. (maybe O will make a mistake)
# how would you encode this in your n-step look ahead algorithm?
{3: -100, 4: -100, 6: -100, 7: -100, 9: -100}

4.2 Packaging for GameEngine

Nice. Let's finish packaging our n_steps_ai so we can feed it to our game engine.

def n_step_ai(board, win_patterns, player_label, n_steps=3):
  opponent = ['X', 'O']
  opponent = opponent[0]

  avail_moves = {i: 1 for i in board.keys() if board[i] == ' '}

  for move in avail_moves.keys():
    temp_board = board.copy()
    temp_board[move] = player_label
    score = get_minimax(n_steps, temp_board, player_label)
    avail_moves[move] = score

  ### The rest of our ai agent harness is the same

  # first grab max score
  max_score = max(avail_moves.values())

  # then select all moves that have this max score
  valid = []
  for key, value in avail_moves.items():
    if value == max_score:

  # return a random selection of the moves with the max score
  move = random.choice(valid)

  return move
game = GameEngine(setup='user', user_ai=n_step_ai)
How many Players? (type 0, 1, or 2)1
who will go first? (X, (AI), or O (Player))X
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |

| | | |
|X| | |
| | | |

O, what's your move?5
| | | |
|X|O| |
| | | |

| | | |
|X|O| |
| |X| |

O, what's your move?2
| |O| |
|X|O| |
| |X| |

| |O| |
|X|O| |
|X|X| |

O, what's your move?1
|O|O| |
|X|O| |
|X|X| |

'X' Won!
|O|O| |
|X|O| |

<__main__.GameEngine at 0x7fe529a0d850>

Let's investigate the behavior of our AI and double check that it makes sense

board = game.board
board[9] = ' '
{1: 'O', 2: 'O', 3: ' ', 4: 'X', 5: 'O', 6: ' ', 7: 'X', 8: 'X', 9: ' '}
|O|O| |
|X|O| |
|X|X| |
n_step_ai_temp(board=board, win_patterns=win_patterns, player_label='X', n_steps=3)
{3: -100, 6: -100, 9: 100}

4.3 Writing Tests

def test_n_step_ai():
  game = GameEngine(setup='auto', user_ai=n_step_ai)
  # check that the winner is X
  assert game.winner == 'X', "Winner should be X!"

  # check that the ai level is set to 3 which means our engine is properly
  # accessing the user defined ai
  assert game.ai_level == 3, "The engine is not using the user defined AI!"
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |

|X| | |
| | | |
| | | |

|X| | |
| | |O|
| | | |

|X| |X|
| | |O|
| | | |

| | |O|
| | | |

| |X|O|
| | | |

| | | |

'X' Won!
| | |X|